International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies
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The productivity within the framework of the endogenous development approach: Application to the case of the Local Productive System of Ksar-Hellal (Tunisia)

[ La productivité dans le cadre de l'approche du développement endogène: Application au cas du Système Productif Local de Ksar-Hellal (Tunisie) ]

Volume 2, Issue 2, February 2013, Pages 173–179

 The productivity within the framework of the endogenous development approach: Application to the case of the Local Productive System of Ksar-Hellal (Tunisia)

Makram Gaaliche1

1 Département des Sciences Economiques, Institut Supérieur d'Administration des Entreprises, Gafsa, Tunisia

Original language: French

Copyright © 2013 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


The new configuration productive do not consider any more the space as a source of costs and as a passive support of productive factors but, it replaces it by the concept of territory, where its organization, its socio-economic and institutional characteristics, play an active role. This article aims to verify the hypothesis which assumes that the territory is a windfall for the productivity of the agglomerated companies. Indeed, by application to the Local Productive System (LPS) of Ksar-Hellal, it turned out that the specific resources of the territory can be in the service of agglomerated companies, but it is not necessary that they participate together in their productive efficiency, and in the institution of an endogenous dynamics of development. In addition, the analysis proved that social relationships play an unimportant role in the productive performances of the concentrated companies, putting into question the theoretical hypotheses, which consider the relevance of the role of the extraeconomic processes. Therefore, the assumption that all the specific resources of the country are responsible for the productivity of agglomerated firms should be allowed with some caution. There is no guarantee that the concentrated companies of LPS enjoy all the economic and social benefits of their territorial base. The agglomerated companies can take profit by exploiting their economic factors, while ignoring the informal aspects.

Author Keywords: Local Productive System, territory, specific resources, endogenous development, productivity.

Abstract: (french)

Dans cet article, par une application sur le Système Productif Local (SPL) de Ksar-Hellal, nous avons essayé de vérifier l'hypothèse qui stipule que le territoire est une aubaine pour la productivité des entreprises agglomérées. Certes, l'analyse montre que les ressources spécifiques du territoire peuvent être au service des entreprises agglomérées, mais il n'est pas nécessaire qu'elles participent ensemble à leur efficacité productive, et à l'instauration d'une dynamique endogène de développement. En effet, il s'est avéré que les relations sociales jouent un rôle négligeable au niveau des performances productives des entreprises concentrées, mettant ainsi en cause les hypothèses théoriques, prévoyant la pertinence du rôle des processus extraéconomiques.

Author Keywords: Système productif local, territoire, ressources spécifiques, développement endogène, productivité.

How to Cite this Article

Makram Gaaliche, “The productivity within the framework of the endogenous development approach: Application to the case of the Local Productive System of Ksar-Hellal (Tunisia),” International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 173–179, February 2013.