[ Détermination de la distance d’un point à une droite par la méthode analytico-graphique ]
Volume 40, Issue 4, October 2023, Pages 1458–1469

1 Assistant 2, Département de mathématiques, Institut Supérieur Pédagogique, BP 682 Mbujimayi, RD Congo
Original language: French
Copyright © 2023 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The analytical resolution of the problems posed in descriptive geometry by the MONGE method would be a plus that we bring to the scientific world and to secondary education. Our subject is entitled: Determination by the analytical-graphical method of the distance from a point C to a straight line AB. To solve the problem thus posed in this article, we have used: - To the formula which makes it possible to calculate the distance between two points in space, - To the construction in elementary geometry seen in the first scientific year, of a triangle knowing the lengths of its three sides as well as that of the height resulting from a given point of the triangle, - To the notion of similar triangles.
Author Keywords: cartesian coordinate system, Sketch, distance between two points, triangle, real size.
Volume 40, Issue 4, October 2023, Pages 1458–1469

1 Assistant 2, Département de mathématiques, Institut Supérieur Pédagogique, BP 682 Mbujimayi, RD Congo
Original language: French
Copyright © 2023 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The analytical resolution of the problems posed in descriptive geometry by the MONGE method would be a plus that we bring to the scientific world and to secondary education. Our subject is entitled: Determination by the analytical-graphical method of the distance from a point C to a straight line AB. To solve the problem thus posed in this article, we have used: - To the formula which makes it possible to calculate the distance between two points in space, - To the construction in elementary geometry seen in the first scientific year, of a triangle knowing the lengths of its three sides as well as that of the height resulting from a given point of the triangle, - To the notion of similar triangles.
Author Keywords: cartesian coordinate system, Sketch, distance between two points, triangle, real size.
Abstract: (french)
La résolution analytique des problèmes posés en géométrie descriptive par la méthode de MONGE serait un plus que nous apportons dans le monde scientifique et en enseignement secondaire. Notre sujet est intitulé : Détermination par la méthode analytico-graphique de la distance d’un point C à une droite AB. Pour résoudre le problème ainsi posé dans cet article, nous avons fait recours : - A la formule qui permet de calculer la distance existante entre deux points de l’espace, - A la construction en géométrie élémentaire vue en première année scientifique, d’un triangle connaissant les longueurs de ses trois côtés ainsi que celle de la hauteur issue d’un point du triangle donné, - A la notion des triangles semblables.
Author Keywords: repère cartésien, épure, distance entre deux points, triangle, vraie grandeur.
How to Cite this Article
Edouard MUKONKOLE MWANANSENGA, “Determination of the distance from a point to a line by analytic-graphical method,” International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, vol. 40, no. 4, pp. 1458–1469, October 2023.