[ Pour une paix durable entre agriculteurs et éleveurs au Bénin: Leçons tirées de la gouvernance des infrastructures et ressources agropastorales dans la Commune de Banikoara ]
Volume 44, Issue 1, November 2024, Pages 60–76

Nestor Alokpaï1, Rahamatou Yacoubou Djibrila2, Tagnon Gontrand Rodrigue Tchekli3, Emmanuel Sambieni4, and Roch Lambert Mongbo5
1 Ecole de Sociologie Rurale et de Vulgarisation agricole, Université Nationale d’Agriculture, Benin
2 Département de Socio-anthropologie, Faculté des Lettres, Arts et Sciences Humaines, Université de Parakou, Benin
3 Ecole de Sociologie Rurale et de Vulgarisation agricole, Université Nationale d’Agriculture, Benin
4 Département de Socio-anthropologie, Faculté des Lettres, Arts et Sciences Humaines, Université de Parakou, Benin
5 Ecole d’Economie, de Socio-anthropologie et Communication, Faculté des Sciences Agronomiques, Université d’Abomey-Calavi, Benin
Original language: French
Copyright © 2024 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Agriculture and livestock farming are very important in the development of African countries. Cohabitation between farmers and breeders as well as the governance of agropastoral resources and infrastructure remain at the heart of political concerns. However, the numerous actions carried out and the measures taken by the actors have not yet made it possible to definitively put an end to the various conflicts. This research aims to provide an overview of the conflicts and analyze but also and above all to analyze the establishment and management of agropastoral resources and infrastructures present in the commune of Banikoara. It was conducted following a socio-anthropological approach using qualitative research methods and tools. To this end, 178 people were surveyed through individual interviews and focus groups. The results made it possible to highlight the marked and georeferenced passage corridors, the grazing areas, the developed baffles and the livestock markets as the main infrastructures and shared resources which have had a positive impact on the reduction of conflicts. However, several modes of governance of these resources and infrastructures have been noted, the most appreciated of which seems to be community governance, followed by mixed governance and delegated governance depending on the case. These infrastructures as well as their governance strengthen cohesion between the different actors involved in use and management, but at the same time constitute factors of conflict.
Author Keywords: agriculture, transhumance, governance, conflicts, agropastoral infrastructure, agropastoral resources, Banikoara, Benin.
Volume 44, Issue 1, November 2024, Pages 60–76

Nestor Alokpaï1, Rahamatou Yacoubou Djibrila2, Tagnon Gontrand Rodrigue Tchekli3, Emmanuel Sambieni4, and Roch Lambert Mongbo5
1 Ecole de Sociologie Rurale et de Vulgarisation agricole, Université Nationale d’Agriculture, Benin
2 Département de Socio-anthropologie, Faculté des Lettres, Arts et Sciences Humaines, Université de Parakou, Benin
3 Ecole de Sociologie Rurale et de Vulgarisation agricole, Université Nationale d’Agriculture, Benin
4 Département de Socio-anthropologie, Faculté des Lettres, Arts et Sciences Humaines, Université de Parakou, Benin
5 Ecole d’Economie, de Socio-anthropologie et Communication, Faculté des Sciences Agronomiques, Université d’Abomey-Calavi, Benin
Original language: French
Copyright © 2024 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Agriculture and livestock farming are very important in the development of African countries. Cohabitation between farmers and breeders as well as the governance of agropastoral resources and infrastructure remain at the heart of political concerns. However, the numerous actions carried out and the measures taken by the actors have not yet made it possible to definitively put an end to the various conflicts. This research aims to provide an overview of the conflicts and analyze but also and above all to analyze the establishment and management of agropastoral resources and infrastructures present in the commune of Banikoara. It was conducted following a socio-anthropological approach using qualitative research methods and tools. To this end, 178 people were surveyed through individual interviews and focus groups. The results made it possible to highlight the marked and georeferenced passage corridors, the grazing areas, the developed baffles and the livestock markets as the main infrastructures and shared resources which have had a positive impact on the reduction of conflicts. However, several modes of governance of these resources and infrastructures have been noted, the most appreciated of which seems to be community governance, followed by mixed governance and delegated governance depending on the case. These infrastructures as well as their governance strengthen cohesion between the different actors involved in use and management, but at the same time constitute factors of conflict.
Author Keywords: agriculture, transhumance, governance, conflicts, agropastoral infrastructure, agropastoral resources, Banikoara, Benin.
Abstract: (french)
L’agriculture et l’élevage revêtent un caractère très important dans le développement des pays africains. La cohabitation entre agriculteurs et éleveurs ainsi que la gouvernance des ressources et infrastructures agropastorales restent au cœur des préoccupations politiques. Les nombreuses actions menées et les mesures prises par les acteurs n’ont cependant pas encore permis de mettre définitivement fin aux différents conflits. Cette recherche vise a à faire un aperçu des conflits et analyser mais aussi et surtout d’analyser la mise en place et la gestion des ressources et infrastructures agropastorales présentes dans la commune de Banikoara. Elle a été conduite suivant une approche socio-anthropologique mobilisant des méthodes et outils de recherche qualitative. A cet effet, 178 personnes ont été enquêtés à travers la réalisation d’entretiens individuels et de focus group. Les résultats ont permis de ressortir les couloirs de passage balisés et géoréférencés, les aires de pâturages, les baffons aménagés et les marchés de bétails comme principales infrastructures et ressources partagées qui ont eu un impact positif sur la réduction des conflits. Cependant, plusieurs modes de gouvernance de ces ressources et infrastructures ont été relevés dont la plus appréciée semble être la gouvernance communautaire, suivie de la gouvernance mixte et celle délégataire selon les cas. Ces infrastructures ainsi que leur gouvernance renforcent la cohésion entre les différents acteurs impliqués dans l’utilisation et la gestion, mais constitue en même temps des facteurs de conflits.
Author Keywords: agriculture, transhumance, gouvernance, conflits, infrastructures agropastorales, ressources agropastorales, Banikoara, Bénin.
How to Cite this Article
Nestor Alokpaï, Rahamatou Yacoubou Djibrila, Tagnon Gontrand Rodrigue Tchekli, Emmanuel Sambieni, and Roch Lambert Mongbo, “For sustainable peace between farmers and breeders in Benin: Lessons learned from the governance of agropastoral infrastructures and resources in the Commune of Banikoara,” International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, vol. 44, no. 1, pp. 60–76, November 2024.