International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies
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Need for methodological theoretical concept for teaching health research in university postgraduate education

[ Necesidad de una concepción teórica-metodológica para la enseñanza de la investigación sanitaria en la educación universitaria postgraduada ]

Volume 20, Issue 2, May 2017, Pages 411–416

 Need for methodological theoretical concept for teaching health research in university postgraduate education

David Joa-Espinal1

1 Maestría en Salud Pública, Universidad Central del Este, Calle Francisco A. Camaño, San Pedro de Macorís, Dominican Republic

Original language: Spanish

Copyright © 2017 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


According to documentary evidence and expert opinion, the Dominicans programs that train master in public health and epidemiologists fail to develop them investigative skills needed to respond to social demands, when these professionals are inserted at the workplace. In order to identify the constituent elements of an effective learning of health research in postgraduate studies in the Dominican Republic, theoretical and empirical methods were used. It was found that the programs responsible for research training are the masters in public health and epidemiology at the universities UASD, UNIREMHOS, UCE and a program sponsored by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, offered by the Ministry of Public Health. The preliminary review indicated that 63% of faculties have at least the master's degree and only 13% have specialized in education methodology training. The most obvious flaws in the education of health research are derived from the methods and procedures used in teaching.

Author Keywords: investigative skills, health research, teaching methods, teaching, learning.

Abstract: (spanish)

De acuerdo con la evidencia documental y la opinión de expertos, los programas que capacitan a salubristas y epidemiólogos dominicanos no son capaces de desarrollar en ellos las competencias investigativas necesarias para responder a las demandas sociales cuando estos profesionales se insertan en el lugar de trabajo. Con el fin de identificar los elementos constitutivos de un aprendizaje efectivo de la investigación en salud en los estudios de postgrado en la República Dominicana, se utilizaron métodos teóricos y empíricos. Se obtuvo que los programas responsables de la formación en investigación sanitaria pertenecen a las universidades UASD, UNIREMHOS, UCE y un programa patrocinado por el Centro para el Control y Prevención de Enfermedades, ofrecido a través del Ministerio de Salud Pública. La revisión preliminar indica que el 63% de sus profesores tienen al menos un título de maestría y sólo el 13% se han especializado en metodología de la educación. Las debilidades más evidentes en la educación de la investigación sanitaria se derivan de los métodos y procedimientos utilizados en la enseñanza.

Author Keywords: Competencias investigativas, investigación sanitaria, métodos de enseñanza, aprendizaje, enseñanza.

How to Cite this Article

David Joa-Espinal, “Need for methodological theoretical concept for teaching health research in university postgraduate education,” International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, vol. 20, no. 2, pp. 411–416, May 2017.