International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies
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The Cameroon's armed forces and the sociopolitical context of the federal system (1961-1971)

[ Les forces armées camerounaises et le contexte sociopolitique au Cameroun Fédéral (1961-1971) ]

Volume 11, Issue 1, April 2015, Pages 26–35

 The Cameroon's armed forces and the sociopolitical context of the federal system (1961-1971)

Saliou ABBA1 and MBANG Marcelle Lucette2

1 Centre National d'Education, Yaoundé, Cameroun
2 Centre National d'Education, Yaoundé, Cameroun

Original language: French

Copyright © 2015 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


The purpose of this article is to analyze trough multidisciplinary approach, the harmonization of security during federal period. The armed forces overcame cultural and political differences inherited from the British and French occupation and set up a unified military force regrouping all ethnic sensibilities before advent of the unitary State. This position is guided by the hypothesis that, a conservative federal constitution on defense and security issues, and an overall socio-political instability prevailing in some parts of the federal state, catalyzed the unification process. They are therefore a model in a context where patriotism, national unity and devotion to the state are not longer upheld in Cameroon.

Author Keywords: military, federalism, instability, security.

Abstract: (french)

Posant la problématique de l'harmonisation sécuritaire au sein de l'Etat fédéral, le présent article propose à travers une approche pluridisciplinaire, une nouvelle grille de lecture sur les acteurs du processus de construction de l'unité nationale jusque là à forte coloration civile. Ainsi, il découle des analyses que, les forces armées sont les pionniers de la concrétisation de l'unité nationale avant l'avènement de l'Etat Unitaire. Elles ont été aidées par un contexte sociopolitique relativement stable et par une constitution conservatrice à l'égard des domaines militaires et sécuritaires, transcendant les obstacles politiques et culturels hérités de la double occupation franco-britannique.

Author Keywords: militaire, fédéralisme, instabilité, sécurité.

How to Cite this Article

Saliou ABBA and MBANG Marcelle Lucette, “The Cameroon's armed forces and the sociopolitical context of the federal system (1961-1971),” International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 26–35, April 2015.