[ L'impact de l'efficience de R&D sur l'innovation technologique dans les pays émergents ]
Volume 9, Issue 1, November 2014, Pages 367–376

Kamilia Loukil1
1 Département des Sciences Economiques, Faculté de Sciences Economiques et de Gestion, Université de Sfax, Tunisie
Original language: French
Copyright © 2014 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Innovation is a key success factor for enterprises and a factor in creating wealth for the country. Hence, it's very important to study its determinants. Although the financial and human resources in research and development (R&D) have been the subject of several empirical studies, the efficient use of these resources has been ignored and has not been recognized as a determinant of innovation. The present study attempts to fill this gap in the literature. Its purpose is to test the effect of R&D efficiency on technological innovation in 14 developing countries during the period (2000-2010). After estimating the R&D efficiency scores by the stochastic frontier approach, we estimated a linear regression model where innovation is explained by these efficiency scores. The results show that R&D efficiency levels have a significant positive impact on the international rate of innovation. The main conclusion from this study is that to innovate, countries need to increase not only the amount of resources for innovation activity, but also the quality of management of existing resources.
Author Keywords: innovation, R&D expenditure, human resources for R&D, R&D efficiency, developing countries.
Volume 9, Issue 1, November 2014, Pages 367–376

Kamilia Loukil1
1 Département des Sciences Economiques, Faculté de Sciences Economiques et de Gestion, Université de Sfax, Tunisie
Original language: French
Copyright © 2014 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Innovation is a key success factor for enterprises and a factor in creating wealth for the country. Hence, it's very important to study its determinants. Although the financial and human resources in research and development (R&D) have been the subject of several empirical studies, the efficient use of these resources has been ignored and has not been recognized as a determinant of innovation. The present study attempts to fill this gap in the literature. Its purpose is to test the effect of R&D efficiency on technological innovation in 14 developing countries during the period (2000-2010). After estimating the R&D efficiency scores by the stochastic frontier approach, we estimated a linear regression model where innovation is explained by these efficiency scores. The results show that R&D efficiency levels have a significant positive impact on the international rate of innovation. The main conclusion from this study is that to innovate, countries need to increase not only the amount of resources for innovation activity, but also the quality of management of existing resources.
Author Keywords: innovation, R&D expenditure, human resources for R&D, R&D efficiency, developing countries.
Abstract: (french)
L'innovation est un facteur clé de succès pour les entreprises et un facteur de création de richesse pour les pays. D'où la nécessité d'étudier ses déterminants. Bien que les ressources financières et humaines de recherche et développement (R&D) aient fait l'objet de plusieurs travaux empiriques, l'utilisation efficiente de ces ressources a été ignorée et n'a pas été reconnue comme un déterminant de l'innovation. La présente étude essaie de combler ce vide dans la littérature. Son objectif consiste à tester l'effet de l'efficience des dépenses de R&D sur l'innovation technologique dans 14 pays émergents pendant la période (2000-2010). Après avoir estimé les scores d'efficience de R&D par l'approche de frontière stochastique, nous avons estimé un modèle de régression linéaire où l'innovation est expliquée par ces scores d'efficience. Les résultats montrent que les niveaux d'efficience de R&D ont un impact positif et significatif sur le taux international d'innovation. La principale conclusion tirée de cette étude est que pour innover, les pays ont besoin d'accroitre non seulement la quantité des ressources relatives à l'activité d'innovation, mais aussi la qualité de gestion des ressources existantes.
Author Keywords: innovation, dépenses de R&D, personnel de R&D, efficience de R&D, pays émergents.
How to Cite this Article
Kamilia Loukil, “The impact of the R&D efficiency on technological innovation in developing countries,” International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 367–376, November 2014.