[ Incidence de parasitose à schistosome haematobium chez les personnes âgées de 6-21 ans au sein de population de Mole en RDC ]
Volume 33, Issue 1, June 2021, Pages 188–193

Christophe Toadela Mongoyi1, Daniel MADEMOGO MOSIBA2, Reagan Mobanza3, Godefroid Ngeda Gombima4, and Matili Widobana5
1 Licencié en Biologie Médicale, Université Pédagogique Nationale, RD Congo
2 Institut Supérieur des Techniques Médicales de Gemena, RD Congo
3 Licencié en Chimie Analytique, Université Pédagogique Nationale, RD Congo
4 Licencié en Biologie Médicale, Institut Supérieur des Techniques Médicales (I.S.T.M), KINSHASA, RD Congo
5 Licencié en Gestion des Institutions de Santé ISTM, Gemena, RD Congo
Original language: French
Copyright © 2021 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
In developing this work titled Incidence of Schistosoma Haematobium Parasitosis in People Aged 6-21 Years. Case of an ADES SANTE / MOLE center in the province of Sud Ubangi in the Democratic Republic of Congo.Very widespread throughout the world, Schistosome Haematobium parasitoses constitute a real public health problem, they represent a high prevalence in many regions and are among the most widespread infections in the world.Thus, determining the rates of Schistosome Haematobium parasitosis in people aged 6-21 years in the population of Mole is important for improving the health of the latter. This article addressed the aspect on the Incidence of parasitosis caused by Schistosome Haematobium in people aged 6-21 years in the population of Mole: case of the Mole Health area.The experimental method supported by the technique of documentary review then urinalysis on a sample of 106 people, after analysis of the data, we arrived at the following results: Table 1: the male sex was more represented with 56 or 52.8 % while the female sex was only 50 or 47.2%. Table 2: The 18 to 21 age group was the most represented with a figure of 34 or 32.1% followed by that of 6 to 9 years with 27 or 25.5%, after that of 10 to 13 years with a workforce of 23 or 21.6%, while the age group from 14 to 17 years was only 22 or 20.8%.
Author Keywords: Bilharziasis or schistosomiasis, schistosome Haematobium, Parasitosis, incidence and population.
Volume 33, Issue 1, June 2021, Pages 188–193

Christophe Toadela Mongoyi1, Daniel MADEMOGO MOSIBA2, Reagan Mobanza3, Godefroid Ngeda Gombima4, and Matili Widobana5
1 Licencié en Biologie Médicale, Université Pédagogique Nationale, RD Congo
2 Institut Supérieur des Techniques Médicales de Gemena, RD Congo
3 Licencié en Chimie Analytique, Université Pédagogique Nationale, RD Congo
4 Licencié en Biologie Médicale, Institut Supérieur des Techniques Médicales (I.S.T.M), KINSHASA, RD Congo
5 Licencié en Gestion des Institutions de Santé ISTM, Gemena, RD Congo
Original language: French
Copyright © 2021 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
In developing this work titled Incidence of Schistosoma Haematobium Parasitosis in People Aged 6-21 Years. Case of an ADES SANTE / MOLE center in the province of Sud Ubangi in the Democratic Republic of Congo.Very widespread throughout the world, Schistosome Haematobium parasitoses constitute a real public health problem, they represent a high prevalence in many regions and are among the most widespread infections in the world.Thus, determining the rates of Schistosome Haematobium parasitosis in people aged 6-21 years in the population of Mole is important for improving the health of the latter. This article addressed the aspect on the Incidence of parasitosis caused by Schistosome Haematobium in people aged 6-21 years in the population of Mole: case of the Mole Health area.The experimental method supported by the technique of documentary review then urinalysis on a sample of 106 people, after analysis of the data, we arrived at the following results: Table 1: the male sex was more represented with 56 or 52.8 % while the female sex was only 50 or 47.2%. Table 2: The 18 to 21 age group was the most represented with a figure of 34 or 32.1% followed by that of 6 to 9 years with 27 or 25.5%, after that of 10 to 13 years with a workforce of 23 or 21.6%, while the age group from 14 to 17 years was only 22 or 20.8%.
Author Keywords: Bilharziasis or schistosomiasis, schistosome Haematobium, Parasitosis, incidence and population.
Abstract: (french)
En élaborant ce travail intitulé Incidence de la parasitose à Schistosoma Haematobium chez les personnes âgées de 6-21 ans. Cas de centre d’ADES SANTE/MOLE dans la province du Sud Ubangi en République Démocratique du Congo. Très largement répandus à travers le monde, les parasitoses à Schistosome Haematobium constituent un réel problème de santé publique, ils représentent une prévalence élevée dans nombreuses régions et comptent parmi les infections les plus répandues au monde.C’est ainsi que la détermination de taux de parasitose à Schistosome Haematobium chez les personnes âgées de 6-21 ans au sein de la population de Mole s’avère important pour l’amélioration de la santé de cette dernière. Cet article a abordé l’aspect sur l’Incidence de parasitose à Schistosome Haematobium chez les personnes âgées de 6-21 ans au sein de la population de Mole: cas de l’aire de Santé Mole.La méthode expérimentale appuyée par la technique de revue documentaire puis d’analyse des urines sur un échantillon de 106 personnes, après analyses des données, nous sommes arrivés aux résultats suivants: Tableau 1: le sexe masculin était plus représenté avec 56 soit 52,8 % alors que le sexe féminin n’avait que 50 soit 47,2%. Le tableau 2: La tranche d’âge de 18 à 21 ans était la plus représenté avec un chiffre de 34 soit 32,1 % suivi de celle de 6 à 9 ans avec 27 soit 25,5 %, après celle de 10 à 13 ans avec un effectif de 23 soit 21,6%, tandis que la tranche d’âge de 14 à 17 ans n’avait que 22 soit 20,8 %.
Author Keywords: Bilharziose ou schistosomiase, schistosome Haematobium, parasitose, incidence et population.
How to Cite this Article
Christophe Toadela Mongoyi, Daniel MADEMOGO MOSIBA, Reagan Mobanza, Godefroid Ngeda Gombima, and Matili Widobana, “Incidence of schistosome haematobium parasitosis in people aged 6-21 years of age in mole population in DRC,” International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, vol. 33, no. 1, pp. 188–193, June 2021.