Volume 33, Issue 1, June 2021, Pages 222–233

Claudiane Yanick Moukam1
1 Department of Public Economics, University of Douala, P.O.BOX: 4032, Douala, Cameroon
Original language: English
Copyright © 2021 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The supply of environmental services from the multi-functionality of agriculture requires some forms of non-market valuation. The objective of the study is to estimate farmers’ willingness to accept to supply biodiversity conservation and carbon sequestration through agro-forestry and afforestation, based on a survey of 200 farmers in Barombi Mbo. The results indicate that almost all farmers perceive the importance of forest for climate regulation, flood control, erosion control, wildlife habitat, and as a spiritual site. A total of 85.5% of farmers express a positive willingness to accept (WTA) for afforestation programme, while some are willing to adopt agro-forestry. From the Tobit model results, variables age, origin, environmental sensitivity, awareness to payment for environmental services scheme and knowledge of bio-fertilizers significantly influence the WTA. The mean WTA for environmental services provision is up to 4,488 FCFA /year with a total cost of afforestation programme of 1,370,491 FCFA /year. With appropriate policy incentives, farmers could adopt these practices and contribute to the improvement of the environment.
Author Keywords: Sustainable Agriculture, Environmental Services, Externalities, Willingness to Accept, Cameroon.

Claudiane Yanick Moukam1
1 Department of Public Economics, University of Douala, P.O.BOX: 4032, Douala, Cameroon
Original language: English
Copyright © 2021 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The supply of environmental services from the multi-functionality of agriculture requires some forms of non-market valuation. The objective of the study is to estimate farmers’ willingness to accept to supply biodiversity conservation and carbon sequestration through agro-forestry and afforestation, based on a survey of 200 farmers in Barombi Mbo. The results indicate that almost all farmers perceive the importance of forest for climate regulation, flood control, erosion control, wildlife habitat, and as a spiritual site. A total of 85.5% of farmers express a positive willingness to accept (WTA) for afforestation programme, while some are willing to adopt agro-forestry. From the Tobit model results, variables age, origin, environmental sensitivity, awareness to payment for environmental services scheme and knowledge of bio-fertilizers significantly influence the WTA. The mean WTA for environmental services provision is up to 4,488 FCFA /year with a total cost of afforestation programme of 1,370,491 FCFA /year. With appropriate policy incentives, farmers could adopt these practices and contribute to the improvement of the environment.
Author Keywords: Sustainable Agriculture, Environmental Services, Externalities, Willingness to Accept, Cameroon.
How to Cite this Article
Claudiane Yanick Moukam, “Supplying Environmental Services through Sustainable Agriculture in Rural Cameroon: An Estimation of Farmers’ Willingness to Accept in Barombi Mbo,” International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, vol. 33, no. 1, pp. 222–233, June 2021.