The trypanosomiasis (human african trypanosomiasis, HAT and animal african trypanosomiasis, AAT) is still a life threating disease in some african regions and importunately this endemic disease is neglected, in other areas it has decreased due to an efficient control program by heath program policies still reported. The South- Kivu province has registrated 556 cases of HAT in 2010 and 2011. The territory of Mwenga being the most affected by 36.33% cases, followed by Shabunda (20.68%), Uvira (11.15%), Idjwi (11.15%), Kalehe (8.09%), Kabare(4.49%), Walungu(3.77%), Fizi(3.23%), and the town of Bukavu (0.71%). In the year 2011,the Uvira territory reported 427 cases of animal african trypanosomiasis (AATs) in which 328 bovine, 58 caprine and 41 ovine. Most of spaces of Glossina are commoly located in the East region of the DRC. We can notice: G. palpalis, G. morsitans, G. pallidipes, G. martinii, G. brevipalpis, G. fuscipes, G. vanhoofi and G. tabaniformis. This study reinforces the need to take the potential role of Trypanosomiasis and their vectors into consideration in strategies to control health in South- Kivu region.