International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies
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Ethnobotanical Survey of Asteraceae Family used in Meknes-Tafilalet Region (Morocco)

[ Étude Ethnobotanique des Astéracées dans la Région Meknès-Tafilalet (Maroc) ]

Volume 13, Issue 4, December 2015, Pages 789–815

 Ethnobotanical Survey of Asteraceae Family used in Meknes-Tafilalet Region (Morocco)

Mohamed BAMMOU1, Amine DAOUDI2, Khalid SELLAM3, Lhoussaine El RHAFFARI4, Jamal IBIJBIJEN5, and Laila NASSIRI6

1 Laboratory of Soil Microbiology and Environment, Department of Biology, Moulay Ismail University, Faculty of Sciences, 11201 Meknes, Morocco
2 Laboratory of Soil Microbiology and Environment, Department of Biology, Moulay Ismail University, Faculty of Sciences, 11201 Meknes, Morocco
3 Laboratory of Environment and Health, Department of Biology, Moulay Ismail Uneversity, Faculty of Sciences & Technology, 52000 Errachidia, Morocco
4 Laboratory of Environment and Health, Department of Biology, Moulay Ismail Uneversity, Faculty of Sciences & Technology, 52000 Errachidia, Morocco
5 Laboratory of Soil Microbiology and Environment, Department of Biology, Moulay Ismail University, Faculty of Sciences, 11201 Meknes, Morocco
6 Laboratory of Soil Microbiology and Environment, Department of Biology, Moulay Ismail University, Faculty of Sciences, 11201 Meknes, Morocco

Original language: French

Copyright © 2015 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


With the purpose of valorizing the Asteraceae family and ethnopharmacological heritage of the Meknes Tafilalet area in Morocco, an ethnobotanical study has been carried. A total of 344 interviews were done with out into the herbalists, traditional healers and druggists in the region of this area. This study enabled to inventory 48 exploited species belonging to 31 genera used to treat a variety of human diseases ; so, herbal remedies are often used to treat digestive disorders (18.6%), followed by the treatment of cardiovascular disorders (13.1%) and metabolic ones (12.5%). The leaves constitute the most used part (31.8%) and the most frequently employed modes of preparation for the majority of the remedies are the decoction (63.4%). Also, the species frequently used are : Anacyclus pyrethrum (11.6%), Dittrichia viscosa (7.6%) and Atractylis gummifera, Echinops spinosus and Calendula officinalis with 5.2 % each one.

Author Keywords: Ethnobotanical survey, Asteraceae, Meknes-Tafilalet.

Abstract: (french)

Dans le but de valoriser la flore et le patrimoine ethno-pharmacologique marocains, une attention particulière fut donnée à la famille des Astéracées de la région Meknès-Tafilalet. Ainsi, une étude ethnobotanique a été réalisée auprès des herboristes, des tradipraticiens et des droguistes de la région et un total 344 fiches d'enquêtes a été rempli. 48 espèces réparties en 31 genres ont été répertoriées ; aussi, l'étude a révélé que le traitement des affections du tube digestif est le plus fréquent (18.6% des utilisations totales) suivi par le traitement des troubles cardio-vasculaires (13.1%) et métaboliques (12.5%). Par ailleurs, la feuille constitue l'organe le plus utilisé (31.8%) et la décoction (63.4%), le mode de préparation le plus fréquemment employé pour la majorité des remèdes. En fin, les espèces les plus citées sont : Anacyclus pyrethrum (11.6%), Dittrichia viscosa (7.6%) et Atractylis gummifera, Echinops spinosus et Calendula officinalis avec 5.2 % chacune.

Author Keywords: Ethnobotanique, Astéracées, Meknès-Tafilalet.

How to Cite this Article

Mohamed BAMMOU, Amine DAOUDI, Khalid SELLAM, Lhoussaine El RHAFFARI, Jamal IBIJBIJEN, and Laila NASSIRI, “Ethnobotanical Survey of Asteraceae Family used in Meknes-Tafilalet Region (Morocco),” International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 789–815, December 2015.