[ Contribution à l’élaboration d’un catalogue ethnobotanique de la commune rurale d’Aguelmous (Province de Khénifra, Maroc) ]
Volume 17, Issue 2, July 2016, Pages 373–387

Laila NASSIRI1, Saida ZARKANI2, Amine DAOUDI3, Mohamed BAMMOU4, EL Houssine BOUIAMRINE5, and Jamal IBIJBIJEN6
1 Laboratory of Soil Microbiology and Environment, Department of Biology, Moulay Ismail University, Faculty of Sciences, 11201 Meknes, Morocco
2 Laboratory of Soil Microbiology and Environment, Department of Biology, Moulay Ismail University, Faculty of Sciences, 11201 Meknes, Morocco
3 Laboratory of Soil Microbiology and Environment, Department of Biology, Moulay Ismail University, Faculty of Sciences, 11201 Meknes, Morocco
4 Laboratory of Soil Microbiology and Environment, Department of Biology, Moulay Ismail University, Faculty of Sciences, 11201 Meknes, Morocco
5 Laboratoire de Microbiologie du Sol et de l’Environnement, Département de Biologie, Faculté des Sciences, Université Moulay Ismail, BP 11201 Zitoune, Meknès, Maroc
6 Laboratory of Soil Microbiology and Environment, Department of Biology, Moulay Ismail University, Faculty of Sciences, 11201 Meknes, Morocco
Original language: French
Copyright © 2016 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
An ethno botanical survey was carried out with local population of Aguelmouss at khenifra province, in order to repertory therapeutic indications of spontaneous medicinal plants. So, an ethno botanical catalog was established in which medicinal plants widely used in this Moroccan area were reported with most of their pharmacological and medicinal virtues. KEYWORDS: Medicinal plant, ethno botanical catalog, Aguelmouss, Morocco.
Author Keywords: Medicinal plant, ethno botanical catalog, Aguelmouss, Morocco.
Volume 17, Issue 2, July 2016, Pages 373–387

Laila NASSIRI1, Saida ZARKANI2, Amine DAOUDI3, Mohamed BAMMOU4, EL Houssine BOUIAMRINE5, and Jamal IBIJBIJEN6
1 Laboratory of Soil Microbiology and Environment, Department of Biology, Moulay Ismail University, Faculty of Sciences, 11201 Meknes, Morocco
2 Laboratory of Soil Microbiology and Environment, Department of Biology, Moulay Ismail University, Faculty of Sciences, 11201 Meknes, Morocco
3 Laboratory of Soil Microbiology and Environment, Department of Biology, Moulay Ismail University, Faculty of Sciences, 11201 Meknes, Morocco
4 Laboratory of Soil Microbiology and Environment, Department of Biology, Moulay Ismail University, Faculty of Sciences, 11201 Meknes, Morocco
5 Laboratoire de Microbiologie du Sol et de l’Environnement, Département de Biologie, Faculté des Sciences, Université Moulay Ismail, BP 11201 Zitoune, Meknès, Maroc
6 Laboratory of Soil Microbiology and Environment, Department of Biology, Moulay Ismail University, Faculty of Sciences, 11201 Meknes, Morocco
Original language: French
Copyright © 2016 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
An ethno botanical survey was carried out with local population of Aguelmouss at khenifra province, in order to repertory therapeutic indications of spontaneous medicinal plants. So, an ethno botanical catalog was established in which medicinal plants widely used in this Moroccan area were reported with most of their pharmacological and medicinal virtues. KEYWORDS: Medicinal plant, ethno botanical catalog, Aguelmouss, Morocco.
Author Keywords: Medicinal plant, ethno botanical catalog, Aguelmouss, Morocco.
Abstract: (french)
Une enquête ethnobotanique a été menée auprès de la population locale de la commune d’Aguelmouss pour collecter des informations sur l’usage des plantes médicinales. Cette région est située à l’intersection des causses moyen- atlasiques et de la meseta centrale marocaine. Au terme de cette étude, un catalogue ethnobotanique est soigneusement dressé. Aussi, ce type d’études s’inscrit-il dans le cadre de la valorisation du patrimoine naturel et du savoir-faire phyto-thérapeutique traditionnel.
Author Keywords: Plante médicinale, Catalogue ethnobotanique, Aguelmouss, Maroc.
How to Cite this Article
Laila NASSIRI, Saida ZARKANI, Amine DAOUDI, Mohamed BAMMOU, EL Houssine BOUIAMRINE, and Jamal IBIJBIJEN, “Contribution to the establishment of ethno botanical catalog of Aguelmous (Khenifra, Morocco),” International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 373–387, July 2016.