[ Etude de l’élevage et écologie alimentaire de deux espèces des poissons (Tilapia Niloticus et Clarias Gariepinus) dans le bassin du lac Kivu (Cas de Kalengera) ]
Volume 40, Issue 4, October 2023, Pages 1349–1412
ZAGABE MULUMEODERHWA OLIVIER1, Nicole Cubaka2, Nzigire Buhendwa Rosine3, and Kizungu Mulangane Emmanuel4
1 Chercheur au Centre de Recherche Agro-Alimentaire Lubumbashi (CRAA), Extension de Lwiro, RD Congo
2 Centre de Recherche Agro-Alimentaire Lubumbashi (CRAA), Extension de Lwiro, RD Congo
3 Centre de Recherche Agro-alimentaire Extension de Lwiro au Sud-Kivu (CRAA-LWIRO), RD Congo
4 Centre de Recherche Agro-alimentaire Extension de Lwiro au Sud-Kivu (CRAA-LWIRO), RD Congo
Original language: French
Copyright © 2023 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Our overall objective was to know the ecological and food relations between Tilapia niloticus and Clarias gariepinus in Lake Kivu, precisely in the Kalengera site. The statistical method helped us to compile tables of data from our surveys in our field of study; the analytical method allowed us to analyze all the data and to interpret them, the techniques of the interview by the questionnaire and the documentation allowed us to collect the data of this study, the tools used are the questionnaire, the notepad , pencil and pen. The random sample was determined by Lynch's formula, which for us was more scientific in nature. 25 questionnaires were administered to fishermen and other individuals working in the Kalengera site and 25 others to provincial inspection agents of Agriculture, Fisheries and Livestock with a size of 152 surveyed. The feeding of Tilapia niloticus and Clarias gariepinus must be done taking into account the species but also the stages, among others the fry between them, the juveniles between them and the marsh fish each other according to size, weight and feeding rate to avoid prey and predators in natural selection and protected species umbrellas by several methods in their ecology by the The method of occurrence, number, volume and weight allowed us to study the food ecology of fish (Tilapia niloticus and Clarias gariepinus) which allows to know the number of fish in which each type of food appears to be expressed as a percentage of the total number of fish examined with the total number of individuals of each type of food given as dominant or recessive and to express the volume or weight of each type of food in each stomach with the beneficial percentage of its contents because 99% of Tilapia niloticus species reproduce in pelagic zones by storing their nests in benthic bottom rocks and only 1% can do so at littoral level with the risk of predators while 100% of Clarias gariepinus species bottom their nests. nesting in spawning grounds precisely in coastal macrophytes.
Author Keywords: Food, ecology, nesting, spawning grounds, pelagic areas.
Volume 40, Issue 4, October 2023, Pages 1349–1412
ZAGABE MULUMEODERHWA OLIVIER1, Nicole Cubaka2, Nzigire Buhendwa Rosine3, and Kizungu Mulangane Emmanuel4
1 Chercheur au Centre de Recherche Agro-Alimentaire Lubumbashi (CRAA), Extension de Lwiro, RD Congo
2 Centre de Recherche Agro-Alimentaire Lubumbashi (CRAA), Extension de Lwiro, RD Congo
3 Centre de Recherche Agro-alimentaire Extension de Lwiro au Sud-Kivu (CRAA-LWIRO), RD Congo
4 Centre de Recherche Agro-alimentaire Extension de Lwiro au Sud-Kivu (CRAA-LWIRO), RD Congo
Original language: French
Copyright © 2023 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Our overall objective was to know the ecological and food relations between Tilapia niloticus and Clarias gariepinus in Lake Kivu, precisely in the Kalengera site. The statistical method helped us to compile tables of data from our surveys in our field of study; the analytical method allowed us to analyze all the data and to interpret them, the techniques of the interview by the questionnaire and the documentation allowed us to collect the data of this study, the tools used are the questionnaire, the notepad , pencil and pen. The random sample was determined by Lynch's formula, which for us was more scientific in nature. 25 questionnaires were administered to fishermen and other individuals working in the Kalengera site and 25 others to provincial inspection agents of Agriculture, Fisheries and Livestock with a size of 152 surveyed. The feeding of Tilapia niloticus and Clarias gariepinus must be done taking into account the species but also the stages, among others the fry between them, the juveniles between them and the marsh fish each other according to size, weight and feeding rate to avoid prey and predators in natural selection and protected species umbrellas by several methods in their ecology by the The method of occurrence, number, volume and weight allowed us to study the food ecology of fish (Tilapia niloticus and Clarias gariepinus) which allows to know the number of fish in which each type of food appears to be expressed as a percentage of the total number of fish examined with the total number of individuals of each type of food given as dominant or recessive and to express the volume or weight of each type of food in each stomach with the beneficial percentage of its contents because 99% of Tilapia niloticus species reproduce in pelagic zones by storing their nests in benthic bottom rocks and only 1% can do so at littoral level with the risk of predators while 100% of Clarias gariepinus species bottom their nests. nesting in spawning grounds precisely in coastal macrophytes.
Author Keywords: Food, ecology, nesting, spawning grounds, pelagic areas.
Abstract: (french)
Notre objectif global était de connaître les relations écologiques et alimentaires entre Tilapia niloticus et Clarias gariepinus au Lac Kivu, précisément dans le site de Kalengera. La méthode statistique nous a aidée à constituer des tableaux des données issues de notre enquêtes sur notre terrain d’étude ; la méthode analytique nous a permis d’analyser toute les données et de les interpréter, les techniques de l’interview par le questionnaire et la documentation nous ont permis de récolter les données de cet étude, les outils utilisés sont le questionnaire, le bloc note, le crayon et le stylo. L’échantillon aléatoire etait déterminé par la formule de Lynch revêtant pour nous le caractère plus scientifique25 questionnaires étaient administrés aux pêcheurs et autres individus œuvrant dans le site de Kalengera et 25 autres pour les agents de l’inspection provinciale de l’Agriculture, Pêche et Élevage avec une taille de 152enqueté.L’alimentation des Tilapia niloticus et Clarias gariepinus doit se faire en tenant comptes des espèces mais aussi des stades entre autres les alevins entre eux, les juvéniles entre eux et les poissons marchamps entre eux selon la taille, le poids et le taux d’alimentations pour éviter les proies et les prédateurs dans la sélection naturelle et protégées les espèces parapluies par plusieurs méthodes dans leur ecologie par la La méthode d'occurrence, nombre, volume et poids nous a permis d'étudier l’écologie alimentaire des poissons (Tilapia niloticus et Clarias gariepinus) qui permet de connaître le nombre de poissons dans lequel chaque type de nourriture apparaît exprimer comme un pourcentage du nombre total des poissons examinés avec le nombre total des individus de chaque type de nourriture donné comme dominant ou récessif et exprimer le volume ou poids de chaque type de nourriture dans chaque estomac avec le pourcentage bénéfique de son contenu car 99% des espèces de Tilapia niloticus se reproduisent dans les zones pélagiques en entreposant leurs nids dans les rochers du fond benthiques et seulement 1% peuvent le faire au niveau littoral avec les risques des prédateurs tandis que 100 % d’espèces de Clarias gariepinus fond leurs nidifications dans les zones des frayères précisément dans les macrophytes du littoral.
Author Keywords: Alimentation, écologie, nidification, zones des frayères, zones pélagique.
How to Cite this Article
ZAGABE MULUMEODERHWA OLIVIER, Nicole Cubaka, Nzigire Buhendwa Rosine, and Kizungu Mulangane Emmanuel, “Study of the breeding and feeding ecology of two fish species (Tilapia Niloticus and Clarias Gariepinus) in the Lake Kivu basin (Case of Kalengera),” International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, vol. 40, no. 4, pp. 1349–1412, October 2023.