[ La mixité sociale une facette de la politique de la ville ]
Volume 9, Issue 1, November 2014, Pages 209–214

Rachid Othmani1 and Wadiaa Mourchid2
1 Département: Droit Public, Centre des Etudes Doctorales, Faculté des Sciences Juridiques, Economiques et Sociales, Université Mohamed 5 souissi, Rabat, Maroc
2 Département : Droit public, centre des Etudes Doctorales, Université Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah Fès, Maroc
Original language: French
Copyright © 2014 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The mix is proper to a mixture of heterogeneous elements or different character. Social diversity as the co or cohabitation in the same place people or groups socially, culturally or even of different nationalities. This leads us to consider the social mix as the co or cohabitation in the same place people or groups socially, culturally or even of different nationalities. The mix would be a cure for the ills of modern city, see generated by it. Taking the usual comments, whether from the press or urban studies and without prejudging their reality or can mention the contrast between rich areas and poor areas, difficult areas that go adrift, "ghettos" problems also raised by what would be a crisis of social bond, "divide", which would result in the increase in crime, the development of anonymity, individualism, exclusion. The urban sprawl, museification center are also discussed. Mainly mixed should ensure mixing of different social categories, brewing itself being a guarantor of social cohesion. In this way, the mix would be the guarantee of harmony in difference.
So gather the diversity of social groups in the city is a concern that does not start today or even yesterday. This dream has lived the great utopian thought from Plato to Thomas More. The pioneers of modern urbanism designed projects for some forms of social diversity. That said, the theme of social diversity is mobilized as a central objective of urban policy.
These policies are designed to cope with the rise of urban poverty analyzed in terms of social and urban exclusion. They are based on the model of a "balanced" society seamlessly blending social classes, ethnic groups and generations to ward crystallization pockets of poverty that would be problematic because at the basis of a culture of poverty, development insecurity or the establishment of an "underclass".
Author Keywords: Segregation, urban policy, Integration, Aggregation, Exclusion, Urban Renewal.
Volume 9, Issue 1, November 2014, Pages 209–214

Rachid Othmani1 and Wadiaa Mourchid2
1 Département: Droit Public, Centre des Etudes Doctorales, Faculté des Sciences Juridiques, Economiques et Sociales, Université Mohamed 5 souissi, Rabat, Maroc
2 Département : Droit public, centre des Etudes Doctorales, Université Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah Fès, Maroc
Original language: French
Copyright © 2014 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The mix is proper to a mixture of heterogeneous elements or different character. Social diversity as the co or cohabitation in the same place people or groups socially, culturally or even of different nationalities. This leads us to consider the social mix as the co or cohabitation in the same place people or groups socially, culturally or even of different nationalities. The mix would be a cure for the ills of modern city, see generated by it. Taking the usual comments, whether from the press or urban studies and without prejudging their reality or can mention the contrast between rich areas and poor areas, difficult areas that go adrift, "ghettos" problems also raised by what would be a crisis of social bond, "divide", which would result in the increase in crime, the development of anonymity, individualism, exclusion. The urban sprawl, museification center are also discussed. Mainly mixed should ensure mixing of different social categories, brewing itself being a guarantor of social cohesion. In this way, the mix would be the guarantee of harmony in difference.
So gather the diversity of social groups in the city is a concern that does not start today or even yesterday. This dream has lived the great utopian thought from Plato to Thomas More. The pioneers of modern urbanism designed projects for some forms of social diversity. That said, the theme of social diversity is mobilized as a central objective of urban policy.
These policies are designed to cope with the rise of urban poverty analyzed in terms of social and urban exclusion. They are based on the model of a "balanced" society seamlessly blending social classes, ethnic groups and generations to ward crystallization pockets of poverty that would be problematic because at the basis of a culture of poverty, development insecurity or the establishment of an "underclass".
Author Keywords: Segregation, urban policy, Integration, Aggregation, Exclusion, Urban Renewal.
Abstract: (french)
La mixité est le caractère propre à un mélange d'éléments hétérogène ou différents.
La mixité sociale comme la coprésence ou la cohabitation en un même lieu de personnes ou de groupes différents socialement, culturellement ou encore de nationalités différentes.
Ce qui amène à considérer la mixité sociale comme la coprésence ou la cohabitation en un même lieu de personnes ou de groupes différents socialement, culturellement ou encore de nationalités différentes.
La mixité serait un remède aux maux de la ville actuelle, voir engendrés par elle. En prenant les commentaires habituels, qu'ils émanent de la presse ou d'études urbaines et sans préjuger de leur réalité on peut mentionner le contraste entre zones riches et zones pauvres, les quartiers difficiles qui partent à la dérive, les « ghettos ». Problèmes aussi posés par ce qui serait une crise du lien social, la « fracture », qui se traduiraient par l'augmentation de la délinquance, par le développement de l'anonymat, de l'individualisme, de l'exclusion….
L'étalement de la ville, la muséification du centre sont également évoqués. Principalement la mixité devrait assurer un brassage des différentes catégories sociales, ce brassage étant quant à lui un garant de la cohésion sociale. De la sorte, la mixité serait le gage d'une harmonie dans la différence.
Ainsi, rassembler la diversité des groupes sociaux dans la ville est un souci qui ne date pas d'aujourd'hui ni même d'hier. Ce rêve a habité les grandes pensées utopiques, de Platon à Thomas More. Les pionniers de l'urbanisme moderne ont conçu des projets visant certaines formes de diversité sociale. Ceci dit, le thème de mixité sociale est mobilisé comme objectif central des politiques publiques urbaines.
Ces politiques ont pour objectif de faire face à la montée de la pauvreté urbaine analysée en termes de processus d'exclusion sociale et urbaine. Elles s'appuient sur le modèle d'une société « équilibrée » mélangeant harmonieusement classes sociales, groupes ethniques et générations pour conjurer la cristallisation des poches de pauvretés qui seraient problématiques parce qu'à la base d'une culture de la pauvreté, du développement de l'insécurité ou de la constitution d'une « underclass ».
Author Keywords: Ségrégation, politique de la ville, Intégration, Agrégation, Exclusion, Rénovation urbaine.
How to Cite this Article
Rachid Othmani and Wadiaa Mourchid, “Social mixing a facet of urban policy,” International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 209–214, November 2014.