The problem of the lack of automation of manufacturing, monitoring and control processes in the Ecuadorian pharmaceutical industry is evident. This is why an analysis of the current situation of pharmaceutical companies operating in Ecuador to identify these shortcomings in the resources used was conducted in order to propose a technological tool to address these needs. This study considered several issues related to the pharmaceutical industry which are: manufacturing process and monitoring methodologies, process automation, technological tools, interoperability of systems, software engineering component-based approach. A field study was developed. For the study a population of 13 pharmaceutical companies in the province of Guayas whose production lines specialize in injectables and tablets were considered, a sample of 8 pharmaceutical laboratories was selected. The main beneficiaries of this proposal are the people involved in research and institutions, laboratories, employees and researchers who are involved with the pharmaceutical industry of Ecuador. Based on the analysis results it was found that most pharmaceutical companies in the province of Guayas do not have a technological tool that serves to automate their manufacturing, monitoring and control processes.