Volume 23, Issue 2, May 2018, Pages 95–104
1 Licencié en Relations internationales, Assistant à l’Université de Likasi, RD Congo
2 Licenciée en Relations internationales, Assistante à l’Université de Likasi, RD Congo
Original language: French
Copyright © 2018 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
During eight war months, the effects are perverse, not only the violation of the humanitarian international law, but also the human rights. Within the framework of our work, we try to demonstrate that the main principles of the humanitarian international law were not respected. The attacks of belligerent parties including the foreign strengths were not within the limits of means of fight in particular the use of a tank T-55 in Benghazi and in other cities of the country. As for the method of fight, the hostilities took place during the late hours which talked of massive destructions without saving hospitals and schools, also most victims are civil persons. It is impossible to stop or better to forbid the belligerent parties to wage war because of the conflicting human nature, but the regulations or the mitigation of the latter are possible through the notion of the humanitarian international law, in other words law of war. It is a right to wage war for a just cause by observing certain regulations such as the principle of the right humanitarian worker which stipulates that the respect for the human person and its blooming will be assured in all the compatible measure with the law and order in wartime with the military requirements.
Author Keywords: War, Humanitarian Law, Libya Gaddafi.
1 Licencié en Relations internationales, Assistant à l’Université de Likasi, RD Congo
2 Licenciée en Relations internationales, Assistante à l’Université de Likasi, RD Congo
Original language: French
Copyright © 2018 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
During eight war months, the effects are perverse, not only the violation of the humanitarian international law, but also the human rights. Within the framework of our work, we try to demonstrate that the main principles of the humanitarian international law were not respected. The attacks of belligerent parties including the foreign strengths were not within the limits of means of fight in particular the use of a tank T-55 in Benghazi and in other cities of the country. As for the method of fight, the hostilities took place during the late hours which talked of massive destructions without saving hospitals and schools, also most victims are civil persons. It is impossible to stop or better to forbid the belligerent parties to wage war because of the conflicting human nature, but the regulations or the mitigation of the latter are possible through the notion of the humanitarian international law, in other words law of war. It is a right to wage war for a just cause by observing certain regulations such as the principle of the right humanitarian worker which stipulates that the respect for the human person and its blooming will be assured in all the compatible measure with the law and order in wartime with the military requirements.
Author Keywords: War, Humanitarian Law, Libya Gaddafi.
Abstract: (french)
Pendant huit mois de guerre, les effets sont pervers, non seulement la violation du droit international humanitaire, mais aussi les droits de l’homme. Dans le cadre de notre travail, nous allons nous efforcés de démontrer que les principaux principes du droit international humanitaire n’ont pas été respectés. Les attaques de belligérants y compris les forces étrangères n’ont pas été dans la limite de moyens de combat notamment l’utilisation d’un char T-55 à Benghazi et dans d’autres villes du pays. Quant à la méthode de combat, les hostilités se sont déroulées pendant les heures tardives lesquelles ont causé de destructions massives sans épargner les hôpitaux et les écoles, aussi de mort dont le plus de victimes sont de personnes civiles. On ignore le sort réservé aux prisonniers de guerre. C’est impossible d’arrêter ou mieux d’interdire les belligérants de faire la guerre en raison de la nature humaine conflictuelle, mais la règlementation ou l’atténuation de ce dernier est possible à travers la notion du droit international humanitaire autrement dit droit de la guerre. C’est un droit de faire la guerre pour une juste cause en observant certaines réglementations telles que le principe du droit humanitaire qui stipule que le respect de la personne humaine et son épanouissement seront assurés dans toute la mesure compatible avec l’ordre public en temps de guerre avec les exigences militaires. En pleine guerre, il faut que la distinction soit vite faite entre la personne civile, les biens civils et militaires et la personne militaire face l’attaque militaire. Pour le principe du droit de la guerre, sa devise est « ne fais pas faire à ton ennemi plus de mal que le but de la guerre l’exige », car la mort apparait comme un mal suprême et irréparable. Tel est le cas de l’assassinat de Kadhafi, la mort de ses enfants et aussi plusieurs civils en Libye. Quant au principe de la Haye « les belligérants n’ont pas un choix illimité aux moyens et méthodes de nuire. »
Author Keywords: Guerre, Droit Humanitaire, Lybie Kadhafi.
How to Cite this Article
Jean-Paul NAWEJI MUSENDEKA and KADIMBU CIKUT, “GUERRE ET RESPECT DU DROIT HUMANITAIRE EN LYBIE : APRES KADHAFI,” International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 95–104, May 2018.