[ Activité de maraîchage en milieu urbain à Parakou au Nord-Bénin: Caractéristiques et problèmes fonciers ]
Volume 14, Issue 4, February 2016, Pages 1086–1095

Isidore Yolou1
1 Maître-Assistant, Département de Géographie et Aménagement du Territoire (DGAT), Faculté des Lettres, Arts et Sciences Humaines (FLASH), Université de Parakou (UP), Benin
Original language: French
Copyright © 2016 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The study presents land owning constraints which Parakou urban market gardeners are confronted to, and which affect negatively the development of their activity. The methodological approach used here is based on a census of the city market gardening production sites, on an evaluation of the farmed land area, and on exchanges with actors concerned with that activity, in order to apprehend the land owning difficulties and their impact on the activity. A data base has been constituted after analysis of the inquiry files through the SPSS software, 17.0 version. Then, descriptive statistics tools have been used for the analysis of the data. The obtained results have indicated that the legacy donation and the purchase cover 53 % of the means of access to land, the anarchical occupation is 21 % and the loan guarding and small farm by share cropper cover 26 %. None of the census of the market gardening sites offers sustainable investment guarantee for the market gardeners because they possess no secured property title. As such, the producers could be sent away from the lands at any time, from one season to the other, without any warning. That activity, which takes place essentially in the swampy underworld, at the base of slopes, and in the slope basins of the city, is characterized by farming on small land portions by producers (between 365 m
Author Keywords: Parakou, market gardening, land tenure problems, threat, suggestions.
Volume 14, Issue 4, February 2016, Pages 1086–1095

Isidore Yolou1
1 Maître-Assistant, Département de Géographie et Aménagement du Territoire (DGAT), Faculté des Lettres, Arts et Sciences Humaines (FLASH), Université de Parakou (UP), Benin
Original language: French
Copyright © 2016 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The study presents land owning constraints which Parakou urban market gardeners are confronted to, and which affect negatively the development of their activity. The methodological approach used here is based on a census of the city market gardening production sites, on an evaluation of the farmed land area, and on exchanges with actors concerned with that activity, in order to apprehend the land owning difficulties and their impact on the activity. A data base has been constituted after analysis of the inquiry files through the SPSS software, 17.0 version. Then, descriptive statistics tools have been used for the analysis of the data. The obtained results have indicated that the legacy donation and the purchase cover 53 % of the means of access to land, the anarchical occupation is 21 % and the loan guarding and small farm by share cropper cover 26 %. None of the census of the market gardening sites offers sustainable investment guarantee for the market gardeners because they possess no secured property title. As such, the producers could be sent away from the lands at any time, from one season to the other, without any warning. That activity, which takes place essentially in the swampy underworld, at the base of slopes, and in the slope basins of the city, is characterized by farming on small land portions by producers (between 365 m
Author Keywords: Parakou, market gardening, land tenure problems, threat, suggestions.
Abstract: (french)
L'étude présente les contraintes foncières auxquelles sont confrontés les maraichers urbains de Parakou qui affectent négativement le développement de leur activité. La démarche méthodologique utilisée est basée sur un recensement des sites de production maraîchère de la ville, une évaluation des superficies emblavées et sur des entretiens avec les acteurs concernés par cette activité en vue d'apprécier les difficultés foncières et leurs effets sur l'activité. Une base de données a été constituée après le dépouillement des fiches d'enquête à l'aide du logiciel SPSS version 17.0. Ensuite des outils de la statistique descriptive ont été mis à contribution pour l'analyse des données. Les résultats obtenus ont montré que l'héritage, le don et l'achat occupe 53 % des modes d'accès à la terre, l'occupation anarchique (21 %) et le prêt, gardiennage et la métairie (26 %). Aucun des sites maraichers recensés, n'offre une garantie d'investissements durables pour les maraichers car ils ne détiennent aucun titre de propriété sécurisée. En conséquence, les producteurs peuvent être expulsés des sites du jour au lendemain ou d'une saison à une autre sans préavis. Cette activité, pratiquée essentiellement dans les bas-fonds, les bas de pente et dans les bassins versants de la ville, est caractérisée par l'exploitation de petites portions de terre par producteur (entre 365 m² et 5750 m2). L'avenir de l'activité agricole urbaine dépend en grande partie de la volonté politique de maintenir des zones cultivables en ville. Ceci permettra de renforcer la productivité et contribuera à améliorer la sécurité alimentaire.
Author Keywords: Parakou, maraîchage, problèmes fonciers, menaces, suggestions.
How to Cite this Article
Isidore Yolou, “Market Gardening in urban area of municipality of Parakou (north-Benin): Characteristics and Land Tenure Problems,” International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, vol. 14, no. 4, pp. 1086–1095, February 2016.