International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies
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Seroprevalence study of Whooping Cough by Elisa IgM in Morocco between 2008-2012

[ Etude de la séroprévalence de la Coqueluche par technique Elisa IgM au Maroc entre 2008-2012 ]

Volume 18, Issue 2, October 2016, Pages 408–415

 Seroprevalence study of Whooping Cough by Elisa IgM in Morocco between 2008-2012

Meryem ELGARINI1, Abderrahmane Hammoumi2, Zakaria Mennane3, Aicha Qasmaoui4, Hafida OUKOUCHOUD5, Chahrazad OUNAIM6, and Reda Charof7

1 Laboratoire de Microbiologie, Pharmacologie, Biotechnologie et Environnement, Faculté des sciences Ain Chock, Université Hassan II Casablanca, Morocco
2 Laboratoire de Microbiologie, Pharmacologie, Biotechnologie et Environnement, Faculté des sciences Ain Chock, Université Hassan II Casablanca, Morocco
3 Department of Medical Bacteriology, National Institute of Hygiene, Ibn Battuta Avenue, B.P. 769, Agdal, Rabat 11000, Morocco
4 Département Bactériologie Médicale, Institut National d’Hygiène Rabat, Morocco
5 Laboratoire de Bactériologie Médicale, Institut Nationale d’Hygiène de Rabat, Morocco
6 Laboratoire de Bactériologie Médicale, Institut Nationale d’Hygiène de Rabat, Morocco
7 Department of medical bacteriology, National Institute of hygiene, Rabat, Morocco

Original language: French

Copyright © 2016 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


Objective: Serological diagnosis of 48 suspected cases of Whooping Cough, received Medical Bacteriology Department at the National Institute of Hygiene in Rabat from four Moroccan provinces. The technique used is the ELISA. Results: From 48 suspected cases of Whooping Cough, 28 cases (58%) were positives, 10 cases (21%) were negatives and 10 cases (21%) were doubtful. Conclusion: Despite the effort of the Ministry of Health for immunization against pertussis immunization coverage which exceeds 90% of children, we see sporadic cases affecting some provinces that may be responsible for death.

Author Keywords: Whooping cough, Bordetella pertussis, Elisa, Morocco, serology.

Abstract: (french)

Objectif : Diagnostic sérologique de 48 cas suspects de Coqueluche, reçus au département de Bactériologie Médicale de l’Institut Nationale d’Hygiène à Rabat provenance de quatre provinces Marocaines. La technique utilisée est l’ELISA. Résultats : Sur 48 cas suspects de coqueluche 28 cas sont positifs soit 58%, 10 cas négatif soit 21% et 10 cas douteux soit 21%. Conclusion : Malgré l’effort déployé par le ministère de la santé en matière de vaccination contre la coqueluche dont la couverture vaccinale qui dépasse 90% des enfants, nous remarquons des cas sporadiques qui touchent certaines provinces et qui peuvent être responsable malheureusement de décès.

Author Keywords: Coqueluche, Bordetella pertussis, ELISA, Maroc, sérologie.

How to Cite this Article

Meryem ELGARINI, Abderrahmane Hammoumi, Zakaria Mennane, Aicha Qasmaoui, Hafida OUKOUCHOUD, Chahrazad OUNAIM, and Reda Charof, “Seroprevalence study of Whooping Cough by Elisa IgM in Morocco between 2008-2012,” International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 408–415, October 2016.