[ Le choix des paquets technologiques des fertilisants organiques et minéraux pour rentabiliser la culture du maïs au Sud-Kivu: Un état de lieu de la recherche dans les territoires de Kalehe et plaine de la Ruzizi en RDC ]
Volume 20, Issue 2, May 2017, Pages 461–478
1 Departement de Sciences économiques, Option Economie rurale, Université Catholique de Bukavu, Ville de Bukavu, RD Congo
2 Doyen de la Faculté des Sciences Agronomiques, Université Catholique de Bukavu,U.C.B./Bukavu, Bukavu, Sud Kivu, RD Congo
3 Departement de Sciences Agronomiques, Université Catholique de Bukavu, Ville de Bukavu, RD Congo
Original language: French
Copyright © 2017 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The main purpose of this paper was to analyze recommendable technology package combining mineral and organic fertilizer that lead to agronomic and economic efficiency at farmer level. The test on six demonstration plots led to the conclusion that the treatment combining (15Kg N+15Kg P+10Kg K + 10Metric Tons of organic matter ) is efficient in Kalehe territory and Ruzizi plain because gives higher yields in terms of maize production with an average 5.3 MT of maize in Kalehe territory and 3.3MT in Ruzizi plain. Difference in yields for the two zones is mainly explained by the difference of potentials of soil productivity and production costs. Treatment combining (15Kg N+15KgP+10Kg K + 10MT Om) is the most productive in terms of additional yields that increases between 50 and 70% for Kalehe and between 15 and 36% in Ruzizi plain. On the economic aspect profitability of the same treatment (15Kg N+15KgP+10Kg K + 10 MT Om) is the highest in both zones Kalehe and Ruzizi plain. Average gross additional income attributable to the treatment combining the fertilizer package here above mentioned is 3,285$ per season and per hectar in Kalehe while the gross income attributable is 1,684$ in Ruzizi plain zones. Treatment (90KgN+30kgP+15kg K + 10MT om) is economically the most profitable in Ruzizi plain with 1,735 $/ha/harvest season. Estimated rate of financial return of treatment (15Kg N+15KgP+10Kg K + 10 MT Om) is 1.4 in Biriba, 2.8 in Kalehe-centre and 3.8 in Muhongoza. For treatment (90Kg N+30KgP+15KgK + 10MT of Om) the rate of financial return is 2 in Kiliba and 0.75 in Runingu for treatment (45KgN+15KgP+10Kg K + 10 MT of Om). It comes to the conclusion that technology package combining organic and mineral fertilizers increases significantly agronomic and economic efficiency. For farmers to increase yields and generate higher income these technology package are highly recommendable indeed.
Author Keywords: Economic efficiency, agronomic efficiency, yield, fertilizers, production.
Volume 20, Issue 2, May 2017, Pages 461–478
1 Departement de Sciences économiques, Option Economie rurale, Université Catholique de Bukavu, Ville de Bukavu, RD Congo
2 Doyen de la Faculté des Sciences Agronomiques, Université Catholique de Bukavu,U.C.B./Bukavu, Bukavu, Sud Kivu, RD Congo
3 Departement de Sciences Agronomiques, Université Catholique de Bukavu, Ville de Bukavu, RD Congo
Original language: French
Copyright © 2017 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The main purpose of this paper was to analyze recommendable technology package combining mineral and organic fertilizer that lead to agronomic and economic efficiency at farmer level. The test on six demonstration plots led to the conclusion that the treatment combining (15Kg N+15Kg P+10Kg K + 10Metric Tons of organic matter ) is efficient in Kalehe territory and Ruzizi plain because gives higher yields in terms of maize production with an average 5.3 MT of maize in Kalehe territory and 3.3MT in Ruzizi plain. Difference in yields for the two zones is mainly explained by the difference of potentials of soil productivity and production costs. Treatment combining (15Kg N+15KgP+10Kg K + 10MT Om) is the most productive in terms of additional yields that increases between 50 and 70% for Kalehe and between 15 and 36% in Ruzizi plain. On the economic aspect profitability of the same treatment (15Kg N+15KgP+10Kg K + 10 MT Om) is the highest in both zones Kalehe and Ruzizi plain. Average gross additional income attributable to the treatment combining the fertilizer package here above mentioned is 3,285$ per season and per hectar in Kalehe while the gross income attributable is 1,684$ in Ruzizi plain zones. Treatment (90KgN+30kgP+15kg K + 10MT om) is economically the most profitable in Ruzizi plain with 1,735 $/ha/harvest season. Estimated rate of financial return of treatment (15Kg N+15KgP+10Kg K + 10 MT Om) is 1.4 in Biriba, 2.8 in Kalehe-centre and 3.8 in Muhongoza. For treatment (90Kg N+30KgP+15KgK + 10MT of Om) the rate of financial return is 2 in Kiliba and 0.75 in Runingu for treatment (45KgN+15KgP+10Kg K + 10 MT of Om). It comes to the conclusion that technology package combining organic and mineral fertilizers increases significantly agronomic and economic efficiency. For farmers to increase yields and generate higher income these technology package are highly recommendable indeed.
Author Keywords: Economic efficiency, agronomic efficiency, yield, fertilizers, production.
Abstract: (french)
L’objectif principal de cet article était de déterminer quel est le paquet technologique d’engrais chimiques et organiques qui répond à l’efficience agronomique et économique au niveau des fermiers. Les essaies de démonstration sur 6 parelles dans les territoire de Kalehe et dans la plaine de la Ruzizi dans le Sud-Kivu, en RD Congo ont abouti aux conclusions selon lesquelles : le paquet technologique composé de (15Kg N+15KgP+10Kg K+10 tonnes de matières organiques) sur ha est le plus efficient sur le plan agronomique et économique dans les deux axes d’étude où ce paquet donne plus des rendements additionnels avec une moyenne de 5,3 tonne de maïs à l’ha dans le territoire de Kalehe et de 3,3ha dans la plaine de la Ruzizi. La différence des rendements est expliquée par la différence des dotations en potentiels naturels de nutriments des sols. Ce paquet technologique accroit entre 50 et 70% le niveau de rendements du maïs dans le territoire de Kalehe et entre 15 et 36% dans la plaine de la Ruzizi. Sur le plan économique, ce même traitement présente une rentabilité financière plus élevé et contribue significativement aux revenus additionnels des menages agricoles avec un revenu brut additionnel de 3,285$ à Kalehe et 1685$ dans la plaine de la Ruzizi. Le paquet technologique composé de (90Kg N+30KgP+15KgK + 10 tonnes mo) est économiquement plus rentable dans la plaine de la Ruzizi avec un ratio de rentabilité de 1,735$/ha et par saison. Par contre à Kalehe le paquet (15KgN+15KgP+10KgK + 10 t mo) est plus rentable à Kalehe avec un ratio de rentabilité de 3,8 à Muhongoza et 2,8 à Kalehe centre. A Kiliba et Runingu dans la plaine de la Ruzizi seul le paquet technologique (45KgN+15KgP+10Kg K + 10t mo ) présente un taux de rentabilité égal à 2 et 0,75 respectivement dans les deux sites. Il revient à conclure que pour augmenter les rendements et atteindre l’efficience sur le plan agronomique et économique, il est fortement recommandable aux menages agricoles d’utiliser les paquets technologiques combinant les engrais minéraux et organiques dans le contexte de Kalehe et la plaine de la Ruzizi.
Author Keywords: Efficience économique, efficience agronomique, rendement, fertilisants, production.
How to Cite this Article
Rodrigue BAHATI, WALANGULULU Masamba, and Grant BULANGASHANE, “The choice of technology package of chemical and organic fertilizers to improve maize yields and economic returns in South Kivu region: A research curried in Ruzizi plain and Kalehe territories of South Kivu, DRC,” International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, vol. 20, no. 2, pp. 461–478, May 2017.