Volume 36, Issue 4, July 2022, Pages 1067–1079

Paulin Djimonnan1, Yvette S. Tankpinou Kiki2, Gbènondé S. G. Milohin3, Victor S. Gbaguidi4, and Michele Zema5
1 Laboratory of Applied Energetics and Mechanics (LEMA), University of Abomey-Calavi (UAC), Benin
2 National Institute of Industrial Sciences and Technics (INSTI) of Lokossa, Benin
3 Laboratory of Applied Energetics and Mechanics (LEMA), University of Abomey-Calavi (UAC), Benin
4 Laboratory of Applied Energetics and Mechanics (LEMA), University of Abomey-Calavi (UAC), Benin
5 University of Pavia, Italy
Original language: English
Copyright © 2022 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The control of the mechanical performance of concretes of lateritic nodules requires a perfect knowledge of the physicochemical and mechanical properties of the nodules. Several researchers have approached the characterization of concretes of lateritic nodules and, by ricochet, of lateritic nodules used as coarse aggregates. The specification of this study is not only the varieties of chemical-mechanical results obtained, but also the water saturation time of the various lateritic nodules. Among the objectives of this study are: i) the determination of the dominant oxides, ii) the study of physical properties and the time zone of water saturation curves, iii) the control of the mixing water of the lateritic nodules; v) the determination of the hardness range of ten samples. Chemical analysis shows that the dominant oxides in the laterites are SiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3, CaO is very low in the lateritic nodules. The content of these oxides varies from sample to sample. The granularity of the materials studied is of the spread type. The apparent and absolute densities of the nodules vary from 1.43 to 1.51 and from 2.61 to 2.81 respectively. The degree of absorption and porosity vary from 0.81 to 5.81 and from 2.11 to 16.03. The water saturation time of lateritic nodules is between 18 hours and 24 hours. The hardness of the nodules, following the fragmentation test, varies from 43 to 55 and some exceeds the required value.
Author Keywords: Aggregate, chemical analysis, oxides, water absorption, porosity, mechanical properties.

Paulin Djimonnan1, Yvette S. Tankpinou Kiki2, Gbènondé S. G. Milohin3, Victor S. Gbaguidi4, and Michele Zema5
1 Laboratory of Applied Energetics and Mechanics (LEMA), University of Abomey-Calavi (UAC), Benin
2 National Institute of Industrial Sciences and Technics (INSTI) of Lokossa, Benin
3 Laboratory of Applied Energetics and Mechanics (LEMA), University of Abomey-Calavi (UAC), Benin
4 Laboratory of Applied Energetics and Mechanics (LEMA), University of Abomey-Calavi (UAC), Benin
5 University of Pavia, Italy
Original language: English
Copyright © 2022 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The control of the mechanical performance of concretes of lateritic nodules requires a perfect knowledge of the physicochemical and mechanical properties of the nodules. Several researchers have approached the characterization of concretes of lateritic nodules and, by ricochet, of lateritic nodules used as coarse aggregates. The specification of this study is not only the varieties of chemical-mechanical results obtained, but also the water saturation time of the various lateritic nodules. Among the objectives of this study are: i) the determination of the dominant oxides, ii) the study of physical properties and the time zone of water saturation curves, iii) the control of the mixing water of the lateritic nodules; v) the determination of the hardness range of ten samples. Chemical analysis shows that the dominant oxides in the laterites are SiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3, CaO is very low in the lateritic nodules. The content of these oxides varies from sample to sample. The granularity of the materials studied is of the spread type. The apparent and absolute densities of the nodules vary from 1.43 to 1.51 and from 2.61 to 2.81 respectively. The degree of absorption and porosity vary from 0.81 to 5.81 and from 2.11 to 16.03. The water saturation time of lateritic nodules is between 18 hours and 24 hours. The hardness of the nodules, following the fragmentation test, varies from 43 to 55 and some exceeds the required value.
Author Keywords: Aggregate, chemical analysis, oxides, water absorption, porosity, mechanical properties.
How to Cite this Article
Paulin Djimonnan, Yvette S. Tankpinou Kiki, Gbènondé S. G. Milohin, Victor S. Gbaguidi, and Michele Zema, “Chemical-mechanical characterizations of lateritic nodules for the implementation of hydraulic concrete,” International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, vol. 36, no. 4, pp. 1067–1079, July 2022.