[ Motifs de saisie des viandes, prévalence et incidence socio-économique: Cas de l’abattoir de Tillabéri ]
Volume 33, Issue 1, June 2021, Pages 65–76

Harouna Abdou1, Ibrahim Karimou Adamou2, and Djamilou Mahamadou3
1 Université Boubacar BÂ de Tillabéri, Faculté des sciences agronomiques, Département des productions animales, BP 175, Tillabéri, Niger
2 Université de Tahoua, Faculté des sciences agronomiques, Département des productions animales, Tahoua, Niger
3 Université Boubacar BÂ de Tillabéri, Faculté des sciences agronomiques, Département des productions animales, BP 175, Tillabéri, Niger
Original language: French
Copyright © 2021 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The aim of this work was to determine the reasons for organ seizures at the slaughterhouse level and the economic and social impact of such seizures. A total of 2,597 carcasses were inspected during this study, of which 283 cattle (10.90%) and 893 sheep (34.40%), 1,419 goat (54.63%) and 2 camellia (0.07%). The month of February 2020 recorded the highest rate of slaughter, 1075 head (41.40%). The analysis of the data showed that male and female goats constitute the most important slaughter. Overall, the proportions are 80.95% for females compared to 19.05% for males of all species combined. For partial seizures, it is noted that distomatosis is the most important reason for seizure with 557 pieces, i.e. 40.95% of the total number of pieces seized. Furthermore, after all calculations, it is noted that the seizures recorded during three months of monitoring resulted in a total loss of around 76,000 FCFA. In February 2020, the losses were the highest with 46,500 FCFA. These investigations were carried out in the communal slaughterhouse of Tillabéri, in order to contribute to enrich the scientific sphere, but also to identify the dangers, sources of disease in humans and to provide our doctors with a lead to improve public health.
Author Keywords: Identification, Reasons for seizure, Organs, Large ruminants, Small ruminants, Economic impact.
Volume 33, Issue 1, June 2021, Pages 65–76

Harouna Abdou1, Ibrahim Karimou Adamou2, and Djamilou Mahamadou3
1 Université Boubacar BÂ de Tillabéri, Faculté des sciences agronomiques, Département des productions animales, BP 175, Tillabéri, Niger
2 Université de Tahoua, Faculté des sciences agronomiques, Département des productions animales, Tahoua, Niger
3 Université Boubacar BÂ de Tillabéri, Faculté des sciences agronomiques, Département des productions animales, BP 175, Tillabéri, Niger
Original language: French
Copyright © 2021 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The aim of this work was to determine the reasons for organ seizures at the slaughterhouse level and the economic and social impact of such seizures. A total of 2,597 carcasses were inspected during this study, of which 283 cattle (10.90%) and 893 sheep (34.40%), 1,419 goat (54.63%) and 2 camellia (0.07%). The month of February 2020 recorded the highest rate of slaughter, 1075 head (41.40%). The analysis of the data showed that male and female goats constitute the most important slaughter. Overall, the proportions are 80.95% for females compared to 19.05% for males of all species combined. For partial seizures, it is noted that distomatosis is the most important reason for seizure with 557 pieces, i.e. 40.95% of the total number of pieces seized. Furthermore, after all calculations, it is noted that the seizures recorded during three months of monitoring resulted in a total loss of around 76,000 FCFA. In February 2020, the losses were the highest with 46,500 FCFA. These investigations were carried out in the communal slaughterhouse of Tillabéri, in order to contribute to enrich the scientific sphere, but also to identify the dangers, sources of disease in humans and to provide our doctors with a lead to improve public health.
Author Keywords: Identification, Reasons for seizure, Organs, Large ruminants, Small ruminants, Economic impact.
Abstract: (french)
L’objectif de ce travail était de déterminer les motifs de saisies des organes au niveau de l’abattoir de Tillabéri et l’impact économique et sociale de cette saisie. Un total de 2597 carcasses a été inspecté au cours de cette étude dont 283 têtes bovines (10,90%) et 893 ovines (34,40%), 1419 têtes caprines (54,63%) enfin 2 têtes cameline soit 0,07%. Le mois de février 2020, a enregistré le taux le plus important en termes d’abattage soit 1075 têtes (41,40%). L’analyse des données a permis de constater que les mâles et les femelles caprins constituaient l’abattage le plus important. Globalement, les proportions étaient de 80,95% pour les femelles contre 19,05% pour les mâles toutes espèces confondues. Pour les saisies partielles, il est remarqué que la distomatose était le motif de saisie le plus important avec 557 pièces soit 40,95% du total des pièces saisies. Par ailleurs, après tout calcul, il est constaté que les saisies enregistrées au cours de trois mois de suivi ont entrainé une perte totale qui oscillait autour de 76 000 FCFA. En février 2020, les pertes ont été les plus importantes avec 46 500 FCFA. Ces investigations ont été menées dans l’abattoir communal de Tillabéri, afin de contribuer à enrichir la sphère scientifique, mais également d’identifier les dangers, sources de maladies chez les humains et fournir une piste à nos médecins de pouvoir améliorer la santé publique.
Author Keywords: Identification, Motifs de saisie, Organes, Gros ruminants, Petits ruminants, Incidence économique.
How to Cite this Article
Harouna Abdou, Ibrahim Karimou Adamou, and Djamilou Mahamadou, “Reasons for Meat Seizure, prevalence and socio-economic impact: The case of the Tillabéri slaughterhouse,” International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, vol. 33, no. 1, pp. 65–76, June 2021.