Volume 33, Issue 1, June 2021, Pages 244–251

Mrabti Samir1, Hassan Seddik2, Hanae Boutallaka3, Tarik Addajou4, Asmae Sair5, Ahlam Benhamdane6, Abdelfettah Touibi7, Rokhsi Soukaina8, Osmane Mohammed9, Hasna Igourman10, Sara Sentissi11, Reda Berrida12, Ilham El Koti13, and Ahmed Benkirane14
1 Department of Hepato Gastroenterology II, Mohammed V Military Training Hospital, Rabat, Morocco
2 Department of Hepato Gastroenterology II, Mohammed V Military Training Hospital, Rabat, Morocco
3 Department of Hepato Gastroenterology II, Mohammed V Military Training Hospital, Rabat, Morocco
4 Department of Hepato Gastroenterology II, Mohammed V Military Training Hospital, Rabat, Morocco
5 Department of Hepato Gastroenterology II, Mohammed V Military Training Hospital, Rabat, Morocco
6 Department of Hepato Gastroenterology II, Mohammed V Military Training Hospital, Rabat, Morocco
7 Department of Gastroenterology, Military Hospital Mohammed V, Rabat, Morocco
8 Department of Gastroenterology, Military Hospital Mohammed V, Rabat, Morocco
9 Department of Hepato Gastroenterology II, Mohammed V Military Training Hospital, Rabat, Morocco
10 Department of Hepato Gastroenterology II, Mohammed V Military Training Hospital, Rabat, Morocco
11 Department of Hepato Gastroenterology II, Mohammed V Military Training Hospital, Rabat, Morocco
12 Department of Hepato Gastroenterology II, Mohammed V Military Training Hospital, Rabat, Morocco
13 Department of Hepato Gastroenterology II, Mohammed V Military Training Hospital, Rabat, Morocco
14 Department of Hepato Gastroenterology II, Mohammed V Military Training Hospital, Rabat, Morocco
Original language: French
Copyright © 2021 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
To evaluate the effectiveness of endoscopic biliary sphincterotomy in patients with a large obstructive stone measuring more than 15mm and in patients with simple stones and to identify the factors influencing endoscopic drainage as well as its complications in the management of large choledochal stones. This is the evaluation of endoscopic retrograde cholangio-pancreatography by a descriptive and analytical retrospective study carried out in the Hepato-Gastro-Enterology II department of the Military Hospital of Rabat between April 2002 and September 2020. 1011 patients included in the study who were divided into two groups: Group I (n = 143): Patients with a large obstructive stone measuring more than 15mm. Group II (n = 868): Patients with one or two stones, or bile duct stones. The overall success rate was 88.7% in group I versus 92.5% in group II (p = 0.125). The overall rate of early complications was 10.5% in group I versus 5.1% in group II (p = 0.017). Only the presence of acute cholangitis and stenosis of the main bile duct were factors associated with decreased overall success of endoscopic treatment. Our study showed that there is no statistically significant difference in the effectiveness of endoscopic treatment in patients with a large stone and those with simple lithiasis. The presence of cholangitis and stenosis of the main bile duct appear to be factors associated with decreased overall success of endoscopic treatment.
Author Keywords: Cholangiography, endoscopic drainage, factors associated with success, standard maneuvers, additional maneuvers.
Volume 33, Issue 1, June 2021, Pages 244–251

Mrabti Samir1, Hassan Seddik2, Hanae Boutallaka3, Tarik Addajou4, Asmae Sair5, Ahlam Benhamdane6, Abdelfettah Touibi7, Rokhsi Soukaina8, Osmane Mohammed9, Hasna Igourman10, Sara Sentissi11, Reda Berrida12, Ilham El Koti13, and Ahmed Benkirane14
1 Department of Hepato Gastroenterology II, Mohammed V Military Training Hospital, Rabat, Morocco
2 Department of Hepato Gastroenterology II, Mohammed V Military Training Hospital, Rabat, Morocco
3 Department of Hepato Gastroenterology II, Mohammed V Military Training Hospital, Rabat, Morocco
4 Department of Hepato Gastroenterology II, Mohammed V Military Training Hospital, Rabat, Morocco
5 Department of Hepato Gastroenterology II, Mohammed V Military Training Hospital, Rabat, Morocco
6 Department of Hepato Gastroenterology II, Mohammed V Military Training Hospital, Rabat, Morocco
7 Department of Gastroenterology, Military Hospital Mohammed V, Rabat, Morocco
8 Department of Gastroenterology, Military Hospital Mohammed V, Rabat, Morocco
9 Department of Hepato Gastroenterology II, Mohammed V Military Training Hospital, Rabat, Morocco
10 Department of Hepato Gastroenterology II, Mohammed V Military Training Hospital, Rabat, Morocco
11 Department of Hepato Gastroenterology II, Mohammed V Military Training Hospital, Rabat, Morocco
12 Department of Hepato Gastroenterology II, Mohammed V Military Training Hospital, Rabat, Morocco
13 Department of Hepato Gastroenterology II, Mohammed V Military Training Hospital, Rabat, Morocco
14 Department of Hepato Gastroenterology II, Mohammed V Military Training Hospital, Rabat, Morocco
Original language: French
Copyright © 2021 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
To evaluate the effectiveness of endoscopic biliary sphincterotomy in patients with a large obstructive stone measuring more than 15mm and in patients with simple stones and to identify the factors influencing endoscopic drainage as well as its complications in the management of large choledochal stones. This is the evaluation of endoscopic retrograde cholangio-pancreatography by a descriptive and analytical retrospective study carried out in the Hepato-Gastro-Enterology II department of the Military Hospital of Rabat between April 2002 and September 2020. 1011 patients included in the study who were divided into two groups: Group I (n = 143): Patients with a large obstructive stone measuring more than 15mm. Group II (n = 868): Patients with one or two stones, or bile duct stones. The overall success rate was 88.7% in group I versus 92.5% in group II (p = 0.125). The overall rate of early complications was 10.5% in group I versus 5.1% in group II (p = 0.017). Only the presence of acute cholangitis and stenosis of the main bile duct were factors associated with decreased overall success of endoscopic treatment. Our study showed that there is no statistically significant difference in the effectiveness of endoscopic treatment in patients with a large stone and those with simple lithiasis. The presence of cholangitis and stenosis of the main bile duct appear to be factors associated with decreased overall success of endoscopic treatment.
Author Keywords: Cholangiography, endoscopic drainage, factors associated with success, standard maneuvers, additional maneuvers.
Abstract: (french)
Evaluer l’efficacité de la sphinctérotomie biliaire endoscopique chez les patients ayant un gros calcul obstructif mesurant plus de 15mm et les patients ayant une lithiase simple et identifier les facteurs influençant le drainage endoscopique ainsi que ses complications dans la prise en charge des gros calculs cholédociens. Il s’agit de l’évaluation de la cholangio-pancréatographie rétrograde endoscopique par une étude rétrospective descriptive et analytique menée au sein du service d’Hépato-Gastro-Entérologie II de l’Hôpital Militaire de Rabat entre Avril 2002 et Septembre 2020. 1011 patients inclus dans l’étude ont été divisés en deux groupes: Groupe I (n= 143): Patients ayant un gros calcul obstructif mesurant plus de 15mm. Groupe II (n=868): Patients ayant un ou deux calculs, ou un empierrement cholédocien. Le taux de succès global était de 88,7% dans le groupe I versus 92.5% dans le groupe II (p = 0.125). Le taux global des complications précoces était de 10,5% dans le groupe I versus 5,1% dans le groupe II (p = 0.017). Seule la présence d’une angiocholite aigue et d’une sténose de la voie biliaire principale étaient des facteurs associés à la diminution du succès global du traitement endoscopique. Notre étude a montré qu’il n’existe pas de différence statistiquement significative de l’efficacité du traitement endoscopique des patient présentant un gros calcul et ceux ayant une lithiase simple. La présence d’une angiocholite et d’une sténose de la voie biliaire principale semblent être des facteurs associés à la diminution du succès global du traitement endoscopique.
Author Keywords: Cholangiographie, drainage endoscopique, facteurs associés au succés, manœuvres standards, manœuvres supplémentaires.
How to Cite this Article
Mrabti Samir, Hassan Seddik, Hanae Boutallaka, Tarik Addajou, Asmae Sair, Ahlam Benhamdane, Abdelfettah Touibi, Rokhsi Soukaina, Osmane Mohammed, Hasna Igourman, Sara Sentissi, Reda Berrida, Ilham El Koti, and Ahmed Benkirane, “INTEREST OF ENDOSCOPIC BILIARY SPHINCTEROTOMY IN THE TREATMENT OF LARGE STONES IN ADULTS: EXPERIENCE OF A MOROCCAN SERVICE RETROSPECTIVE STUDY OVER 18 YEARS,” International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, vol. 33, no. 1, pp. 244–251, June 2021.