[ Effets de l’aménagement d’une cuvette oasienne pour une gestion durable des ressources naturelles dans le sud-est du Niger ]
Volume 44, Issue 2, December 2024, Pages 546–557

Maigari MALAM ASSANE1, Lawandi KANEMBOU2, Moctar ALI SALEY3, and MAHAMANE Ali4
1 Département sol et Environnement, Université de Diffa, BP 78, Diffa, Niger
2 Département sol et Environnement, Université de Diffa, BP 78, Diffa, Niger
3 Département sol et Environnement, Université de Diffa, BP 78, Diffa, Niger
4 Laboratoire Garba Mounkaila, Université ABDOU MOUMOUNI de Niamey, Faculté des Sciences et Techniques, Département de Biologie, BP 1066 Niamey, Niger
Original language: French
Copyright © 2024 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The development of an oasis basin is an important component for its sustainable management. The aim of this study is to understand the contribution of oasis basin management to improving the resilience of farmers while guaranteeing sustainable exploitation of the managed basin. The methodology used consisted of comparing a developed site with an undeveloped site by means of an assessment of the herbaceous vegetation, an inventory of achievements and socio-economic surveys. The results show that the developed site has 2.5 times richer in flora than the undeveloped site. This flora is dominated by Poaceae with 58.33% of the 12 families and 42.86% of the 5 families encountered on the developed and undeveloped sites respectively. The herbaceous cover was 87.75% and 16.56%, on the developed site and the control site respectively. On average, a farmer cultivates 0.37 ha in the developed basin, where the agro-biodiversity is made up of 21 species, compared with 0.6 ha in the undeveloped basin with an agro-biodiversity of 9 species. This type of farming generates a positive profit margin of around €1,145.59 and €501.99, on average per farmer, in the developed and undeveloped basins respectively. 100% of the farmers thought that the main effect of the development outside the basin was to reduce erosion, while over 98% thought that it improved farm income inside the basin. The development of a basin is a guarantee of its sustainable exploitation.
Author Keywords: oasis basin, sustainable management, herbaceous vegetation, agro-biodiversity, Niger.
Volume 44, Issue 2, December 2024, Pages 546–557

Maigari MALAM ASSANE1, Lawandi KANEMBOU2, Moctar ALI SALEY3, and MAHAMANE Ali4
1 Département sol et Environnement, Université de Diffa, BP 78, Diffa, Niger
2 Département sol et Environnement, Université de Diffa, BP 78, Diffa, Niger
3 Département sol et Environnement, Université de Diffa, BP 78, Diffa, Niger
4 Laboratoire Garba Mounkaila, Université ABDOU MOUMOUNI de Niamey, Faculté des Sciences et Techniques, Département de Biologie, BP 1066 Niamey, Niger
Original language: French
Copyright © 2024 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The development of an oasis basin is an important component for its sustainable management. The aim of this study is to understand the contribution of oasis basin management to improving the resilience of farmers while guaranteeing sustainable exploitation of the managed basin. The methodology used consisted of comparing a developed site with an undeveloped site by means of an assessment of the herbaceous vegetation, an inventory of achievements and socio-economic surveys. The results show that the developed site has 2.5 times richer in flora than the undeveloped site. This flora is dominated by Poaceae with 58.33% of the 12 families and 42.86% of the 5 families encountered on the developed and undeveloped sites respectively. The herbaceous cover was 87.75% and 16.56%, on the developed site and the control site respectively. On average, a farmer cultivates 0.37 ha in the developed basin, where the agro-biodiversity is made up of 21 species, compared with 0.6 ha in the undeveloped basin with an agro-biodiversity of 9 species. This type of farming generates a positive profit margin of around €1,145.59 and €501.99, on average per farmer, in the developed and undeveloped basins respectively. 100% of the farmers thought that the main effect of the development outside the basin was to reduce erosion, while over 98% thought that it improved farm income inside the basin. The development of a basin is a guarantee of its sustainable exploitation.
Author Keywords: oasis basin, sustainable management, herbaceous vegetation, agro-biodiversity, Niger.
Abstract: (french)
L’aménagement d’une cuvette oasienne constitue une composante importante pour sa gestion durable. L’objectif de cette étude est de comprendre l’apport de l’aménagement d’une cuvette oasienne dans l’amélioration de la résilience des exploitants tout en garantissant une exploitation durable de la cuvette aménagée. La méthodologie utilisée à consister de comparer un site aménagé à un site non aménagé à travers une évaluation de la végétation herbacée, un inventaire des réalisations et des enquêtes socio-économiques. Les résultats montrent que le site aménagé présente 2,5 fois de flore plus riche que le site non aménagé. Cette flore est dominée par les poacées avec 58,33% des 12 familles et 42,86% des 5 familles rencontrées respectivement sur les sites aménagé et non aménagé. Le recouvrement herbacé est de 87,75% et 16,56%, respectivement sur le site aménagé et le site témoin. En moyenne, un exploitant cultive 0,37 ha dans la cuvette aménagée, où l’agro-biodiversité est constituée de 21 spéculations contre 0,6 ha dans la cuvette non aménagée avec une agro-biodiversité de 9 spéculations. Cette exploitation procure une marge bénéficiaire positive de l’ordre de 1145,59 euros et 501,99 euros, en moyenne par exploitant, respectivement dans les cuvettes aménagée et non aménagée. Les exploitants estiment à 100% que le principal effet de l’aménagement à l’extérieur de la cuvette est la diminution de l’érosion alors qu’ils pensent à plus de 98% à l’amélioration du revenu agricole à l’intérieur de la cuvette. L’aménagement d’une cuvette est un gage pour son exploitation durable.
Author Keywords: cuvette oasienne, gestion durable, végétation herbacée, agro-biodiversité, Niger.
How to Cite this Article
Maigari MALAM ASSANE, Lawandi KANEMBOU, Moctar ALI SALEY, and MAHAMANE Ali, “The effects of developing an oasis basin for sustainable natural resource management in south-eastern Niger,” International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, vol. 44, no. 2, pp. 546–557, December 2024.