International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies
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The role of the intercultural communication in the integration of the foreign managers and in the realization of their professional objectives: case of the hotel establishments of AGADIR

[ Le rôle de la communication interculturelle dans l'intégration des cadres étrangers et dans la réalisation de leurs objectifs professionnels: cas des établissements hôteliers d'AGADIR ]

Volume 13, Issue 3, November 2015, Pages 600–614

 The role of the intercultural communication in the integration of the foreign managers and in the realization of their professional objectives: case of the hotel establishments of AGADIR


1 Laboratoire doctorale de langues, cultures et communication, Faculté des lettres, Université Mohamed Premier, Oujda, Morocco
2 Laboratoire doctorale de langues, cultures et communication, Faculté des lettres, Université Mohamed Premier, Oujda, Morocco

Original language: French

Copyright © 2015 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


Most of the large companies, today, put forward their diversity and their international dimension. The question of the intercultural communication in summer and house in the center of the concerns of the company directors avid to develop on the international stage. Nevertheless, the nature and the scale of the problem lead to ask differently the question of the intercultural. The data which we were able to collect allowed us to notice that the managers of the investigated companies are sensitive to the question of the intercultural communication. They consider it almost all during their management. In fact, they are forced to adopt it because they are confronted with the element of the expatriation of various countries towards Morocco. Nevertheless, we also observed a negative representation of the cultural difference which is likened to a problem rather than in a competitive advantage for the company of this fact the question of the intercultural communication always stays in his embryonic state in the country of Morocco and can constitute a resource and a solution for a lot of problems in organizations and especially hotelkeepers.

Author Keywords: Diversity, the culture, the communication, the intercultural communication, the intercultural.

Abstract: (french)

La plupart des grandes entreprises, aujourd'hui, mettent en avant leur diversité et leur dimension internationale. La question de la communication interculturelle a été et demeure au centre des préoccupations des dirigeants d'entreprises désireux de se développer à l'international. Néanmoins, la nature et l'ampleur du problème conduisent à poser différemment la question de l'interculturel. Les données que nous avons pu recueillir nous ont permis de constater que les managers des entreprises enquêtées sont sensibles à la question de la communication interculturelle. Ils la prennent presque tous en considération lors de leur gestion. En fait, ils sont contraints de l'adopter puisqu'ils sont confrontés à l'élément de l'expatriation de différents pays vers le Maroc. Néanmoins, nous avons également observé une représentation négative de la différence culturelle qui est assimilée à un problème plutôt qu'à un avantage concurrentiel pour l'entreprise de ce fait la question de la communication interculturelle reste toujours dans son état embryonnaire dans le pays du Maroc et peut constituer une ressource et solution pour beaucoup de problèmes dans les organisations et surtout hôtelières.

Author Keywords: la diversité, la culture, la communication, la communication interculturelle, l'interculturel.

How to Cite this Article

NAOUFAL HIMMOUCHE and Nacer IDRISSI ABDELFATAH, “The role of the intercultural communication in the integration of the foreign managers and in the realization of their professional objectives: case of the hotel establishments of AGADIR,” International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, vol. 13, no. 3, pp. 600–614, November 2015.