CMOS spiral inductors suffer from a number of drawbacks including a low Q factor, a low self- resonant frequency, and a small and non-tunable inductance and require a large chip area. On the other hand active inductor offers many unique advantages over their spiral counterparts including small chip area, large and tunable inductance and high quality factor. These active inductors have been used successfully in many applications such as in radio frequency (RF) front end integrated circuits, filters, and phase shifter and oscillator circuits. The effectiveness of these active inductors is however affected by a number of limitation including small dynamic range, a high noise level and high power consumption. High speed applications such as preamplifier of data transceiver require large bandwidth hence there is a need for technique that achieve larger bandwidth without increased power consumption and design complexity. In this paper, bandwidth extension techniques are used to extend the bandwidth of the bandpass filter. Active inductors are used in the designing of the bandpass filter. A swing independent quality factor, called constant-Q active inductor is used as an active element in the designing of the bandpass filter. Bandpass filter is implemented on both 0.5