Volume 26, Issue 2, May 2019, Pages 329–344
Uzamukunda Sebiyorero Dine1
1 Institut Supérieur Pédagogique de Goma (ISP/Goma), Province du Nord-Kivu, RD Congo
Original language: French
Copyright © 2019 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The goal of students admitted to a given course of study is to arrive within the prescribed time at the end of the cycle. Under these conditions, any abandonment is considered as a loss, even if the pupil who interrupts his studies before being at the end of the cycle has acquired knowledge that has raised his level of education. In the same way repetition, although allowing the recovery is considered as loss because it reduces the capacity of reception of the classes and thus prevents other children to be admitted there or to cause overpopulation of student. The burden of drop-out and repetition appears in the input / output ratio as a measure of school performance. The objective of this research is to determine the degree of effectiveness of the training system at the Maranata Institute in 2012-2016, then to realize that the reconstituted cohort proves that students who have started a cycle are certified at the end. of it. That is, to analyze the non-monetary performance of the training system within this institution. While the efficiency of the educational system is our concern, let us say that this is the ability of this system to achieve the objectives it prefixes. This one apprehends both internally and externally.
Author Keywords: efficiency, attrition, academic performance, cohort, repetition, dropout, promoted, Maranatha Institute.
Volume 26, Issue 2, May 2019, Pages 329–344
Uzamukunda Sebiyorero Dine1
1 Institut Supérieur Pédagogique de Goma (ISP/Goma), Province du Nord-Kivu, RD Congo
Original language: French
Copyright © 2019 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The goal of students admitted to a given course of study is to arrive within the prescribed time at the end of the cycle. Under these conditions, any abandonment is considered as a loss, even if the pupil who interrupts his studies before being at the end of the cycle has acquired knowledge that has raised his level of education. In the same way repetition, although allowing the recovery is considered as loss because it reduces the capacity of reception of the classes and thus prevents other children to be admitted there or to cause overpopulation of student. The burden of drop-out and repetition appears in the input / output ratio as a measure of school performance. The objective of this research is to determine the degree of effectiveness of the training system at the Maranata Institute in 2012-2016, then to realize that the reconstituted cohort proves that students who have started a cycle are certified at the end. of it. That is, to analyze the non-monetary performance of the training system within this institution. While the efficiency of the educational system is our concern, let us say that this is the ability of this system to achieve the objectives it prefixes. This one apprehends both internally and externally.
Author Keywords: efficiency, attrition, academic performance, cohort, repetition, dropout, promoted, Maranatha Institute.
Abstract: (french)
Le but des élèves admis dans un cycle déterminé d’enseignement est d’arriver dans les délais prescrits au bout du cycle. Dans ces conditions tout abandon est considéré comme déperdition, même si l’élève qui interrompt ses études avant d’être au bout du cycle a acquis des connaissances qui ont relevé son niveau d’instruction. De même le redoublement, bien que permettant la récupération est considéré comme déperdition parce qu’il réduit la capacité d’accueil des classes et empêche ainsi d’autres enfants à s’y faire admettre ou y provoquer un surpeuplement d’élève. La charge que représentent les abandons et les redoublements apparait dans le rapport input/output pris comme mesure du rendement scolaire. L’objectif poursuivi dans cette recherche est de déterminer le degré d’efficacité du système de formation à l’Institut Maranata de 2012-2016, puis se rendre compte que la cohorte reconstituée prouve que les élèves ayant débuté un cycle sont certifiés à la fin de celui-ci. C’est-à-dire analyser le rendement en terme non monétaire du système de formation au sein de cette institution. Pendant que l’efficacité du système d’enseignement constitue notre préoccupation disons que celle – ci est la capacité de ce système à réaliser les objectifs lui préfixés. Celle – ci s’appréhende aussi bien sur le plan n’interne qu’externe.
Author Keywords: efficacité, déperdition, rendement scolaire, cohorte, redoublement, abandon, promu, Institut Maranatha.
How to Cite this Article
Uzamukunda Sebiyorero Dine, “QUANTITATIVE EVALUATION OF THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THE TEACHING SYSTEM AT THE MARANATHA INSTITUTE 2012-2016,” International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, vol. 26, no. 2, pp. 329–344, May 2019.