[ Insécurité alimentaire dans les ménages agricoles de Kipushi (R.D. Congo): Une appréhension en termes de dépenses monétaires ]
Volume 10, Issue 4, March 2015, Pages 1144–1149
Mushagalusa Balasha Arsene1, Tshomba Kalumbu John2, Assani Bin Lukangila Mick3, and Nkulu Mwine Fyama Jules4
1 Département d'économie agricole, Faculté des sciences agronomiques, Université de Lubumbashi, Lubumbashi, Katanga, RD Congo
2 Département de phytotechnie, Faculté des sciences agronomiques de l'Université de Lubumbashi, Lubumbashi, BP 1825, RD Congo
3 Département de Phytotechnie, Faculté des Sciences Agronomiques, Université de Lubumbashi, BP 1825, Lubumbashi, RD Congo
4 Département d'économie agricole, Faculté des sciences agronomiques, Université de Lubumbashi, Lubumbashi, Katanga, RD Congo
Original language: French
Copyright © 2015 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
In Katanga, the poverty and the deterioration of the livelihoods are at the base of the food insecurity especially in the agricultural households. The food request is an especially function of the number of people and purchasing power to them. This study had like objective to apprehend the food safety of the agricultural households of the territory of Kipushi by their food expenditure. To arrive there, an investigation was led to nearly 90 households taken in a random way in 6 villages of the territory of Kipushi over one period active of February in June 2012.The results of this study showed that the food expenditure by household was on average 3, 47$ for the whole of all the studied villages whose average size of household was 6,3. The daily consumption per capita in monetary term varied between 0, 47 and 0, 63$ and represents a convincing indicator of level of increased poverty (1, 25$ per capita per day). As for food consumption, the corn, the vegetables (cassava leaves) and the palm oil are food very consumed in the villages. The food practices, accessibility, the availability, the price would be the determining factors food consumption in the villages and at the same time the price of meat products would be a factor limiting for more than one agricultural household. Next research is very necessary to study the livelihoods of these households.
Author Keywords: Food safety, poverty, income, purchasing power, food consumption, agricultural households.
Volume 10, Issue 4, March 2015, Pages 1144–1149
Mushagalusa Balasha Arsene1, Tshomba Kalumbu John2, Assani Bin Lukangila Mick3, and Nkulu Mwine Fyama Jules4
1 Département d'économie agricole, Faculté des sciences agronomiques, Université de Lubumbashi, Lubumbashi, Katanga, RD Congo
2 Département de phytotechnie, Faculté des sciences agronomiques de l'Université de Lubumbashi, Lubumbashi, BP 1825, RD Congo
3 Département de Phytotechnie, Faculté des Sciences Agronomiques, Université de Lubumbashi, BP 1825, Lubumbashi, RD Congo
4 Département d'économie agricole, Faculté des sciences agronomiques, Université de Lubumbashi, Lubumbashi, Katanga, RD Congo
Original language: French
Copyright © 2015 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
In Katanga, the poverty and the deterioration of the livelihoods are at the base of the food insecurity especially in the agricultural households. The food request is an especially function of the number of people and purchasing power to them. This study had like objective to apprehend the food safety of the agricultural households of the territory of Kipushi by their food expenditure. To arrive there, an investigation was led to nearly 90 households taken in a random way in 6 villages of the territory of Kipushi over one period active of February in June 2012.The results of this study showed that the food expenditure by household was on average 3, 47$ for the whole of all the studied villages whose average size of household was 6,3. The daily consumption per capita in monetary term varied between 0, 47 and 0, 63$ and represents a convincing indicator of level of increased poverty (1, 25$ per capita per day). As for food consumption, the corn, the vegetables (cassava leaves) and the palm oil are food very consumed in the villages. The food practices, accessibility, the availability, the price would be the determining factors food consumption in the villages and at the same time the price of meat products would be a factor limiting for more than one agricultural household. Next research is very necessary to study the livelihoods of these households.
Author Keywords: Food safety, poverty, income, purchasing power, food consumption, agricultural households.
Abstract: (french)
Au Katanga, la pauvreté et la détérioration des moyens d'existences sont à la base de l'insécurité alimentaire surtout dans les ménages agricoles. La demande alimentaire est surtout fonction du nombre de personnes et de leur pouvoir d'achat. Cette étude avait comme objectif d'appréhender la sécurité alimentaire des ménages agricoles du territoire de Kipushi par leurs dépenses alimentaires. Pour y arriver, une enquête a été conduite auprès de 90 ménages pris de manière aléatoire dans 6 villages du territoire de Kipushi sur une période allant de février en juin 2012. Les résultats de cette étude ont montré que les dépenses alimentaires par ménage étaient en moyenne de 3,47$ pour l'ensemble de tous les villages étudiés dont la taille moyenne de ménage était de 6,3. La consommation journalière par personne en terme monétaire variait entre 0,47 et 0,63$. Le niveau de vie des ménages étudiés est deux fois inférieur au seuil de pauvreté (1,25$ par personne par jour). Quant à la consommation alimentaire, le maïs, les légumes surtout les feuilles de manioc et l'huile de palme sont des aliments très consommés dans les villages. Les habitudes alimentaires, l'accessibilité, la disponibilité, le prix seraient des facteurs déterminants la consommation alimentaire dans les villages et en même temps ce prix pour les produits carné comme la viande serait un facteur limitant pour plus d'un ménage. Les prochaines recherches sont très nécessaires pour étudier les moyens d'existences de ces ménages.
Author Keywords: Sécurité alimentaire, pauvreté, revenu, consommation alimentaire, pouvoir d'achat.
How to Cite this Article
Mushagalusa Balasha Arsene, Tshomba Kalumbu John, Assani Bin Lukangila Mick, and Nkulu Mwine Fyama Jules, “Food insecurity in the agricultural households of Kipushi (D.R. Congo): An apprehension in term of monetary expenditure,” International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 1144–1149, March 2015.