[ Développement d'un filtre gaussien pour la réduction du bruit dans les images médicales ]
Volume 36, Issue 2, May 2022, Pages 594–599

Meni Babakidi Narcisse1
1 Institut Supérieur de Techniques Appliquées de Kinshasa, Section Electronique, Kinshasa, RD Congo
Original language: French
Copyright © 2022 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
In image processing, it is often essential to remove the noise from the image since this noise is an anomaly which degrades its quality, while making its visual interpretation difficult. The purpose of filtering is to eliminate the effect of these disturbances by trying not to touch the essential information of the image (contours, dynamics, and textures). This article describes the development of a Gaussian filter for noise reduction in medical images, the ggfilter function is designed for the calculation of the filter matrix and the convolution process, the tests on different parameters show the advantage of use 7x7 windows and σ= 0.5.
Author Keywords: Design, Gaussian filter, noise, medical images, convolution.
Volume 36, Issue 2, May 2022, Pages 594–599

Meni Babakidi Narcisse1
1 Institut Supérieur de Techniques Appliquées de Kinshasa, Section Electronique, Kinshasa, RD Congo
Original language: French
Copyright © 2022 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
In image processing, it is often essential to remove the noise from the image since this noise is an anomaly which degrades its quality, while making its visual interpretation difficult. The purpose of filtering is to eliminate the effect of these disturbances by trying not to touch the essential information of the image (contours, dynamics, and textures). This article describes the development of a Gaussian filter for noise reduction in medical images, the ggfilter function is designed for the calculation of the filter matrix and the convolution process, the tests on different parameters show the advantage of use 7x7 windows and σ= 0.5.
Author Keywords: Design, Gaussian filter, noise, medical images, convolution.
Abstract: (french)
En traitement d'images, il est souvent indispensable d'enlever le bruit de l'image vu que ce bruit est une anomalie qui dégrade sa qualité, tout en rendant difficile son interprétation visuelle. Le filtrage a pour but d'éliminer l'effet de ces perturbations en essayant de ne pas toucher aux informations essentielles de l'image (contours, dynamique, et textures). Cet article décrit le développement d'un filtre gaussien pour la réduction du bruit dans les images médicales, la fonction ggfilter est conçue pour le calcul de la matrice de filtrage et le processus de convolution, les tests sur différents paramètres montrent l'avantage d'utiliser des fenêtres 7x7 et σ= 0,5.
Author Keywords: Conception, filtre gaussien, bruit, images médicales, convolution.
How to Cite this Article
Meni Babakidi Narcisse, “Development of a gaussian filter for noise reduction in medical images,” International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, vol. 36, no. 2, pp. 594–599, May 2022.