Volume 11, Issue 1, April 2015, Pages 197–203

Rachid Othmani1
1 Département: Droit Public, Centre des Etudes Doctorales, Faculté des Sciences Juridiques, Economiques et Sociales, Université Mohamed 5 souissi, Rabat, Maroc
Original language: French
Copyright © 2015 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Urban growth is one of the most striking phenomena of our contemporary societies. The urban course is accelerating. Cities emerging everywhere and take various forms: small large cities, megacities.... with their share of problems and difficulties: Integration, development, security, mobility, accessibility, safety, cohesion and solidarity. Public policy integration and development are struggling to form a strategic long-term vision to settle the crisis while degraded areas. This is the logic of urgency that characterizes these policies. And the urgency is the by-product of unconsciousness and lack of accountability in urban planning.
She never used to provide definitive and lasting solutions to social inclusion objectives.
What to give a political dignity to people who feel stigmatized forced into relegation and individual and collective despair of life?
Author Keywords: policy city, Inclusion, Exclusion s.

Rachid Othmani1
1 Département: Droit Public, Centre des Etudes Doctorales, Faculté des Sciences Juridiques, Economiques et Sociales, Université Mohamed 5 souissi, Rabat, Maroc
Original language: French
Copyright © 2015 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Urban growth is one of the most striking phenomena of our contemporary societies. The urban course is accelerating. Cities emerging everywhere and take various forms: small large cities, megacities.... with their share of problems and difficulties: Integration, development, security, mobility, accessibility, safety, cohesion and solidarity. Public policy integration and development are struggling to form a strategic long-term vision to settle the crisis while degraded areas. This is the logic of urgency that characterizes these policies. And the urgency is the by-product of unconsciousness and lack of accountability in urban planning.
She never used to provide definitive and lasting solutions to social inclusion objectives.
What to give a political dignity to people who feel stigmatized forced into relegation and individual and collective despair of life?
Author Keywords: policy city, Inclusion, Exclusion s.
Abstract: (french)
La croissance urbaine est l'un des phénomènes les plus marquants de nos sociétés contemporaines. La course urbaine s'accélère. Les villes émergent de partout et prennent des formes variés : petites, grandes, métropoles, mégapoles.... avec leur lot de problèmes et de difficultés : Intégration, aménagement, sécurité, mobilité, accessibilité, sûreté, cohésion et solidarité. Les politiques publiques d'intégration et de développement ont du mal a former une vision stratégique a long terme en vue de régler définitivement la crise de tous les espaces dégradés. C'est la logique d'urgence qui caractérise ces politiques. Et l'urgence n'est que le sous-produit de l'inconscience et de l'absence de responsabilité dans l'aménagement urbain.
Elle ne permet jamais d'apporter des solutions définitives et durables aux objectifs d'intégration sociale.
Que faire pour redonner une dignité politique aux gens qui s'estiment déconsidérées, acculés à la relégation et à une désespérance individuelle et collective de vie ?
Author Keywords: politique de la ville, inclusion, Exclusion, ségrégation, participation, mixité sociale.
How to Cite this Article
Rachid Othmani, “Inclusion, exclusion sociale et politique de la ville,” International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 197–203, April 2015.