[ قياس الراحة السياحية باستعمال المؤشرات المناخية: دراسة حالة بلدية القالة - أقصى الشمال الشرقي الجزائري ]
Volume 28, Issue 4, March 2020, Pages 877–884

Saif Eddine DERRADJI1, Djamel Eddine GUESSOUM2, and Rabah ZENNIR3
1 Land Use Planning Department, Space and Environmental Analysis Laboratory, Badji Mokhtar - Annaba University, Faculty of Earth Sciences, Annaba University, Annaba, Algeria
2 Land Use Planning Department, Space and Environmental Analysis Laboratory, Badji Mokhtar - Annaba University, Faculty of Earth Sciences, Annaba University, Annaba, Algeria
3 Land Use Planning Department, Space and Environmental Analysis Laboratory, Badji Mokhtar - Annaba University, Faculty of Earth Sciences, Annaba University, Annaba, Algeria
Original language: Arabic
Copyright © 2020 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Climate is the main controller of human behaviors and practices, and even determines their nature and types. It is also often responsible for its effectiveness, as in some economic activities. Tourism is part of these activities, It is practiced by man as an urgent result of rest, recreation, sense of nature, taste and enjoyment in areas unusual to live in. The climate plays an important role in its success or failure, and changing its elements from one region to another changes the type and specificity of tourism. The climate determines the degree of tourist comfort. This research paper aims to study the tourist comfort and highlight the role of climate elements and their direct and indirect effects on them by addressing them in detail and droping it on the municipality of El Kala in the far northeast of Algeria. The Tourism Climate Index (TCI) was used in the preparation of this study. The results showed in the end that the tourism climate index of the municipality of El Kala is not constant throughout the year and variable with positive and negative values recorded. The spring and summer season are considered to be one of the most suitable periods for tourism activity in the region. The index reached its maximum value (88%). The remaining, in addition to winter, is considered an inappropriate time for tourism (35.5% in January), mainly due to the impact of climate and its components.
Author Keywords: Tourism, tourism climate index, Tourist Comfort, Climate, Effects, municipality of El Kala.
Volume 28, Issue 4, March 2020, Pages 877–884

Saif Eddine DERRADJI1, Djamel Eddine GUESSOUM2, and Rabah ZENNIR3
1 Land Use Planning Department, Space and Environmental Analysis Laboratory, Badji Mokhtar - Annaba University, Faculty of Earth Sciences, Annaba University, Annaba, Algeria
2 Land Use Planning Department, Space and Environmental Analysis Laboratory, Badji Mokhtar - Annaba University, Faculty of Earth Sciences, Annaba University, Annaba, Algeria
3 Land Use Planning Department, Space and Environmental Analysis Laboratory, Badji Mokhtar - Annaba University, Faculty of Earth Sciences, Annaba University, Annaba, Algeria
Original language: Arabic
Copyright © 2020 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Climate is the main controller of human behaviors and practices, and even determines their nature and types. It is also often responsible for its effectiveness, as in some economic activities. Tourism is part of these activities, It is practiced by man as an urgent result of rest, recreation, sense of nature, taste and enjoyment in areas unusual to live in. The climate plays an important role in its success or failure, and changing its elements from one region to another changes the type and specificity of tourism. The climate determines the degree of tourist comfort. This research paper aims to study the tourist comfort and highlight the role of climate elements and their direct and indirect effects on them by addressing them in detail and droping it on the municipality of El Kala in the far northeast of Algeria. The Tourism Climate Index (TCI) was used in the preparation of this study. The results showed in the end that the tourism climate index of the municipality of El Kala is not constant throughout the year and variable with positive and negative values recorded. The spring and summer season are considered to be one of the most suitable periods for tourism activity in the region. The index reached its maximum value (88%). The remaining, in addition to winter, is considered an inappropriate time for tourism (35.5% in January), mainly due to the impact of climate and its components.
Author Keywords: Tourism, tourism climate index, Tourist Comfort, Climate, Effects, municipality of El Kala.
Abstract: (arabic)
يعتبر المناخ المتحكم الرئيسي في سلوكيات وممارسات الإنسان، بل ويحدد طبيعتها وأنواعها. كما أنه المسؤول في جل الأحيان عن مدى نجاعتها، كما هو الحال في بعض الأنشطة الاقتصادية. فالسياحة تعتبر جزء من هذه النشاطات، يمارسها الإنسان كنتيجة ملحة للراحة والترفيه عن النفس، ويلعب المناخ هنا دورا هام في مدى نجاحها أو فشلها، كما أن تغير عناصره من منطقة إلى أخرى يغير نوعها وخصوصياتها. فهو الذي يحدد درجة الراحة السياحية. وتهدف هذه الورقة البحثية إلى دراسة الراحة والرفاهية السياحية وإبراز دور العناصر المناخية وتأثيراتها المباشرة وغير المباشرة عليها من خلال التطرق إليها بالتفصيل وإسقاط ذلك على بلدية القالة في أقصى الشمال الشرقي الجزائري. وتم توظيف مؤشر مناخ السياحة TCI في إعداد هذه الدراسة، حيث تم الاستعانة ببعض من عناصره في مختلف المراحل. وأظهرت النتائج في النهاية أن مؤشر مناخ السياحة ببلدية القالة غير ثابت على طول شهور السنة ومتغير حيث سجلت قيم ايجابية وأخرى سلبية له، ففصل الربيع والصيف يعدان من أحسن الفترات ملائمة للنشاط السياحي بالمنطقة، وصل فيهما المؤشر إلى قيمه القصوى(88%)، كما تعد كذلك فترة بداية الخريف جيدة وملائمة للسياح، بينما المتبقي منها بالإضافة إلى فصل الشتاء يعتبر من الزمن غير المناسب للسياحة (35.5% في شهر جانفي)، ويرجع ذلك بالدرجة الأولى إلى تأثير المناخ ومكوناته.
Author Keywords: السياحة، مؤشر مناخ السياحة، الراحة السياحية، المناخ، التأثيرات، بلدية القالة.
How to Cite this Article
Saif Eddine DERRADJI, Djamel Eddine GUESSOUM, and Rabah ZENNIR, “Measuring tourist comfort using climate indicators: Case study of El Kala Municipality (North -East of Algeria),” International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, vol. 28, no. 4, pp. 877–884, March 2020.