The concealment, disguise or avoid knowing the origin or nature of money is considered a crime whose name is money laundering or money laundering. This subject of study that is increasing every time, has caused justice to intensify its regulations to combat it. In the same way has turned those who favor this activity into real cover money.
Many attribute the beginnings of money laundering to Colombia, a country identified with drug trafficking, which turns out to be the main cause for this crime that significantly harms the economy of each country, being considered as a global problem. This country has taken many measures to prevent money laundering, as well as intensifying and strengthening penalties for those discovered in the crime of money laundering. These have favored its decline. In Ecuador, a neighboring country that is currently experiencing the same social and criminal problems, no preventive measures have been applied that reduce money laundering by a large percentage, facts that favor drug trafficking and other crimes so that money laundering not only increase, but intensify. In the present work we will study the current laws of the Colombian country as the Ecuadorian in an analytical and comparative way to know the aspects in which each legislation could improve.
This article applies a methodology for the optimization of the calculation of steel material in the construction of a reinforced concrete structure focused on two projects, a material calculation methodology is used in which we use a steel cutting blade to proceed to measure each bar trace indicated in the structural plans, to then account for the total steel weight of the structure and then measure and account for the total purchase weight.
The oil production in Ecuador rose considerably during the 70s, it is known as the oil boom. The country was opened to the world oil market, and earned a big ally to promote the economy, although not all is perfect, the oil exploitation has a negative impact for the operating areas, in this case the Ecuadorian Amazon.
The main objective of this research is to identify and determine the affected areas in the life system of Dayuma population through a survey to find information on site and subsequently, statistical analysis. It takes as example the population of Dayuma and shows the close link between petroleum sector and society. Using literature review on issues of oil pollution, designing a technique for gathering information that will be executed in the Dayuma parish, this place was chosen for the research due to its strategic value in the region and statistically tabulated information. This research demonstrates the terrible affectation population is exposed to, not only to their lifestyle, but also the quality of their environment. In addition, it shows the close link that exists between people and companies related to the operation, making difficult to identify oil pollution. The advantage of this research is that it counts on the participation of the Environmental Monitoring, Health, Society and Oil in Ecuador (MONOIL), which has involved several institutions in the country, such as the University of Guayaquil.