[ Analyse socio-environnementale d’espèces halieutiques menacées d’extinction sur le fleuve Congo et son hinterland dans la province de l’équateur (RDC) ]
Volume 33, Issue 4, September 2021, Pages 742–753
![Socio-environmental analysis of endangered fish species on the Congo River and its hinterland in Equateur Province (DRC) Socio-environmental analysis of endangered fish species on the Congo River and its hinterland in Equateur Province (DRC)](./docs/fulltext.png)
Matthieu Sekalo Mandele1, Malasse Lungunza2, D.E. Musibono3, Camille Nsimanda4, and Ifuta Ndey5
1 Institut Supérieur de Développement Rural (ISDR), Province de l’Equateur, Mbandaka, RD Congo
2 Institut Supérieur de Développement Rural (ISDR), Province de l’Equateur, Mbandaka, RD Congo
3 Département de l’environnement, Faculté de sciences, Université de Kinshasa, RD Congo
4 Département de l’environnement, Faculté de sciences, Université de Kinshasa, RD Congo
5 Département de l’environnement, Faculté de sciences, Université de Kinshasa, RD Congo
Original language: French
Copyright © 2021 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The biodiversity of the Congo Basin is a resource that must be well known and managed. Despite the strong pressure exerted on it, biodiversity still contains emblematic species that must be preserved. In addition to their biological importance, tropical forests remain essential for the riparian populations. Hence the need for rational and efficient management.We were interested in a seasonal catch assessment of endangered species fish. The results obtained during this research prove the failure to respect the capture of certain species of fish without taking into account the respect of the season (the calendar, the fishing zones as well as the biological maturity).This state of affairs sufficiently proves that the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Livestock as well as that of the Environment, Nature Conservation and Tourism through the various services do not apply the regulatory measures for conservation of halieutic diversity.
Author Keywords: Fish species, Congo river, biodiversity, fish.
Volume 33, Issue 4, September 2021, Pages 742–753
![Socio-environmental analysis of endangered fish species on the Congo River and its hinterland in Equateur Province (DRC) Socio-environmental analysis of endangered fish species on the Congo River and its hinterland in Equateur Province (DRC)](./docs/fulltext.png)
Matthieu Sekalo Mandele1, Malasse Lungunza2, D.E. Musibono3, Camille Nsimanda4, and Ifuta Ndey5
1 Institut Supérieur de Développement Rural (ISDR), Province de l’Equateur, Mbandaka, RD Congo
2 Institut Supérieur de Développement Rural (ISDR), Province de l’Equateur, Mbandaka, RD Congo
3 Département de l’environnement, Faculté de sciences, Université de Kinshasa, RD Congo
4 Département de l’environnement, Faculté de sciences, Université de Kinshasa, RD Congo
5 Département de l’environnement, Faculté de sciences, Université de Kinshasa, RD Congo
Original language: French
Copyright © 2021 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The biodiversity of the Congo Basin is a resource that must be well known and managed. Despite the strong pressure exerted on it, biodiversity still contains emblematic species that must be preserved. In addition to their biological importance, tropical forests remain essential for the riparian populations. Hence the need for rational and efficient management.We were interested in a seasonal catch assessment of endangered species fish. The results obtained during this research prove the failure to respect the capture of certain species of fish without taking into account the respect of the season (the calendar, the fishing zones as well as the biological maturity).This state of affairs sufficiently proves that the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Livestock as well as that of the Environment, Nature Conservation and Tourism through the various services do not apply the regulatory measures for conservation of halieutic diversity.
Author Keywords: Fish species, Congo river, biodiversity, fish.
Abstract: (french)
La biodiversité du Bassin du Congo est une ressource qui doit être bien connue et gérée. Malgré la forte pression qui s’y exerce, la biodiversité renferme encore des espèces emblématiques qu’on doit assurer leur conservation. Outre leur importance biologique, les forêts tropicales restent primordiales pour les populations riveraines. D’où la nécessité d’une gestion rationnelle et efficace.Nous nous sommes intéressés à une évaluation saisonnière de capture des poissons espèces menacées en voie de disparition. Les résultats obtenus lors de cette recherche prouvent le non-respect de capture de certaines espèces des poissons sans tenir compte de respect de saison (le calendrier, les zones de pêche ainsi que de la maturité biologique).Cet état de chose, prouve à suffisance que, le ministère de l’Agriculture, Pêche et Elevage ainsi que celui de l’Environnement, Conservation de la nature et Tourisme à travers les différents services n’appliquent pas les mesures de réglementation pour la conservation de la diversité halieutique.
Author Keywords: Espèce halieutique, fleuve Congo, biodiversité, poisson.
How to Cite this Article
Matthieu Sekalo Mandele, Malasse Lungunza, D.E. Musibono, Camille Nsimanda, and Ifuta Ndey, “Socio-environmental analysis of endangered fish species on the Congo River and its hinterland in Equateur Province (DRC),” International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, vol. 33, no. 4, pp. 742–753, September 2021.