Volume 13, Issue 1, September 2015, Pages 1–9

Issa A. K.1, Muhammad I. Tikau2, and Raji Luqman3
1 Mechanical Engineering, Federal Polytechnic Mubi, Nigeria
2 Mechanical Engineering, Federal Polytechnic Mubi, Nigeria
3 Mechanical Engineering, Federal Polytechnic Mubi, Nigeria
Original language: English
Copyright © 2015 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
This work looked at fractal dimension as a tool for measuring corrosion. The data obtained from corrosion of steel pipes used for drinking water supply was used, this research provides alternative method of measuring corrosion and overcome the limitation of conventional weight loss technique in its inability to measure corrosion rate which is not significantly change over a long time of period, moreover weight loss cannot demonstrate the area of concentration of corrosion on the surface of the coupon it rather gives the weight loss value, and this will aid in determining the real level or extent of corrosion damage in the material and this can be obtained when measuring the material through fractal analysis. this also provide means of avoiding errors which might be committed when weighing the corrosion coupon, an image j image processing and analysis is used to generate the fractal dimension of corrosion of steel pipe.
Author Keywords: fractal, corrosion, box counting.

Issa A. K.1, Muhammad I. Tikau2, and Raji Luqman3
1 Mechanical Engineering, Federal Polytechnic Mubi, Nigeria
2 Mechanical Engineering, Federal Polytechnic Mubi, Nigeria
3 Mechanical Engineering, Federal Polytechnic Mubi, Nigeria
Original language: English
Copyright © 2015 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
This work looked at fractal dimension as a tool for measuring corrosion. The data obtained from corrosion of steel pipes used for drinking water supply was used, this research provides alternative method of measuring corrosion and overcome the limitation of conventional weight loss technique in its inability to measure corrosion rate which is not significantly change over a long time of period, moreover weight loss cannot demonstrate the area of concentration of corrosion on the surface of the coupon it rather gives the weight loss value, and this will aid in determining the real level or extent of corrosion damage in the material and this can be obtained when measuring the material through fractal analysis. this also provide means of avoiding errors which might be committed when weighing the corrosion coupon, an image j image processing and analysis is used to generate the fractal dimension of corrosion of steel pipe.
Author Keywords: fractal, corrosion, box counting.
How to Cite this Article
Issa A. K., Muhammad I. Tikau, and Raji Luqman, “FRACTAL QUANTIFICATION OF CORROSION OF PIPE USED FOR DRINKING WATER TREATMENT AND SUPPLY,” International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 1–9, September 2015.