International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies
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Accumulation of heavy metals in irrigated agricultural soils by the waters of hydraulic basin of Sebou in city of Kenitra (Morocco)

[ Accumulation des métaux lourds dans les sols agricoles irrigués par les eaux du bassin hydraulique de Sebou au niveau de la ville de Kenitra (MAROC) ]

Volume 12, Issue 2, July 2015, Pages 334–341

 Accumulation of heavy metals in irrigated agricultural soils by the waters of hydraulic basin of Sebou in city of Kenitra (Morocco)

Nabil Benlkhoubi1, Said Saber2, Ahmed Lebkiri3, El Housseine Rifi4, Elmostafa Elfahime5, and Abderrazzak Khadmaoui6

1 Department of Chemical, Laboratory of Organic Synthesis and Extraction Processes, Faculty of Science, University Ibn TOFAIL, BP 133 , Kenitra, Morocco
2 Department of Chemical, Laboratory of Organic Synthesis and Extraction Processes, Faculty of Science, University Ibn TOFAIL, BP 133 , Kenitra, Morocco
3 Department of Chemical, Laboratory of Organic Synthesis and Extraction Processes, Faculty of Science, University Ibn TOFAIL, BP 133 , Kenitra, Morocco
4 Department of Chemical, Laboratory of Organic Synthesis and Extraction Processes, Faculty of Science, University Ibn TOFAIL, BP 133 , Kenitra, Morocco
5 UATRS – CNRST, Angle Allal Fassi / FAR, Hay Riad 10 000, Rabat, Morocco
6 Laboratoire de Génétique et Biométrie, Faculté des Sciences, Université Ibn Tofail, Kenitra, Morocco

Original language: French

Copyright © 2015 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


This work has determined the distribution of metallic levels (Arsenic, Cadmium, Cobalt, lead, Nickel, Copper, Zinc and Chromium) in the agricultural soils (North West of Morocco) at two depths (0-15 cm and 15-30 cm). The average contents of Chromium and Cadmium in agricultural soils exceeded the limits imposed by the French standard AFNOR and the degree of pollution caused by waters of OUED SEBOU is more important than that of the OUED BEHT. The transfer of heavy metal in two depths of soil: 15-30 cm depended of clayey particle.

Author Keywords: Sebou river, Beht river, clays, degree of pollution, depths of soils.

Abstract: (french)

Les sols agricoles irrigués via des stations de pompage des eaux de surface de OUED SEBOU et OUED BEHT au niveau de la ville de kenitra (nord-ouest du Maroc), ont été prélevés à deux profondeurs (couche : 0-15 cm et couche : 15-30 cm), afin de déterminer les concentrations de l'Arsenic, du Cadmium, du Cobalt, du Plomb, du Nickel, du Cuivre, du Zinc et du Chrome, contenus les supports solides du sol. Les résultats ont montrés des teneurs dépassant les teneurs recommandées par la norme AFNOR pour le Cr et le Cd concentrés dans les sols agricoles, ainsi le degré de pollution induit par les eaux d'OUED SEBOU est plus important que celui d'OUED BEHT. La diffusion des métaux lourds vers la profondeur des sols étudiés, dépendent principalement de la teneur en particules argileuses.

Author Keywords: Oued Sebou, Oued Beht, argiles, degré de pollution, profondeur du sol.

How to Cite this Article

Nabil Benlkhoubi, Said Saber, Ahmed Lebkiri, El Housseine Rifi, Elmostafa Elfahime, and Abderrazzak Khadmaoui, “Accumulation of heavy metals in irrigated agricultural soils by the waters of hydraulic basin of Sebou in city of Kenitra (Morocco),” International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 334–341, July 2015.