The present work which talks about the stydy of abundance of lianes in the quadrat of follow up after two years of implimantation in KBNP, goes from the high altitude precisely in Tshivanga secter has the objective of determining the lianes abundance as well as their similarity in our study sites. For alhiering our results, we have used the quadrat method. Each quadrat is of one hectare and it is subdivided in 16 squares of 25m x 25m for well determining the florastic composition of lianes we find there. After determining the florastic composition of lianes their inventories have Gallowed us to count 16 lianes species.In doing the analysis similarities of lianes and in considering the presence-absence datas, in using jaccard sign we find that in the squares a large number of lianes species live together in our study sites.The diversity analysis between quadrats show that the lianes are more diversity in the quadrat 3.
The malherbology is a science that studies the adventitious plants or weeds species. It also takes place in the mechanism of palynological studies especially in the understanding of the dissemination of pollen. The phytosociological method of data recording was been used in this study. Forty six (46) species from 15 families were recorderd.The biologic type was been established as H
This study has an objective to contribute at a study of the epiphytic plants in the eastern region of the Kivu Lake preciously in LWIRO area, South Kivu, Democratic Republic of Congo. The priority contribution was to make a list or to inventory the epiphytic plants and to elucidate some ecologic data which are been relevant at some simple observations. The phytosociologic and opportunist methods was been done to realize this study. This study stand out that 61 species split up into 34 families. The floristic analysis has show us the dominance of grass (57, 37%), the phan