International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies
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Factors Affecting Competitiveness of Kenyan Cut Flower in the International Market: A Case Study of Cut-Flower Firms in Nakuru County

Volume 8, Issue 4, October 2014, Pages 1554–1565

 Factors Affecting Competitiveness of Kenyan Cut Flower in the International Market:  A Case Study of Cut-Flower Firms in Nakuru County

Jackline K. Moriasi1, Josephine Rotich2, Benard Odero Asienyo3, and Evelyn Mongina Okao4

1 Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Commerce, Egerton University, Kenya
2 Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Commerce, Egerton University, Kenya
3 Organizational Development and Project Management Consultant, Bistech Systems, Nakuru, Kenya
4 Departments of Curriculum, Instructions and Educational Management, Faculty of Education and Community Studies, Egerton University, Kenya

Original language: English

Copyright © 2014 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


The main aim of this study was to analyze factors affecting competitiveness of Kenyan cut flower in the international market. The study used descriptive case study design with a purposive sample size of 126 senior managers in the flower farms in Nakuru County. The study used structured questionnaire as the main data collection tool. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and information presented in frequency tables and charts. The study used factor analysis to establish the most important elements of the Porter's five force factors that are adopted in the flower industry in Kenya. The study found out that competition of Kenyan Cut in international market was affected by the following factors; activities along supply chain which were extremely many and also challenging; actors along the supply chain which were; difficult to manage, situated diversely in terms of physical distance, different laws, diverse requirements, expensive to manage and were also unpredictable; lastly international standards which were not consistent. Some of the recommendations put forward to make Kenya Cut-Flower Sector to be more competitive in the international market were; the players in the cut flower industry should develop systems that can help them identify actors in the cut flower supply chain their locations and their roles in the transmission of both the supplies and goods. This will help in making the actors more responsible and make these transmissions faster. The players should review the laws in cut flower sector in all the countries involved in the business and harmonize them as a way of making the Kenya cut flower more competitive in the international market. Third the cost associated with the diverse and unpredictable actors should be normalized through the flower councils and other associations.

Author Keywords: International Marketing, Competitive Strategies, Supply Chain, Compliance to International Standards, International Players.

How to Cite this Article

Jackline K. Moriasi, Josephine Rotich, Benard Odero Asienyo, and Evelyn Mongina Okao, “Factors Affecting Competitiveness of Kenyan Cut Flower in the International Market: A Case Study of Cut-Flower Firms in Nakuru County,” International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 1554–1565, October 2014.