The 21st century has been seen as the time of citizen-centered care, with efforts by the World Health Organization (WHO) going towards ensuring that health systems reverse the excessive and exclusively biometric orientation of recent decades. This reorganization of the paradigm requires that patient-centered care be a key dimension of quality in health, creating contexts that value cooperation between citizens and systems. In this relationship, the patient can no longer be seen as inactive, but rather as an element that can influence the entire process linked to medical care. In this paper, we explore the relevance of citizen engagement from a broad and integrative perspective. We begin this reflection with a discussion on the assumptions of Shared Decision-Making in Health that are being implemented in Portugal. Given its relevance, we expand this analysis to justify how citizen involvement is also highly relevant for the development of new information technologies. In this last point, we very briefly present PLAY-THE-ODDS, a project to co-create a communication tool between parents and children about hereditary cancer syndromes.
The northern zone of Bouaflé is located in the central part of the Bouaflé furrow, in the center of Côte d’Ivoire. This zone being highly lateritized, as in all tropical climate zones, a mapping from the regolith with a view to improving knowledge of the geology of the central part of the Bouaflé furrow was initiated. It was done using remote sensing and survey data carried out in the area. Thus, it emerges from this study that the regolith of the study area comes from the supergene alteration of the various geological formations observed and is characterized by a deep alteration profile with an average thickness of approximately 30 m with a spatial distribution of relict regolith, erosion, deposition as well as surfaces affected by widespread lateritization.
Cowpea, Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp. (Fabaceae) is a legume that plays an important role in the dietary balance of tropical populations. These seeds are an important source of protein that can make up for the lack of animal protein in food rations in sub-Saharan countries. The Bruchidae family (Bruchidius atrolineatus, and Callosobruchus maculatus) occupies first place in the diversity of insects that have adapted to cowpea stocks. Bruchidius adults colonize cowpea crops from the start of flowering. Females lay eggs on the pods as soon as they begin to form. Larvae and pupae are therefore already present in the harvested products, which are stored in granaries. The larvae penetrate the seeds, at the expense of which they carry out their embryonic post-development. The damage caused by this insect pest can be considerable if no protective measures are taken. To prevent damage caused by C. maculatus during cowpea storage, farmers generally expose seeds and pods to sunlight for several days before storing them. The aim of this work was to study the impact of sun pre-exposure and cold pre-treatment on the different development stages of C. maculatus. The results obtained show that C. maculatus adults are more sensitive to solar radiation than to cold conservation; in the case of pre-exposure to the sun, a 100% mortality rate is observed from 1 h onwards, whereas the same result is obtained at 2h30 min in the case of cold pre-treatment. On the other hand, cold had a greater effect on eggs, L2 larvae and L4 larvae than sunlight. For eggs, a 30 minutes cold pre-treatment gives a 100% mortality rate, whereas pre-exposure to the sun requires 45 minutes. L2 larvae and L4 larvae gave respectively 100% mortality from 2h and 2h30mn cold; while for sun pre-exposure respective durations of 2h30 min and 3h were recorded.
The aim of this study is to determine the share of coccidiosis in the mortality of young guinea fowl (keets) on farms in northern Côte d’Ivoire. Thus, a study was carried out on 192 one-day-old guinea fowl, divided into two (2) batches. The control batch did not receive treatment. The experimental batch was treated with an anticoccidial. Then, the zootechnical parameters and the degree of infestation were measured in each of the batches. The control batch recorded EPG values of 600; 7371.43 and 5442.86 respectively for age groups 0-21d; 22-48d and 49-90d. these values are significantly and respectively 8.6 times; 81.7 times and 63.19 times higher (p < 0.001) than those of the experimental group for the same age groups. As for mortality, it is 75% in the Control batch, three times higher than that of the experimental batch. Also, keets subjected to anticoccidial treatment recorded the best growth performance. Coccidiosis is therefore one of the main causes of the high mortality observed in guinea fowl farms in northern Côte d’Ivoire. Thus, the prevention of coccidiosis could help improve the profitability of guinea fowl farms in Côte d’Ivoire. However, the use of biological solutions as an alternative to synthetic antibiotics would be an avenue to explore in order to prevent the solution to this problem from being the start of another problem, in particular that of the resistance of germs to antibiotics.
This article aims to analyze the representation of work in Moroccan cinema, particularly that of the director Hakim Belabbes. While the Moroccan filmmaker is known for his strong commitment to capturing the various sociocultural and psychological aspects of his hometown, Béjaâd, and particularly for showcasing the misery and simplicity of its inhabitants, the article seeks to examine the extent to which work is also represented as suffering and pain within the framework of a «Cinema of the Poor.».
The study focuses on the thematic analysis of certain films by Belabbes; a diverse corpus in terms of film genres, including documentaries, short films, and feature films, as well as the nature of the corpus, which encompasses text, sound, and image.