[ Problématique de la gestion et commercialisation de la production agricole en milieu rural : Etude de cas du groupement KANGU/GUNGU EN RDC ]
Volume 28, Issue 4, March 2020, Pages 904–911

Mukoko Yves1, Nkulu Mwamba Lionel2, Mabela Séraphin3, Mungala Tamufu Patrick4, Kubansa Wayaba Jeremy5, Efeno Etengola Lecknai Lenaick6, Kasongo Giresse7, Kidindwe Mbuya Joel8, Mutombo Mukonzo Olivier9, and Mukoko L’ambem Willy10
1 Centre de Recherche Agroalimentaire (CRAA), Lubumbashi, RD Congo
2 Département du secteur agricole, Association pour la Promotion de l’Education et de la Formation à l’Etranger (APEFE), Wallonie Bruxelles International (WBI), Bureau de Lubumbashi, RD Congo
3 Département du secteur agricole, Association pour la Promotion de l’Education et de la Formation à l’Etranger (APEFE), Wallonie Bruxelles International (WBI), Bureau de Lubumbashi, RD Congo
4 Secrétariat général des affaires coutumières, ministère de l’intérieur, sécurité et affaires coutumières, Kinshasa, RD Congo
5 Centre de Recherche Agroalimentaire (CRAA), Lubumbashi, RD Congo
6 Institut Supérieur d’Etudes Sociales (ISES), Lubumbashi, RD Congo
7 Centre de Recherche Agroalimentaire (CRAA), Lubumbashi, RD Congo
8 Centre de Recherche Agroalimentaire (CRAA), Lubumbashi, RD Congo
9 Centre de Recherche Agroalimentaire (CRAA), Lubumbashi, RD Congo
10 Institut supérieur d’Etudes Agronomiques, Gungu, RD Congo
Original language: French
Copyright © 2020 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The farmer of KANKU lives on agriculture and is disadvantaged by the institutional context, the lack of support infrastructure for his activity and finds himself in difficulty to manage and market his production. This study was carried out in order to evaluate the management and marketing mode of this KANGU farmer's harvest products in order to identify the factors that can enable him to better manage this production and make better use of it. The farmer of KANKU lives on agriculture and is disadvantaged by the institutional context, the lack of support infrastructure for his activity and finds himself in difficulty to manage and market his production. This study was carried out in order to evaluate the management and marketing mode of this KANGU farmer's harvest products in order to identify the factors that can enable him to better manage this production and make better use of it. A structured survey was carried out in 5 localities of the KANGU group. This survey used simple and statistical random sampling methods, accompanied by empirical analysis for data collection. A statistical analysis was carried out for the processing of the raw data. After this analysis, it appears that this farmer produces for two purposes in particular self-consumption and marketing. A large proportion, more than 59% of the production of basic commodities, is destined for marketing and barter with 76.1% is the mode of marketing most practiced in this environment by the farmer despite being unfavorable for the farmer. The lack of support infrastructure (specific market, evacuation routes, etc.) is what compels the producer to resort to this mode of exchange.
Author Keywords: agriculture, farmer, product, barter, market.
Volume 28, Issue 4, March 2020, Pages 904–911

Mukoko Yves1, Nkulu Mwamba Lionel2, Mabela Séraphin3, Mungala Tamufu Patrick4, Kubansa Wayaba Jeremy5, Efeno Etengola Lecknai Lenaick6, Kasongo Giresse7, Kidindwe Mbuya Joel8, Mutombo Mukonzo Olivier9, and Mukoko L’ambem Willy10
1 Centre de Recherche Agroalimentaire (CRAA), Lubumbashi, RD Congo
2 Département du secteur agricole, Association pour la Promotion de l’Education et de la Formation à l’Etranger (APEFE), Wallonie Bruxelles International (WBI), Bureau de Lubumbashi, RD Congo
3 Département du secteur agricole, Association pour la Promotion de l’Education et de la Formation à l’Etranger (APEFE), Wallonie Bruxelles International (WBI), Bureau de Lubumbashi, RD Congo
4 Secrétariat général des affaires coutumières, ministère de l’intérieur, sécurité et affaires coutumières, Kinshasa, RD Congo
5 Centre de Recherche Agroalimentaire (CRAA), Lubumbashi, RD Congo
6 Institut Supérieur d’Etudes Sociales (ISES), Lubumbashi, RD Congo
7 Centre de Recherche Agroalimentaire (CRAA), Lubumbashi, RD Congo
8 Centre de Recherche Agroalimentaire (CRAA), Lubumbashi, RD Congo
9 Centre de Recherche Agroalimentaire (CRAA), Lubumbashi, RD Congo
10 Institut supérieur d’Etudes Agronomiques, Gungu, RD Congo
Original language: French
Copyright © 2020 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The farmer of KANKU lives on agriculture and is disadvantaged by the institutional context, the lack of support infrastructure for his activity and finds himself in difficulty to manage and market his production. This study was carried out in order to evaluate the management and marketing mode of this KANGU farmer's harvest products in order to identify the factors that can enable him to better manage this production and make better use of it. The farmer of KANKU lives on agriculture and is disadvantaged by the institutional context, the lack of support infrastructure for his activity and finds himself in difficulty to manage and market his production. This study was carried out in order to evaluate the management and marketing mode of this KANGU farmer's harvest products in order to identify the factors that can enable him to better manage this production and make better use of it. A structured survey was carried out in 5 localities of the KANGU group. This survey used simple and statistical random sampling methods, accompanied by empirical analysis for data collection. A statistical analysis was carried out for the processing of the raw data. After this analysis, it appears that this farmer produces for two purposes in particular self-consumption and marketing. A large proportion, more than 59% of the production of basic commodities, is destined for marketing and barter with 76.1% is the mode of marketing most practiced in this environment by the farmer despite being unfavorable for the farmer. The lack of support infrastructure (specific market, evacuation routes, etc.) is what compels the producer to resort to this mode of exchange.
Author Keywords: agriculture, farmer, product, barter, market.
Abstract: (french)
Le paysan de KANKU vit de l’agriculture et est défavorisé par le contexte institutionnel, le manque d’infrastructure de soutien pour son activité et se retrouve en difficulté pour gérer et commercialiser sa production. Cette étude a été menée de façon à évaluer le mode de gestion et de commercialisation des produits agricoles de ce paysan du groupement KANGU, afin de dégager les facteurs qui peuvent lui permettre à mieux gérer cette production et arriver en mieux en tirer profit. Une enquête structurée a été réalisée au sein de 5 localités du groupement KANGU. Cette enquête a usé des méthodes d’échantillonnage aléatoire simple et statistique, accompagnée par une analyse empirique pour la collecte des données. Une analyse statistique a été réalisée pour le traitement des données brutes. Après cette analyse, il ressort que ce paysan produit pour deux fins notamment l’autoconsommation et la commercialisation. Une grande proportion, soit plus de 59%, des produits de base commerçables est destinée à la commercialisation et, le troc avec 76.1% est le mode de commercialisation le plus pratiqué en ce milieu par le paysan malgré le fait qu’il soit défavorable pour le paysan. Le manque d’infrastructure de soutien (marché spécifique, voies d’évacuation, etc.) est ce qui contraint le producteur à faire recourt à ce mode d’échange.
Author Keywords: agriculture, paysan, produit, troc, marché.
How to Cite this Article
Mukoko Yves, Nkulu Mwamba Lionel, Mabela Séraphin, Mungala Tamufu Patrick, Kubansa Wayaba Jeremy, Efeno Etengola Lecknai Lenaick, Kasongo Giresse, Kidindwe Mbuya Joel, Mutombo Mukonzo Olivier, and Mukoko L’ambem Willy, “Problem of managing and marketing agricultural production in the rural environment: Case of the KANGU/GUNGU territory in DRC,” International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, vol. 28, no. 4, pp. 904–911, March 2020.