In the upper and lower Uele Provinces, the agro-pastoral activities practiced have a traditional characterization. These activities include crops and livestock. The farmers surveyed are more farmers than farmers. The cultivation system is slash-and-burn agriculture targeting low-productivity food crops harvested for two years on small areas of less than one hectare and then abandoned in search of another fertile land. Cattle breeding (poultry) in wandering and careless dominates over large livestock. The farmers surveyed use crops and livestock separately. They misunderstand the management of integrated agriculture (association crops + livestock). Cultural activities occupied more women (89%) than men (11%). Few young people are interested in agriculture. The majority of farmers (98.75%) grow during the rainy season and minority (1.25%) during the dry season in the shallows. The marketing of agro-pastoral products (96.67%) is done in most cases without accounting and use of the standard unit of measurement of sale. The processing, packaging and storage of agro-pastoral products is done 100% in a traditional way. The price of crop products is too low. The observation is that the characterization of the agro-pastoral activities observed is far from improving the living conditions of the farmers surveyed. Knowledge of the rational management of integrated farming by the surveyed farmers would be an asset to enhance their agro-pastoral potential, increase their agro-pastoral production and protect their environment.