This article deals with the determination of axial deformations and forces along a pile under axial loading, taking into account the interaction between the pile and the surrounding soil, and more specifically with the parametric study of the behavior of an axially loaded pile using Frank and Zhao’s model and the analytical expression of the conventional limit pressure pl. Frank and Zhao’s (1982) trilinear method of load transfer curves, used in this study, offers an analytical approach for calculating axial strains and forces along the pile. This method, suggested by the French national standard for the application of Eurocode 7 (NF P 94-262) in the calculation of pile settlements, is based on the progressive mobilization of lateral friction and tip pressure, modeled by t-z (lateral friction) and q-z (tip pressure) curves, and enables soil-pile interactions to be simulated. The type of soil chosen for this study is clay (coherent soil), which provides better mobilization of lateral friction around the pile. It emerged from this study that the parameters with the greatest influence on pile behavior are the value of the applied axial load N0, the ratio (D/L) and the pressure modulus EM, in other words, the modulus of deformation E of the soil. In addition to these three essential parameters, we can add the influence of the Young’s modulus Ep of the pile on its behavior. The choice of its value is important, as the compressibility of the pile material is a factor in the calculation of settlement. The results also show that the mechanical characteristics c_u, K_0,γ, α and ν have very little influence on settlement, axial force and deformation curves. All these results confirm the empirical relationships often used to calculate pile settlement, which are based directly on the value of the diameter D or on both the diameter D, the applied load N0, the Young’s modulus of the pile Ep and its length L.
Digital transformation in the Kolwezi mining industry is bringing major challenges and upheavals. It involves integrating digital technologies into all of a company’s operations, enabling it to evolve more easily and improve its competitiveness. In the Kolwezi mining industry, digital transformation is having a significant impact. Mining operations are automated to optimise exploration and mining. In addition, the optimisation and automation of business processes are also important areas of digital transformation. In short, digital transformation in the Kolwezi mining industry is helping to optimise mining operations, automate business processes and improve the industry’s competitiveness.
Digital transformation in the mining industry presents both opportunities and challenges. Safety, employee training, the complexity of existing systems, the regulatory framework and the associated costs all need to be taken into account to successfully implement this transformation.
Digital transformation offers significant benefits in the mining sector, but it requires a strategic approach, investment and increased awareness to overcome the challenges and maximise the benefits. It is recommended that digital transformation experts are consulted to develop a tailored plan for each mining business.
Digital transformation offers exciting career opportunities. Professionals skilled in digital transformation management, data analytics, and technical architecture are in high demand. To succeed in these fields, it is essential to possess advanced technical skills and a deep understanding of emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and cloud computing. Skills in project management, data analysis, and communication are also important. Education, work experience, and certifications play a key role in broadening qualifications. Additionally, developing skills in collaboration, strategic thinking, and change management is crucial for success in this ever-evolving field. In summary, digital transformation presents numerous career opportunities, but it requires advanced technical skills, solid work experience, and the ability to adapt to changes. By developing your skills in areas such as digital transformation management, data analytics, and technical architecture, you can seize these opportunities and contribute to the success of organizations’ digital transformation efforts.
The market gardening sector is a sector of activity admired by women and men. With a view to improving market gardening production, an experiment was carried out at the Superior Normal School of Bongor (ENS/B) the main objective of this work is to evaluate the effects of pigeon droppings and cow dung on the development parameters of sesame in order to determine the optimal dose of organic fertilizer provided to the plants for a better yield. For this to do so, the agro-phenological parameters were observed, noted and measured. From the result, it appears that the number of flowers and capsules per plant, the number of seeds per capsule, the weight of seeds per capsule, the yields in grams per plant and ton per hectare were obtained in the plants having received the combination 20 g of cow dung and 20 g of pigeon droppings.
The use of plants by local people for health care has long been observed. This practice still persists in different communities. This study presents a bibliographic summary highlighting the knowledge of plants used in traditional pharmacopoeia in Niger. Analysis of the scientific literature, such as articles, dissertations and theses from the Google Scholar and PubMed search engines, as well as grey literature, revealed a number of items of information. A total of 315 medicinal species, including 8 fungi, were identified, divided into 220 genera and 88 families. The Papilionaceae, Poaceae and Caesalpiniaceae, with 30, 18 and 16 species respectively, are the best represented families. Leaves (28.89%) and bark (18.33%) are the most commonly used plant parts. The predominant methods of preparation are decoction (37%), maceration (23%) and powder (13%), while the oral route (44.87%) is the main method of administering plant-based remedies. Recipes are mainly administered 3 times a day (52.34%) and the predominant duration of treatment is one day (26%). Analysis of the scientific data available on medicinal plants in Niger suggests that further research is needed to gain a better understanding of the practices and uses of plants in traditional medicine.
Malacantha alnifolia (Sapotaceae) is a perennial plant found in the tropical rainforests of West Africa. In Côte d’Ivoire, this species usually used rheumatism and diarrhea children treatment. This study evaluated anti-arthritic effect of hydroethanol extract of Malacantha alnifolia (HEMa) at doses of 125, 250 and 500 mg/kg bw in rats. HEMa is prepared by cold maceration of 100 g of M. alnifolia trunk bark powder in one liter of a 30% water/70% ethanol mixture for 24 h. Thirty-six albino Rattus norvegicus rats (130-185 g), aged 8 to 16 weeks, were divided into 6 batches of 6 rats each and treated daily during 10 days. Healthy and arthritic rats control received NaCl 9 ‰ (10 mL/kg bw) by gavage, those from batches 2, 3 and 4 received HEMa at 125, 250 and 500 mg/kg bw, respectively. Positive control rats received methotrexate at 0.75 mg/kg bw by gavage. Non-immunological arthritic model induced by injection of 0.1 mL 2.5% formaldehyde was used. Arthritic was assessed throught paw and knee edema, arthritic index scores, sedimentation rate, and inflammation-related hematological and biochemical parameters. Percentages inhibition of these parameters were calculated for each treated group of rats compared to the control group with arthritis. Edema established for 3 days by formaldehyde was significantly reduced by HEMa at doses of 250 and 500 mg/kg bw with reductions in paw thickness ranging from 23.18 to 28, respectively. 89% and 25.60 to 31.34% compared to paw thickness of arthritic control rats. Hydroethanolic extract of Malacantha alnifolia has remarkable anti-arthritic properties similar to that of methotrexate.
This work was a literature review of the available data on the plant diversity in protected areas in Niger. It was based on several studies carried out in the period from 2005 to 2021 in nine (9) reserves of Niger. It aimed to assess the current state of the floristic diversity and ecosystem services in these protected areas. The results revealed the information on species richness, ecological spectrums and ecosystems services provided to local population living around these protected areas. A total of 648 plants species, mostly herbaceous, and dominated by Poaceae, were recorded. The spectrum of biological types is dominated by Therophytes (43.57%) and Microphanerophytes (19.07%), which are characteristic of Sahelian vegetation. The chorology revealed a predominance of multi-regional African species and species with a wide distribution. The study highlighted six (6) main categories of ecosystem services for local populations: human food, fodder, traditional pharmacopoeia, energy wood, service wood and craft wood. This review showed that the assessment of plant diversity in the protected area of Niger was far from exhaustive, and much remains to be updated.
Inadequate use of mineral fertilizers causes leaching and impoverishment of soil which results in a considerable drop in yield. The use of organic fertilizers seems to be a reliable alternative to improve yield. The objective of the work is to evaluate the effect of goat waste at different levels in order to determine the optimal dose for better rice production. It also aims to verify the idea that mineral fertilizer modifies the organoleptic quality of food. For this the length of the plants was measured and the associated maximum growth speed was determined. The number of tillers per plot, the number of panicles per plot, the number of grains per tiller, the weight of grains per tiller were recorded and the yield was estimated.
The results showed that the parameters studied were significantly influenced by the fertilizer inputs. Thus the highest height (77.33 cm) was observed in the plants having received the dose of 2.5 kg/m2 of goat waste with the maximum growth speed of 5.11 cm per day reached on the 85th day after sowing. The same goes for the number of tillers per plot (336) and the number of panicles per plot (329.33). While the highest number of grains per tiller (1253), weight of grains per tiller (26.42) and yield were noted in plants treated with 10 g NPK and 5g Urea. In addition, the rice having been treated with goat waste is sweet (60 %) and presents a good floury appearance (86.67 %). The dose of 2 kg/m2 of goat waste seem to be optimal for the cultivation of rain fed rice. Thus goat waste could validly replace mineral fertilizer in soil fertilization.
This study is part of the sustainable development objectives (SDGS, 2015-2030). It highlights the challenges facing the DRC in its quest for environment sustainability. Among these challenges include poverty, food insecurity, acces to quality education and heath care, and gender inegality. Whict exacerbates environmental vulnerabilities and harms the quality of life of the population.
This study advocates for a systemic approach that recognizes the independence bitween the ecological, political and socio-economic dimension, in order to ensure sustainable future for the DRC.
Knowledge of the digestive tract of fishes is a crucial clue to understanding their diet. Information on the digestive tract of P. obscura remains scarce and fragmentary. Therefore, this work aims to improve our knowledge of P. obscura by investigating the structure of its digestive tract in order to better understand its feeding ecology. To this end, the relationship between the length of the intestine and the standard length was determined by the equation: Li=〖aLS〗^b. On the other hand, the morphological and microscopic aspects of the digestive tract were described. The histological study was carried out according to the standard histological method and stained with haematoxylin and eosin. Intestinal growth relative to standard length follows positive allometry. The digestive tract includes an oesophagus, a developed stomach, a cecum and a relatively short intestine. The wall of the digestive tract consists of four distinct tunics. The muscularis is made up of two layers of muscle fibres at the level of the oesophagus. In other parts of the digestive tract, the muscularis consists of one layer of muscle fibres.
Rice is one of the main crops of irrigated perimeters of the Niger River Valley. Reasoned fertilization on rice diocers is very important in improving yields, decreasing nutrient losses but also conservation of soil. The objective of this study is to characterize the physico-chemical solutions of soils to evaluate the effects of several fertilization formulas on the production of three varieties of rice at the irrigated niamey and Tillabéry perimeters. The study is carried out in two stages first one on the soil analyzes and the other on agricultural tests. Solutions of solutions were conducted at the Liborated sites, Saadia Amount and N’Dounga 1 during the year 2023. All ten samples taken were studied at the Social Science Laboratory of the Faculty of Agronomy and the LANB laboratory to know the physicochemical characteristics of the soil of the sites. Study of the study sites. For testing, kogoni91-1 (rifles), Orylux and IR15 rice varieties were used in a 2123 winter season and dry season 2023. The experimental device is the blocking block (3x5) with two factors: the 1st factor as variety with three varieties (Gambiaka; Orylux and IR15) and the 2nd factor fertilizer factor feature with five treatments: T0 = N122P30K30 (peasant practice); T1 = N138P90K60; T2 = N175P112 K60; T3 = N100P120K 50S20ZN2; T4 = N122P30K30S20ZN2. The soil analysis of the three sites have shown that soils have lemon-sandbrandex textures (Liborated and N’Dounga 1) and limited texture to Saadia upstream. The soils of the three sites are low in chemical and poor elements in exchangeable bases. The rates of organic matter and total nitrogen decrease with the depth at all the sites studied. The performance of genotypes are influenced by the imposed treatments or the environment in which the culture has been installed. During the dry season, the best combinations and also the most stable in the three sites are the variety 2 with T4 treatment and variety 1 with T4. During the rainy season, the variety combination 2 and T4 treatment has a high and stable yield to Liborated and Ndounga1 while the variety combination 3 with T4 treatment is the best performance in Saadia AMONT. The comparison of the averages shows that the highest average yield was obtained with the T4 formula combined with the varieties that are V1, V2 and V3 for the dry season and the wintering season.
In the Sahel, irrigated agriculture through market gardening activities occupies a key place in the socio-economic life of populations but food insecurity remains a persistent reality. The solution to deal with this delicate situation which occurs every other year (2), would be to resort to intensive irrigated production of market garden crops intended for consumption, such as the case of tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum L.). This study was carried out on the experimental site of the departmental directorate of agriculture of Goudoumaria.
The aim is to analyze the impact of complementary irrigation on the growth and productivity of three (3) tomato varieties in experimental trials conducted at a research station. These varieties are: F1 Mongal, Roma and Rio Grande with two (2) supplementary irrigation regimes with 2 treatments (T1: with supplementary irrigation in the absence of rain for 3 successive days and T2: without supplementary irrigation or Control, the plants receive as rainwater). The following parameters were measured over time: germination rate, growth parameters (height, number of leaves, stem diameter) and production. The results showed that supplementary irrigation improves the production of 3 tomato varieties from the first harvest with respective yields for F1 Mongal=9.216t/ha, Roma 16.464t/ha, and Rio Grande, 10.368t/ha.
As for the controls (T2), the yields are 6.336t/ha (F1 Mongolian), 7.392t/ha for the Roma variety, 6.3t/ha (Rio Grande). These varieties are therefore well suited to supplementary irrigation and constitute a solution to the food and economic deficits of the population, especially since these varieties are well palatable to humans and very nutritious.
To perpetuate this activity, which is beneficial to irrigators in the study area, the State must support them; only the means of drainage and wells or market gardening boreholes remain.
Since its independence in 1960, the education sector has become a sovereign sector of the State of Benin. To this end, the various study programs developed and implemented meet the goals defined by the authorities, which embody the people of Benin. As such, the study programs developed in the various school subjects take into account the objectives and purposes set by the authorities. However, an analysis of high school history studies programs between 1960 and 2016 shows that national history, especially post-colonial history, is poorly taught in schools. While in the years after independence, at least thirty themes related to national history were included in secondary school history curricula, this number has dropped considerably over the course of the reforms. Today, it is only three Learning Situations (SA) that address themes relating to national history. It is briefly taught, the history of the settlement of Benin, the participation of the former coastal kingdoms of Benin in the transatlantic slave trade and the stages of the decolonization of Benin to the detriment of the history of Africa, the great wars, the ‘UN... The logical consequence of this situation is the low knowledge of national historical facts by young Beninese.
The objective of this research is to analyze the place of national history in secondary education programs in Benin between 1960 and 2016. Among other words, it is about understanding the anchoring of the national history in the said programs. To achieve this objective, the methodological approach used consists of a cross and adequate use of written and oral sources. The first is conducted through written documents, archives, curriculum documents and secondary history guides. The second was carried out with the designers of school programs, in particular inspectors.
The results of this research show that national history is weakly embedded in high school curricula. This situation, which is due to several reasons, is at the origin of the ignorance of certain parts of national history by the current generation.
The aim of this work is to implement an experimental bench for pre-selecting potential fluids that would have the property of filtering the sun’s rays from inappropriate spectral bands for photovoltaic cells. In fact, they are responsible of the overheating and low efficiency. For this purpose, an experimental set-up based on in situ recording is applied. It adopts a comparative process of the effects of fluid layers on the electrical production and operating temperature of photovoltaic solar cells. A total of fifteen (14) fluids were analyzed for their ability to improve ICC current and reduce the operating temperature of PV cells. From this study, it emerged that three of the fluids tested, in particular the combination {vinegar + hydo alcohol}, the combination {sugar water + salt water} and vinegar, resulted in permanently positive increases in the Icc characteristic of around +25%, +26,57% and 5,69% accompanied by a decrease in the operating temperature of the cells of around 30%, 22% and 24%, respectively. Other fluids also had an average positive effect on the Icc current, such as sunflower oil (+1.5%), bleach (+3%) and yellow engine fluid (+3%). On the other hand, these stocks showed fluctuations that could become negative. The main observation is that the spectral splitting action is not constant and varies in real time.