[ Pratique de deux cycles annuels de la culture de Solanum tuberosum L. Par campagne horticole sous les conditions climatiques naturelles dans l’Imanan, Niger ]
Volume 39, Issue 1, March 2023, Pages 324–332

Mamane Bachir MOUSSA SOUMAILA1, Issa ADAMOU2, and Zoubeirou ALZOUMA MAYAKI3
1 Département Production durable des cultures, Faculté des sciences Agronomiques, Université Boubakar Bâ de Tillabéri, BP: 175 Tillabéri, Niger
2 Département Production durable des cultures, Faculté des sciences Agronomiques, Université Boubakar Bâ de Tillabéri, BP: 175 Tillabéri, Niger
3 Université Abdou Moumouni de Niamey, Faculté des Sciences et Techniques, BP. 10662 Niamey, Niger
Original language: French
Copyright © 2023 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The gardening is presented as a credible alternative of crop’s diversification. The potato’s crop (Solanum tuberosum L.) is being done in all the eight regions. On a yearly cycle form October to March. In Agadez region it is producted all over the year. In Tillaberi region particularly at Imanan the practice of two cycles (primary and later) is tested instead of a single yearly cycle as an innovation. The aim of article is to comtribute at the impmrovement of the potato’s crop productivity during a year. The methodology has consisted to lead inquiries and observation of local cultural practices (ground preparation, tuber fragmentation, after pre germination, buttage). From October to December for the primary and from January to March for the later. The plurality of the harvest for the two cyces is of 66 tone against 33 tone of normal cycle. On the other side the selling price of the kg the primary of Decembre and the later of March were respectively 400 and 200 CFA. Whereas the production of February is sold 200 CFA per kg because the offer exceder the demande. It is clearly established that the practice of the two yearly cycles get more products and and incomes.
Author Keywords: Solanum tuberosum, Imanan, Productivity, Nature climatic, food insecurity, Niger.
Volume 39, Issue 1, March 2023, Pages 324–332

Mamane Bachir MOUSSA SOUMAILA1, Issa ADAMOU2, and Zoubeirou ALZOUMA MAYAKI3
1 Département Production durable des cultures, Faculté des sciences Agronomiques, Université Boubakar Bâ de Tillabéri, BP: 175 Tillabéri, Niger
2 Département Production durable des cultures, Faculté des sciences Agronomiques, Université Boubakar Bâ de Tillabéri, BP: 175 Tillabéri, Niger
3 Université Abdou Moumouni de Niamey, Faculté des Sciences et Techniques, BP. 10662 Niamey, Niger
Original language: French
Copyright © 2023 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The gardening is presented as a credible alternative of crop’s diversification. The potato’s crop (Solanum tuberosum L.) is being done in all the eight regions. On a yearly cycle form October to March. In Agadez region it is producted all over the year. In Tillaberi region particularly at Imanan the practice of two cycles (primary and later) is tested instead of a single yearly cycle as an innovation. The aim of article is to comtribute at the impmrovement of the potato’s crop productivity during a year. The methodology has consisted to lead inquiries and observation of local cultural practices (ground preparation, tuber fragmentation, after pre germination, buttage). From October to December for the primary and from January to March for the later. The plurality of the harvest for the two cyces is of 66 tone against 33 tone of normal cycle. On the other side the selling price of the kg the primary of Decembre and the later of March were respectively 400 and 200 CFA. Whereas the production of February is sold 200 CFA per kg because the offer exceder the demande. It is clearly established that the practice of the two yearly cycles get more products and and incomes.
Author Keywords: Solanum tuberosum, Imanan, Productivity, Nature climatic, food insecurity, Niger.
Abstract: (french)
Le maraichage se présente comme une alternative crédible de la diversification des cultures. La pomme de terre (Solanum tuberosum L.) se cultive dans toutes les 8 régions du Niger sur un cycle annuel d’octobre à mars, à la faveur des températures minima nocturnes de 11°C-24°C. Dans la région d’Agadez, elle est produite toute l’année. Dans la région de Tillabéri, particulièrement l’Imanan la pratique de deux cycles (primeur et retard) de pomme de terre au lieu d’un seul cycle (normal) dans l’année est testée comme innovation. L’objectif de cet article est de contribuer à l’amélioration de la productivité de la culture de pomme de terre au cours d’une même année. La méthodologie a consisté à la conduite d’enquêtes et l’observation des pratiques culturales locales (préparation du sol, fragmentation des tubercules après pré-germination, buttage) d’Octobre à Décembre pour la primeur et de Janvier à Mars pour le retard. Le cumul des récoltes pour les deux cycles de culture est 66 tonnes contre 33 tonnes de cycle normal. Par contre le prix de vente du kg de la primeur de décembre et du retard de mars était respectivement 400 et 200 f.cfa alors que la production de février est cédée à 200 f.cfa /kg car l’offre excédait la demande. Il est clairement établi que la pratique des deux cycles annuels procure plus de produit et de revenu.
Author Keywords: Solanum tuberosum, Imanan, Rendement, Climatique naturel, Insécurité alimentaire.
How to Cite this Article
Mamane Bachir MOUSSA SOUMAILA, Issa ADAMOU, and Zoubeirou ALZOUMA MAYAKI, “Two annual cycles practice of crop Solanum tuberosum L. By horticultural campagn under the natural climatic conditions in Imanan, Niger,” International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, vol. 39, no. 1, pp. 324–332, March 2023.