[ Effets socio-économiques des activités maraîchères dans la commune d'Athieme (Sud-Ouest du Benin) ]
Volume 33, Issue 1, June 2021, Pages 202–213

Isidore Yolou1
1 Maître-Assistant, Département de Géographie et Aménagement du Territoire (DGAT), Faculté des Lettres, Arts et Sciences Humaines (FLASH), Université de Parakou (UP), Benin
Original language: French
Copyright © 2021 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Regularly practiced in the off-season, the gardening market not only contributes to the reduction of food insecurity and poverty but also presents itself as one of the main production sectors, creating jobs in rural and urban areas. The purpose of this article is to analyze the socio-economic effects of the gardening market activities in the municipality of Athiéme with a view to contributing to the poverty reduction rate and increasing the income of farmers. To this end, a workforce of 115 market gardeners in a group or association spread over five (5) districts was prioritized during the survey. Some parameters of the descriptive statistics combined with the calculation of the net margin of vegetable production made it possible to process the data collected. The results show that, from 2008 to 2015, the market garden production parameters (areas and production) experienced a spectacular change, respectively from 365 to 830 ha and 587 tonnes to 5,180 tonnes. Leafy vegetables are the most profitable with a net operating cost of 1,105,000 F CFA while, chili is the least profitable speculation with 181,000 F CFA. In Athiémé, all market gardeners use their income to stock up on food crops, while 95% of them invest in health, compared to 17% of them who use them as buildings. However, although the gardening market has a high economic performance, it is important to identify ways of improvement that could lead to the taking of measures by the public authorities, aimed at a global and sustainable development of market gardening in its socioeconomic dimensions.
Author Keywords: Athiémé, gardening market, production, market gardening profitability, socio-economic impacts.
Volume 33, Issue 1, June 2021, Pages 202–213

Isidore Yolou1
1 Maître-Assistant, Département de Géographie et Aménagement du Territoire (DGAT), Faculté des Lettres, Arts et Sciences Humaines (FLASH), Université de Parakou (UP), Benin
Original language: French
Copyright © 2021 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Regularly practiced in the off-season, the gardening market not only contributes to the reduction of food insecurity and poverty but also presents itself as one of the main production sectors, creating jobs in rural and urban areas. The purpose of this article is to analyze the socio-economic effects of the gardening market activities in the municipality of Athiéme with a view to contributing to the poverty reduction rate and increasing the income of farmers. To this end, a workforce of 115 market gardeners in a group or association spread over five (5) districts was prioritized during the survey. Some parameters of the descriptive statistics combined with the calculation of the net margin of vegetable production made it possible to process the data collected. The results show that, from 2008 to 2015, the market garden production parameters (areas and production) experienced a spectacular change, respectively from 365 to 830 ha and 587 tonnes to 5,180 tonnes. Leafy vegetables are the most profitable with a net operating cost of 1,105,000 F CFA while, chili is the least profitable speculation with 181,000 F CFA. In Athiémé, all market gardeners use their income to stock up on food crops, while 95% of them invest in health, compared to 17% of them who use them as buildings. However, although the gardening market has a high economic performance, it is important to identify ways of improvement that could lead to the taking of measures by the public authorities, aimed at a global and sustainable development of market gardening in its socioeconomic dimensions.
Author Keywords: Athiémé, gardening market, production, market gardening profitability, socio-economic impacts.
Abstract: (french)
Régulièrement pratiquée en contre-saison, la culture maraîchère contribue non seulement à la réduction de l’insécurité alimentaire et de la pauvreté mais aussi, se présente comme un des principaux secteurs de production, créateurs d’emplois en milieux rural et urbain. Cet article a pour objet d’analyser les effets socio-économiques des activités maraîchères dans la commune d'Athiéme en vue d’une contribution à la réduction du taux de pauvreté et à l’accroissement du revenu des exploitants agricoles. A cet effet, un effectif de 115 maraîchers en groupement ou en association répartis dans cinq (5) arrondissements a été priorisé au cours de l’enquête. Quelques paramètres de la statistique descriptive combinés avec le calcul de la marge nette de la production maraîchère ont permis de traiter les données collectées. Les résultats montrent que, de 2008 à 2015, les paramètres de production maraîchère (superficies et production) ont connu respectivement une évolution spectaculaire soit de 365 à 830 ha et 587 tonnes à 5 180 tonnes. Les légumes feuilles sont les plus rentables avec un coût net d'exploitation de 1 105 000 F CFA tandis que, le piment est la spéculation la moins rentable avec 181 000 F CFA. A Athiémé, l’ensemble des maraîchers utilisent leurs revenus pour se ravitailler en produits vivriers alors que 95 % de ceux-ci, investissent dans la santé contre 17 % parmi eux qui en font des bâtis. Cependant, bien que l’exploitation maraîchère présente une performance économique élevée, il est important d’identifier des voies d’amélioration qui pourraient entraîner la prise de mesures par le pouvoir public, visant une évolution globale et durable du maraîchage dans ses dimensions socioéconomiques.
Author Keywords: Athiémé, maraîchage, production, rentabilité maraîchère, incidences socio-économiques.
How to Cite this Article
Isidore Yolou, “Socio-economic effects of market activities in Athieme (South-West of Benin),” International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, vol. 33, no. 1, pp. 202–213, June 2021.