[ Préscolarisation et les performances scolaires : Cas des élèves du premier cycle du secondaire à Lomé au Togo ]
Volume 28, Issue 4, March 2020, Pages 895–903

BAWA Ibn Habib1
1 Département de Psychologie Appliquée, Université de Lomé, Togo
Original language: French
Copyright © 2020 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The beneficial effects of preschool education throughout primary school are known to all educators, teachers and pedagogues. The question we ask ourselves in this study is whether the beneficial effects observed at the primary level persist in the college. To answer this question, ninety-eight voluntary and willing schoolchildren from Lomé answered a socio-demographic questionnaire to inform their preschooling and provided their report cards to observe school performance. The collected data were subjected to statistical processing with the calculation of the appropriate Chi-square test to compare two independent samples. In the end, the results show that preschooled middle school students perform well academically to the detriment of their non-preschooled counterparts. They are also more likely to have good grades in French.
Author Keywords: Preschooling, school performance, french, mathematics, students.
Volume 28, Issue 4, March 2020, Pages 895–903

BAWA Ibn Habib1
1 Département de Psychologie Appliquée, Université de Lomé, Togo
Original language: French
Copyright © 2020 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The beneficial effects of preschool education throughout primary school are known to all educators, teachers and pedagogues. The question we ask ourselves in this study is whether the beneficial effects observed at the primary level persist in the college. To answer this question, ninety-eight voluntary and willing schoolchildren from Lomé answered a socio-demographic questionnaire to inform their preschooling and provided their report cards to observe school performance. The collected data were subjected to statistical processing with the calculation of the appropriate Chi-square test to compare two independent samples. In the end, the results show that preschooled middle school students perform well academically to the detriment of their non-preschooled counterparts. They are also more likely to have good grades in French.
Author Keywords: Preschooling, school performance, french, mathematics, students.
Abstract: (french)
Les effets bénéfiques de la préscolarisation tout au long du cours primaire sont connus de tous les éducateurs, enseignants et pédagogues. La question à laquelle nous nous posons dans cette étude est celle de savoir si les effets bénéfiques constatés au primaire perdurent au collège. Pour répondre à cette question, quatre-vingt-dix-huit collégiens de Lomé volontaires et consentants ont répondu à un questionnaire sociodémographique pour renseigner leur préscolarisation et fourni leurs bulletins de notes pour observer les performances scolaires. Les données recueillies ont été soumises au traitement statistique avec le calcul du test Chi deux approprié pour comparer deux échantillons indépendants. A terme, les résultats montrent que ce sont les collégiens préscolarisés qui ont bonnes performances scolaires au détriment de leurs homologues non préscolarisés. Ils sont également plus nombreux à avoir de bonnes notes en français.
Author Keywords: Préscolarisation, performances scolaire, français, mathématiques, élèves.
How to Cite this Article
BAWA Ibn Habib, “Preschool and school performance: Case of junior high school students in Lomé, Togo,” International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, vol. 28, no. 4, pp. 895–903, March 2020.