International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies
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Lithological study of the « Mengo » reservoir in the onshore congolese sedimentary coastal basin in the Republic of Congo

[ Etude lithologique du réservoir « Mengo » dans l’onshore du bassin sédimentaire côtier congolais en République du Congo ]

Volume 43, Issue 4, October 2024, Pages 1113–1125

 Lithological study of the « Mengo » reservoir in the onshore congolese sedimentary coastal basin in the Republic of Congo

Anselme Mavambou Mbadou1, Gustave Ngalamulume Bantu2, Erick Mantuila Tadila3, Aurelie Nkayilu Wa Luvuvamu4, Blaise Baludikay Kabamba5, Jean-René Kabamba Bantu6, Valentin Kanda Nkula7, and Albert Ongendangenda Tienge8

1 Faculty of Oil, Gas and Renewable Energy, University of Kinshasa, RD Congo
2 Faculty of Oil, Gas and Renewable Energy, University of Kinshasa, RD Congo
3 Faculty of Oil, Gas and Renewable Energy, University of Kinshasa, RD Congo
4 Faculty of Oil, Gas and Renewable Energy, University of Kinshasa, RD Congo
5 Faculty of Oil, Gas and Renewable Energy, University of Kinshasa, RD Congo
6 Faculty of science and technology, University of Kinshasa, RD Congo
7 Faculty of science and technology, University of Kinshasa, RD Congo
8 Faculty of science and technology, University of Kinshasa, RD Congo

Original language: French

Copyright © 2024 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


In the onshore Congolese coastal basin, a borehole (kundji-203) encountered a sandstone reservoir from 1480 m MD. Three Runs of 27m each were lowered into the well at the level of the Top-reservoir for the purpose of an in-depth study. The lithological study of this reservoir shows that it is made up of a succession of four compact sandstone levels, interspersed with clayey layers. Its present facies is made up of very fine to medium grains, sometimes coarse or sometimes conglomeratic, brown with clay-carbonate cement. The clayey pastes are gray to greenish, indurated, flaky. The figured elements are made up of rock debris. The mineralogical study of the clay process shows the presence of four types of clay, the most abundant of which is chlorite, followed by illite or smectite and some rare traces of kaolinite.

Author Keywords: Mengo, Kundji, Bindi, onshore, coastal basin, drilling, sandstone reservoir, lithology.

Abstract: (french)

Dans l’onshore du bassin côtier congolais, un forage (kundji-203) a rencontré à partir de 1480 m MD un réservoir gréseux. Trois Runs de 27m chacun ont été descendus dans le puits au niveau du Top-réservoir dans le but d’une étude approfondie. L’étude lithologique de ce réservoir montre qu’il est constitué, d’une succession de quatre niveaux gréseux compacts, intercalés par des passées argileuses. Son faciès présente est constitué de grains très fins à moyens parfois grossiers ou quelques fois conglomératiques, marron à ciment argilo-carbonaté. Les passées argileuses sont grises à verdâtre, indurée, feuilletée. Les éléments figurés sont constitués des débris de roches. L’étude minéralogique du cortège argileux montre la présence des quatre types d’argiles dont la plus abondante est constituée par la chlorite, suivie de l’illite-smectite et quelques rares traces de kaolinite.

Author Keywords: Mengo, Kundji, Bindi, onshore, bassin côtier, forage, réservoir gréseux, lithologie.

How to Cite this Article

Anselme Mavambou Mbadou, Gustave Ngalamulume Bantu, Erick Mantuila Tadila, Aurelie Nkayilu Wa Luvuvamu, Blaise Baludikay Kabamba, Jean-René Kabamba Bantu, Valentin Kanda Nkula, and Albert Ongendangenda Tienge, “Lithological study of the « Mengo » reservoir in the onshore congolese sedimentary coastal basin in the Republic of Congo,” International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, vol. 43, no. 4, pp. 1113–1125, October 2024.