International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies
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Elimination of iron by processes of oxidation and by adsorption on coal of pine

[ Elimination du fer par procédés d'oxydation et d'adsorption sur charbon de pin d'alep ]

Volume 10, Issue 2, February 2015, Pages 694–700

 Elimination of iron by processes of oxidation and by adsorption on coal of pine

Ruiti Manel1 and Bechir Ben Thayer2

1 Department of Management and Environment, University of Jendouba, High Institute of Rural Engineering and Equipment Medjez El Bab, Laboratory of chemistry and water quality, Medjez El Bab, Beja, Tunisia
2 Department of Management and Environment, University of Jendouba, High Institute of Rural Engineering and Equipment Medjez El Bab, Laboratory of chemistry and water quality, Medjez El Bab, Beja, Tunisia

Original language: French

Copyright © 2015 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


The aim of our study is to apply of simple, effective and less expensive methods of treatment of the iron of natural water.
For these reasons, we chose oxidation by simple agitation and adsorption on a natural material, coal of the wood of pine.
The tests showed that agitation does not have any effect on elimination of iron in an acid medium
The oxidation of iron by simple agitation is supported by a basic Ph, with pH = 8 the concentration of residual iron in water reached 0,62 mg/l at 15 min of agitation, iron is completely to eliminate with pH = 10.
The tests of adsorption showed that balance is reached at 10 min; the adsorption of iron on coal of pine is a fast phenomenon.
The study of factor which influence the kinetics of adsorption by coal of pine reveal that the output of adsorption increase with the increase in ph (97% with pH= 9).
The variation stirring velocity shows that the good output is obtained at a speed of 100 turns/ min.
The isotherm of adsorption obeys the model of Freundlich.

Author Keywords: agitation, adsorbent, isotherm, Freundlich, Langmuir.

Abstract: (french)

L'objectif de notre étude porte sur l'application des méthodes de traitement simples, efficaces et moins coûteuses pour la rétention du fer des eaux naturelles.
Pour ces raisons, nous avons choisi l'oxydation par simple agitation et l'adsorption sur un matériau naturel, charbon du bois de pin.
Les essais ont montré que l'agitation n'a aucun effet sur l'élimination du fer au milieu acide.
L'oxydation du fer par simple agitation est favorisée par un pH basique. A pH = 8, la concentration du fer résiduel dans l'eau atteint 0,62 mg/l.
Après 15min d'agitation, le fer est totalement éliminer pour une valeur de pH= 10.
Les essais d'adsorption ont montré que l'équilibre est atteint après 10 min, l'adsorption du fer sur le charbon de bois de pin est un phénomène rapide.
L'etude des facteurs qui influent sur la cinétique d'adsorption sur le charbon du bois de pin d'alep révèlent que le rendement d'adsorption augmente avec l'augmentation de pH (97% à pH=9)
La variation de la vitesse d'agitation montre que le bon rendement est obtenu à une vitesse de 100 tours/min.
L'isotherme d'adsorption obéit le modèle de Freundlich.

Author Keywords: agitation, adsorbant, isotherme, Freundlich, Langmuir.

How to Cite this Article

Ruiti Manel and Bechir Ben Thayer, “Elimination of iron by processes of oxidation and by adsorption on coal of pine,” International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 694–700, February 2015.