Station de recherche en pêche et Aquaculture continentales (SRPAC), Laboratoire d’Ichtyologie et de Conservation des gènes de poissons, Centre National de Recherche Agronomique (CNRA), Bouaké, Côte d’Ivoire
Sustainable management of fish stocks requires a good knowledge of growth parameters. From October 2016 to September 2017, 1091 specimens were sampled in four areas of Taabo Lake, in order to study Parailia pellucida length-weight relationship and condition factor. Growth of immatures and matures specimens is allometric in favor of weight. Females have positive allometric growth (b = 4.5) while that of males is negative allometric (b = 2.88). Regression equations were, respectively: W = 0,115LS4,58 for immatures, W, = 0.099LS3.73 for matures, W = 0.107LS4.17 for immatures + matures specimens, W = 0.117LS4.5 for females, W = 0.083LS2.88 for males, and W = 0.107LS4.13 for females + males. Determination coefficient for immatures and matures is, respectively, of 0.21 and 0.18. It reaches 0.13 for females and 0.15 for males. Immatures (0.96 ± 0.74) and matures specimens (0.93 ± 0.7) have substantially the same condition factors. Females (Kc = 1.06 ± 0.93) condition factor is relatively better than that of males (Kc = 0.93 ± 0.72).