International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies
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Assessment Comparative of teaching by two ways f programming robotic based in mathematical resources : Arduino + Scratch and Lego EV3 System

[ Comparación de la enseñanza dos sistemas de programación robótica enfocada a los recursos matemáticos : Arduino+Scratch y Sistema Lego EV3 ]

Volume 25, Issue 1, December 2018, Pages 15–39

 Assessment Comparative of teaching by two ways f programming robotic based in mathematical resources : Arduino + Scratch and Lego EV3 System

Adib Guardiola Mouhaffel1

1 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria University, Spain

Original language: Spanish

Copyright © 2018 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


The growing importance of technology in the world today and its continuous development [6,8], makes technology itself an integral part of the training process for children and youth. For this reason it is important to develop proposals in which children and young people are offered the possibility of coming into contact with new technologies. This is possible through the use of software and hardware tools, such as robotic prototypes and specialized programs for pedagogical purposes. This article shows the importance of the use of robotics as a learning tool and presents the typical stages that must be faced when implementing educational robotics projects in the classroom. It is also announced an educational robotics project called "Robotic World" which seeks to involve robotics in the classroom by means of practical activities and learning resources articulated from a virtual platform.

Author Keywords: Educational Robotics, STEAM, Mbot, Mind Storm, Multiple Linear Regression, Arima.

Abstract: (spanish)

La creciente importancia que tiene la tecnología en el mundo hoy en día y su continuo desarrollo [6,8], hace que la tecnología en sí misma, se convierta en parte integral del proceso de formación en la niñez y la juventud. Por esta razón es importante desarrollar propuestas en las que se ofrezca a niños y jóvenes la posibilidad de entrar en contacto con las nuevas tecnologías. esto es posible a través del manejo de herramientas de software y hardware, como prototipos robóticos y programas especializados con fines pedagógicos. Este artículo muestra la importancia que tiene el uso de la robótica como una herramienta de aprendizaje y presenta las etapas típicas que se deben afrontar al implementar proyectos de robótica educativos en el aula de. También se da a conocer un proyecto de robótica educativa denominado “Mundo Robótica “el cual busca involucrar la robótica en el aula de clase por medio de actividades prácticas y recursos de aprendizaje articulados desde una plataforma virtual.

Author Keywords: Robótica Educativa, STEAM, Mbot, Mind Storm, Regresión Lineal Multiple, Arima.

How to Cite this Article

Adib Guardiola Mouhaffel, “Assessment Comparative of teaching by two ways f programming robotic based in mathematical resources : Arduino + Scratch and Lego EV3 System,” International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 15–39, December 2018.