[ Vulnérabilité urbaine sous l’angle de la gestion des ressources hydriques et vivrières: Application des quartiers précaires de la Ville de Lubumbashi, RD Congo ]
Volume 44, Issue 4, February 2025, Pages 972–982

Balloy Mwanza Perry1, Katenda Kankokwe Cathy2, and Philippe Hanocq3
1 Professeur au département de Génie Civil, Ecole Supérieure des Ingénieurs Industriels, Lubumbashi, RD Congo
2 Professeure au département de Psychologie du Travail, Faculté de Psychologie et de Sciences de l’Education, Lubumbashi, RD Congo
3 Professeur émérite au département d’Architecture et d’Urbanisme à l’Université de Liège, Belgium
Original language: French
Copyright © 2025 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The strong demographic pressure on urban-rural environments in the cities of developing countries is very significant, making their evolution difficult to predict and plan. It is accompanied by serious problems in these areas that migrants do not have the means to address. These include: increasing unemployment, growing insecurity, land tenure, the proliferation of shanty towns, growing impoverishment, lack of urban amenities and services and insufficient housing. Furthermore, the remarkable fact of the recent history of the city of Lubumbashi is the proliferation of spontaneous neighborhoods and spaces of illegal and irregular occupation. This proliferation of precarious housing is the consequence of the lack of response from the State and the formal sector to the needs of the population in general, especially city dwellers and new city dwellers who navigate between the city and the countryside at will. economic and food crises.
Author Keywords: precarious housing, spontaneous neighborhood, slums, water and market gardening crisis, absence of equipment.
Volume 44, Issue 4, February 2025, Pages 972–982

Balloy Mwanza Perry1, Katenda Kankokwe Cathy2, and Philippe Hanocq3
1 Professeur au département de Génie Civil, Ecole Supérieure des Ingénieurs Industriels, Lubumbashi, RD Congo
2 Professeure au département de Psychologie du Travail, Faculté de Psychologie et de Sciences de l’Education, Lubumbashi, RD Congo
3 Professeur émérite au département d’Architecture et d’Urbanisme à l’Université de Liège, Belgium
Original language: French
Copyright © 2025 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The strong demographic pressure on urban-rural environments in the cities of developing countries is very significant, making their evolution difficult to predict and plan. It is accompanied by serious problems in these areas that migrants do not have the means to address. These include: increasing unemployment, growing insecurity, land tenure, the proliferation of shanty towns, growing impoverishment, lack of urban amenities and services and insufficient housing. Furthermore, the remarkable fact of the recent history of the city of Lubumbashi is the proliferation of spontaneous neighborhoods and spaces of illegal and irregular occupation. This proliferation of precarious housing is the consequence of the lack of response from the State and the formal sector to the needs of the population in general, especially city dwellers and new city dwellers who navigate between the city and the countryside at will. economic and food crises.
Author Keywords: precarious housing, spontaneous neighborhood, slums, water and market gardening crisis, absence of equipment.
Abstract: (french)
La forte pression démographique sur les milieux urbano-ruraux dans les villes des pays en développement est très importante, rendant leur évolution difficile à prévoir et à planifier. Elle s’accompagne de graves problèmes sur ces espaces que les migrants n’ont pas les moyens de relever. Il s’agit notamment: de l’accroissement du chômage, de l’insécurité grandissante, la tenure foncière, la prolifération des bidonvilles, la paupérisation croissante, du manque d’équipements et services urbains et de l’insuffisance de logements. Par ailleurs, le fait remarquable de l’histoire récente de la ville de Lubumbashi est la prolifération des quartiers spontanés et des espaces d’occupation illégale et irrégulière. Cette prolifération de l’habitat précaire est la conséquence de l’absence de réponse de l’Etat et du secteur formel aux besoins de la population en général, surtout des citadins et des néo-citadins qui naviguent entre la ville et la campagne au gré des crises économiques et alimentaires.
Author Keywords: habitat précaire, quartier spontané, bidonvilles, crise de l’eau et maraîchères, absence d’équipements.
How to Cite this Article
Balloy Mwanza Perry, Katenda Kankokwe Cathy, and Philippe Hanocq, “Urban vulnerability from the point of view of water and food resource management: Application of the precarious neighbourhoods of the City of Lubumbashi, DR Congo,” International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, vol. 44, no. 4, pp. 972–982, February 2025.