International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies
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Analysis of the constraints of the breeding of caprine in Kalehe territory: Case of the Kalonge groupment

[ Analyse des contraintes de l’élevage des caprins en territoire de Kalehe: Cas du groupement de Kalonge ]

Volume 34, Issue 3, November 2021, Pages 669–680

 Analysis of the constraints of the breeding of caprine in Kalehe territory: Case of the Kalonge groupment

FITINA TOTO Willy1, Ruhanamirindi Bisusa2, and Buhendwa Wa Rumonz3

1 Assistant, ISTD-Mulungu, Province du Sud-Kivu, RD Congo
2 ISTD-Mulungu, Sud-Kivu, RD Congo
3 ISTD-Mulungu, Sud-Kivu, RD Congo

Original language: French

Copyright © 2021 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


Grouping KALONGE is an entity with agro-pastoral vocation, one practices there the breeding of bovines, caprine, sheep, pigs, rabbits, hens….The results of research carried out determine that the stockbreeders have problems whose non maitrise modern techniques of the control of the breeding slows down its evolution.To equip the stockbreeders by formations on modern techniques there would allow leading their breeding well.

Author Keywords: Analyze, constraint, breeding, caprine.

Abstract: (french)

Le groupement KALONGE est une entité à vocation agro-pastorale, on y pratique l’élevage de bovins, caprins, ovins, porcs, lapins, poules….Les résultats de la recherche effectuée déterminent que les éleveurs connaissent des difficultés dont la non maitrise des techniques modernes de la conduite de l’élevage freine son évolution.Outiller les éleveurs par des formations sur des techniques modernes leurs permettrais de bien conduire leur élevage.

Author Keywords: Analyse, contrainte, élevage, caprins.

How to Cite this Article

FITINA TOTO Willy, Ruhanamirindi Bisusa, and Buhendwa Wa Rumonz, “Analysis of the constraints of the breeding of caprine in Kalehe territory: Case of the Kalonge groupment,” International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, vol. 34, no. 3, pp. 669–680, November 2021.