[ Obstacles à l’entrepreunariat chez les jeunes du centre commercial de Kasenyi, Province de l’Ituri, République Démocratique du Congo ]
Volume 44, Issue 4, February 2025, Pages 1000–1006

Kabona Basara Joseph1 and Amuda Baba Dieu-Merci2
1 Assistant à l’Institut Supérieur des Techniques Médicales de Nyankunde (ISTM, Nyankunde), RD Congo
2 Professeur Associé, Institut Supérieur des Techniques Médicales de Bunia (ISTM, Bunia), RD Congo
Original language: French
Copyright © 2025 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
This study was carried out with the aim of describing the obstacles to entrepreneurship among young people in the Kasenyi business Centre. To conduct this study, a survey supported by a semi-structured interview was used with 196 young people. Content analysis using percentage calculations was used to analyze the data. After analysis the study revealed the following results: - In terms of personal obstacles, 32.14% of respondents mentioned fear of failing after starting a business. Among respondents who were not ready to start their own business, 67.68% felt that entrepreneurship was too demanding. - As for economic obstacles, the lack of funds (38,95), and difficulties in accessing financing (84.18%) were mentioned by the majority of respondents. - As for socio-cultural obstacles, the lack of support resources (13,68%), insecurity (14.74%) and unfavorable environment (12.63%) were mentioned by respondents. Although some of the young people who have been trained in entrepreneurship have actually undertaken activities, the obstacles are still enormous and need to be analyzed and overcome in order to get young people effectively involved in entrepreneurship.
Author Keywords: obstacles, entrepreneurship, youth.
Volume 44, Issue 4, February 2025, Pages 1000–1006

Kabona Basara Joseph1 and Amuda Baba Dieu-Merci2
1 Assistant à l’Institut Supérieur des Techniques Médicales de Nyankunde (ISTM, Nyankunde), RD Congo
2 Professeur Associé, Institut Supérieur des Techniques Médicales de Bunia (ISTM, Bunia), RD Congo
Original language: French
Copyright © 2025 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
This study was carried out with the aim of describing the obstacles to entrepreneurship among young people in the Kasenyi business Centre. To conduct this study, a survey supported by a semi-structured interview was used with 196 young people. Content analysis using percentage calculations was used to analyze the data. After analysis the study revealed the following results: - In terms of personal obstacles, 32.14% of respondents mentioned fear of failing after starting a business. Among respondents who were not ready to start their own business, 67.68% felt that entrepreneurship was too demanding. - As for economic obstacles, the lack of funds (38,95), and difficulties in accessing financing (84.18%) were mentioned by the majority of respondents. - As for socio-cultural obstacles, the lack of support resources (13,68%), insecurity (14.74%) and unfavorable environment (12.63%) were mentioned by respondents. Although some of the young people who have been trained in entrepreneurship have actually undertaken activities, the obstacles are still enormous and need to be analyzed and overcome in order to get young people effectively involved in entrepreneurship.
Author Keywords: obstacles, entrepreneurship, youth.
Abstract: (french)
Cette étude a été réalisée dans le but de décrire les obstacles à l’entreprenariat chez les jeunes du centre commercial de Kasenyi. Pour sa réalisation, la méthode d’enquête appuyée par l’interview semi-structurée a été utilisée auprès de 196 jeunes. L’analyse de contenu moyennant le calcul de pourcentage a servi pour l’analyse des données. Après analyse, l’étude a révélé les résultats suivants: - Pour les obstacles personnels, la peur d’échouer après avoir entrepris a été évoquée par 32,14% par les enquêtés. Parmi les enquêtés qui n’étaient pas prêts à entreprendre, 67,68% ont évoqué que l’entreprenariat est trop exigeant. - Pour les obstacles économiques, le manque de fonds (38,95), les difficultés d’accéder aux financements (84,18%) ont été évoqués par la majorité des enquêtés. - Pour les obstacles socio-culturels, le manque de moyens d’accompagnement (13,68%), l’insécurité (14,74%), l’environnement non favorable (12,63%) ont été évoqués par les enquêtés. Bien que parmi les jeunes ayant été formés en entreprenariat, quelques-uns ont réellement entrepris des activités, les obstacles restent énormes et méritent d’être analysés et contournés afin de permettre l’implication effective des jeunes dans l’entreprenariat.
Author Keywords: obstacles, entreprenariat, jeunes.
How to Cite this Article
Kabona Basara Joseph and Amuda Baba Dieu-Merci, “Obstacles to entrepreneurship among young people in the Kasenyi business centre, Ituri Province, Democratic Republic of Congo,” International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, vol. 44, no. 4, pp. 1000–1006, February 2025.