[ Gestion des ordures ménagères dans la ville de Mbandaka, province de l’Equateur, République Démocratique du Congo (RDC) ]
Volume 33, Issue 4, September 2021, Pages 762–767
![Household waste management in the city of Mbandaka, province of Equateur, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) Household waste management in the city of Mbandaka, province of Equateur, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)](./docs/fulltext.png)
Matthieu Sekalo Mandele1, Dieudonné Musibono2, Camille Ipey Nsimanda3, Gracien Ekoko4, Patience Ngelinkoto Mpia5, and Ghislain Bingemba Mundongo6
1 Institut Supérieur de Développement Rural (ISDR), Province de l’Equateur, Mbandaka, RD Congo
2 Faculté des sciences, département de l’environnement, Université de Kinshasa, RD Congo
3 Faculté des sciences, département de l’environnement, Université de Kinshasa, RD Congo
4 Faculté des sciences, département de l’environnement, Université de Kinshasa, RD Congo
5 Faculté des sciences, Département de chimie, Université Nationale Pédagogue, RD Congo
6 Institut Supérieur de Développement Rural (ISDR) Mbandaka, Province de l’Equateur, RD Congo
Original language: French
Copyright © 2021 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The present study consists with the management of the household refuse in three various districts (Mambenga, Ibanga and Air Congo) of the town of Mbandaka of RD Congo.Our investigations were carried out in three hundred (300) households because of 100 households per district. These households were contained in «bunches or pockets» presenting the same characteristics or similarities. Thus, we obtained 6 bunches or pockets of the 50 households each one because of two bunches per district .The results obtained show that: the majority of the households of these districts do not have dustbins.3% only of the households of Mambenga district have the dustbins counter 2% of Ibanga district.In the district, 92,8% of households carry out against the hiding of the refuse 95,98% in Wangata and 93,33% with Bolenge.the major part of our surveyed are adults who are in the age bracket of 19-49 years for the three districts. The heads of the households whose age is lower or equal to 18 years represent only one small proportion among surveyed.as for the function of surveyed, the majority are agents and civils servant of the state, except in the zone of health of Bolengeor the peasants account for 50%.compared to the level of studies, it is released that the majority of the heads of the households finished the secondary studies, followed those which made the higher and university studies.As a result, the absence of functional structures capable of ensuring the collection and disposal of household waste through households in the city of Mbandaka leads to illegal and uncontrolled dumping in the streets and neighborhoods of this city.
Author Keywords: Refuse, Household, Mbandaka, Wangata, Bolenge.
Volume 33, Issue 4, September 2021, Pages 762–767
![Household waste management in the city of Mbandaka, province of Equateur, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) Household waste management in the city of Mbandaka, province of Equateur, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)](./docs/fulltext.png)
Matthieu Sekalo Mandele1, Dieudonné Musibono2, Camille Ipey Nsimanda3, Gracien Ekoko4, Patience Ngelinkoto Mpia5, and Ghislain Bingemba Mundongo6
1 Institut Supérieur de Développement Rural (ISDR), Province de l’Equateur, Mbandaka, RD Congo
2 Faculté des sciences, département de l’environnement, Université de Kinshasa, RD Congo
3 Faculté des sciences, département de l’environnement, Université de Kinshasa, RD Congo
4 Faculté des sciences, département de l’environnement, Université de Kinshasa, RD Congo
5 Faculté des sciences, Département de chimie, Université Nationale Pédagogue, RD Congo
6 Institut Supérieur de Développement Rural (ISDR) Mbandaka, Province de l’Equateur, RD Congo
Original language: French
Copyright © 2021 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The present study consists with the management of the household refuse in three various districts (Mambenga, Ibanga and Air Congo) of the town of Mbandaka of RD Congo.Our investigations were carried out in three hundred (300) households because of 100 households per district. These households were contained in «bunches or pockets» presenting the same characteristics or similarities. Thus, we obtained 6 bunches or pockets of the 50 households each one because of two bunches per district .The results obtained show that: the majority of the households of these districts do not have dustbins.3% only of the households of Mambenga district have the dustbins counter 2% of Ibanga district.In the district, 92,8% of households carry out against the hiding of the refuse 95,98% in Wangata and 93,33% with Bolenge.the major part of our surveyed are adults who are in the age bracket of 19-49 years for the three districts. The heads of the households whose age is lower or equal to 18 years represent only one small proportion among surveyed.as for the function of surveyed, the majority are agents and civils servant of the state, except in the zone of health of Bolengeor the peasants account for 50%.compared to the level of studies, it is released that the majority of the heads of the households finished the secondary studies, followed those which made the higher and university studies.As a result, the absence of functional structures capable of ensuring the collection and disposal of household waste through households in the city of Mbandaka leads to illegal and uncontrolled dumping in the streets and neighborhoods of this city.
Author Keywords: Refuse, Household, Mbandaka, Wangata, Bolenge.
Abstract: (french)
La présente étude consiste à la gestion des ordures ménagères dans trois différents quartiers (Mambenga, Ibanga et Air Congo) de la ville de Mbandaka en RD. Congo. Nos enquêtes ont été effectuées dans trois cent (300) ménages en raison de 100 ménages par quartier. Ces ménages ont été regroupés en « grappes ou poches » présentant les mêmes caractéristiques ou similitudes. Ainsi, nous avons obtenu 6 grappes ou poches des 50 ménages chacun en raison de deux grappes par quartier.Les résultats obtenus montrent que:La plupart des ménages de ces quartiers n’ont pas des poubelles. 3% seulement des ménages du quartier Mambenga disposent des poubelles contres 2% du quartier Ibanga.Dans le quartier 92,8% de ménages procèdent à l’enfouissement des ordures contre 95,98% dans Wangata et 93,33% à Bolenge.La majeure partie de nos enquêtés sont des adultes qui se trouvent dans la tranche d’âge de 19-49 ans pour les trois quartiers. Les chefs des ménages dont l’âge est inférieur ou égal à 18 ans ne représentent qu’une faible proportion parmi les enquêtés.Quant à la fonction des enquêtés, la majorité sont des agents et fonctionnaires de l’état, sauf dans la zone de santé de Bolenge ou les paysans représentent 50%.Par rapport au niveau d’études, il se dégage que la majorité des chefs des ménages ont terminé les études secondaires, suivi de ceux qui ont fait les études supérieures et universitaires.De ce fait, l’absence des structures fonctionnelles susceptibles d’assurer la collecte et l’évacuation des ordures ménagères à travers les ménages de la ville de Mbandaka entrainent des décharges sauvages et incontrôlées dans les rues et les quartiers de cette ville.
Author Keywords: Ordure, ménage, Mbandaka, Wangata, Bolenge.
How to Cite this Article
Matthieu Sekalo Mandele, Dieudonné Musibono, Camille Ipey Nsimanda, Gracien Ekoko, Patience Ngelinkoto Mpia, and Ghislain Bingemba Mundongo, “Household waste management in the city of Mbandaka, province of Equateur, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC),” International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, vol. 33, no. 4, pp. 762–767, September 2021.